· Jan 21

In Studio is there a way to access the code that flags whether a project has unsaved changes? (is there a property that controls the "star" on unsaved projects?)

I'm working on some code that would benefit from being able to see whether or not a project file has been saved in Studio.

I can see when I make changes, that the project name has an asterisk added to it:

In searching for it, however, I haven't been able to find any methods or calls to access the property/check that controls that asterisk.

My question is whether anyone out there knows if that is accessible and if so then how can it be accessed.

I'd like to add a check in my code that enforces that the project file must be saved prior to proceeding with the intended action. (alerting in case the asterisk is present, e.g. the project hasn't been saved)


Product version: IRIS 2024.1
$ZV: IRIS for Windows (x86-64) 2024.1 (Build 267_2U) Tue Apr 30 2024 16:35:10 EDT
Discussion (2)2
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Hi @Andre Ribera , AFAIK there isn't a way to check on a server if a Studio client connected to it has unsaved changes to a project. You can edit projects programmatically using the %Studio.Project class. You may also want to consider making your app IDE-agnostic because Studio is deprecated and has been removed from IRIS kits starting with 2024.2.