in the InterSystems management portal, I am in the lookup table viewer (interoperability>lookup Tables, I would like to use import function to convert our existing table from other system to intersystems lookup table.

so I converted our existing one like below and saved it as xxx.xml file locally. when I try to import, it says it is not a valid export file.

my question is " what's the valid format for a file to be valid to use to import for lookup table?"

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,543 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Community,

I have below scenario

We have IRIS BI Reports in my application. I want to create a automated backend utility (similar to background cache system task) which run these bi reports and export them to PDF at a specific path. In dashboard we have defined <property name="print">1</property> which allows report export to PDF.

Now I want to debug the code (line by line) from dashboard to %DeepSee.UI.MDXPDF.cls but I am not sure is this possible or not.

Please suggest. Thanks in advance!

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Dear Fellow Cache Developers and Cache Experts,

The company I work for has a Cache Web Application that is built on the Cache ZEN framework. The application has run very well for almost 2 decades across many versions of MS Internet Explorer ranging from IE5 all the way through IE11.

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This question originally appeared in the comments of the post: Making Prometheus Monitoring for InterSystems IRIS and Caché

I am new to IRIS, I was setting up the monitoring referring to the above documentation. Please can you help me how can I compile the my.metrics class mentioned in the documentation through CLI in the Linux VM where I am not having studio setup. Could you help me please?

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how to use the GitUI plugin in the HealthShare Health Connect Cloud user interface to make changes to your interfaces in the Management Portal and commit them directly to your source control workflow.

Using UI Based Source Control for Health Connect Cloud
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· Jun 23
Long JSON values

I have JSON object which contains file references. I need to replace the file reference with base64 encoded file which is up to 10MB.

I tried the following but it did not work as expected:

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· Jun 16
Securing URL

Hi Guys,

Not really familiar with how to secure URLs and using SSLs, but we currently looking to change our url from http:/www to https:/www so my understanding is once we get a certificate its a matter of creating a new SSL/TLS configuration and assign the certificate to it, then what how to apply it in out URL, or do we have to do this in IIS?


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A report that I need to create - I need to write a class method that will execute a few queries and save the data to a class and then return the data in a result set that can be used in the Logi report as a Stored procedure.

I can create the class method that is a Stored procedure and do the queries and manipulate the data, however I am having an issue at the end of the method to return the fields back as a result set.

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After running many tests to kick the tires calling Python from COS (which worked fine) in any directory, I encountered problems when trying to access Python libraries like Numpy from any OTHER namespace. I saw some other posts about this but the resolution seems unclear. When I run the test program method numpytest below in %SYS it works just fine. If i run the Python method in any other namespace I get:

PITT>do ##class(test.python).numpytest()
DO ##CLASS(test.python).numpytest()
<OBJECT DISPATCH> *python object not found

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to see how HL7® FHIR® Implementation Guides allow you to restrict or extend APIs, resources, and terminologies:

What are HL7 FHIR Implementation Guides
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In Cache End of file throws error but in IRIS no indication of End of file. I have to do an explicit $ZOF. How are you handling/detecting End of File in IRIS?

In cache this line will throw End of file error - F PREC=1:1 U FILE R REC D SOMETHING

But in IRIS this goes to forever, has anyone noticed this behaviour in IRIS?

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It's not clear to me, when using the InterSystems Container Repository, which version is the best / most recent non-preview Community Edition version to use.

I see lots of 2023.2.x versions, a single 2023.3 and 2024.1 version, but also a latest-cd and latest-em (with no explanation as to what cd and em mean).

I assume the trick is to use one of the latest-xx ones? If so, which?

Unfortunately I haven't been able to find any explanatory information anywhere about the nomenclature conventions used.

Many thanks

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Is there a way to exclude specific members from a class when exporting to an XML or UDL file? Bonus question: is there a way to import from that file without overwriting those members that were excluded?

The use case is to export an interoperability production class without the ProductionDefinition XDATA. We plan to source control the production items through the Ensemble Deployment Manager, but we still need to export any custom code in the class definition itself.

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I'm trying to change the Stream property inside a DTL with a Source Class of Ens.StreamContainer. The code, below, will change it within the DTL testing tool, but running an actual message through the Production's Process doesn't change the Stream property. I can change other properties of Ens.StreamContainer by using the normal Set action and it is reflected when running it through the Process. For context, this uses a FTP service to grab a file. Any thoughts on why I can't just write modified stream data to the Stream property?

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I restore the “dirty” copy of the IRIS.DAT files, then apply the incremental backup as documented for Online Backup. As shown in the picture, restarting the service before mounting and rejoining the database to the mirror can restore the mirror database to the point in time of dirty data. I think the mount method used here is the default value, and I don't want it to perform mirrorcatchup. Is there any other way to recover the mirrored database to the point in time of dirty data?

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I begin to work with VSCode and all is ok but i have just one problem with ObjectscriptQuality plugin. I have no feedback in the problem tab using the objectScriptQuality plugin.

I only have feedback from InterSystems Language Server plugin. Where could the problem come from?

My goal is to use objectscriptQyality with the basic rules at first

I work with iris 22.3

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