· Oct 4, 2024

Since VS Code 1.94 the Explorer's Find widget (Ctrl+Alt+F) on server-side (isfs) folders requires v2.12.9-beta.4 or later with proposed APIs enabled

This is a consequence of work being done by the VS Code team to improve Find in Explorer.

Symptoms without proposed APIs:

Note the continual clock badge and progress bar.

With proposed APIs enabled you will require v2.12.9-beta.4 or later, otherwise the find runs but returns no results.

See for more information.

Discussion (1)1
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With the release of VS Code 1.94.2 today this problem has been resolved unless you are using a multi-root workspace that has one or more file:// root folders in addition to your isfs:// one(s).

A side effect of the 1.94.2 fix is that people using our beta VSIX with proposed APIs enabled will no longer get the benefit of the new 1.94 Explorer Find functionality, despite the beta being capable of participating in this. We hope the VS Code team will resolve this in 1.95 next month.