Hi All,

I have a general query in regards to developers experience on extracting data from cache databases and the most efficient way to do so. I work with a number of clients who have applications with cache databases and require the data off the host system and onto data warehouse platforms for research and analysis. Often they require the data in source state which means the extracts are often simply a table scan of the entire database table without any aggregation or manipulation.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 18,859 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

We at George James Software recently released a new version of Deltanji, the native source code management tool for Caché, Ensemble and HealthShare.

Version 6.1 includes several enhancements, including easy creation of labels. Bulk transfer of large codesets is also now available from the browser UI.

A perpetually free "install and go" Solo Edition of Deltanji is available. Licenses can be purchased for other editions that provide more advanced code management and deployment features.

Deltanji is compatible with Atelier. It can also manage external files.

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0 537
· Oct 24, 2016
Call Java package from Caché


I'm a beginner in HealthShare, and I start to develop with caché some dataflow.

Some of my business process exist in java code.

Is-it possible to call these packages from caché classes ?

If it is, how can I do it in Caché classe ?


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NewBie's Corner Session 21 Parameters Part II

Welcome to NewBie's Corner, a weekly or biweekly post covering basic Caché Material.


In the previous session we saw how to call RtnB from RtnA with Parameters.

We also defined Parameters as another name for Variables when used in passing data from one Routine to another, or, from one Label to another.

Calling a routine from a Label, or to a Label, from within a routine is very similar to calling a routine itself.

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· Oct 19, 2016
Upgrade to Ensemble 2016

Hi All,

We are Upgrading the Application from Ensemble 2009 to 2016.1. We have imported the user, Roles and Resources.
But the Sql Tables and Sql Procedures are not being visible in Management portal -> Security Management -> User.
Please give me a solution or basics steps for importing those.

Manoj J

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· Oct 21, 2016
Zen Mojo 1.1.2 released

I am happy to share the news that Zen Mojo 1.1.2 has been released. This release includes a critical fix for Firefox that we had to get out as fast as possible. No other changes are included to allow easy upgrades. We recommend upgrading to this release if you are running on Zen Mojo 1.1.1.

All upcoming Caché and Ensemble releases will ship with Zen Mojo 1.1.2.

You can download Zen Mojo kits from the WRC distribution page: https://wrc.intersystems.com/wrc/Distribution.csp

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0 330
· Oct 21, 2016
Fault reason in SOAP client


does anybody know how to differentiate ZSOAP failures when using %SOAP.WebClient? I would need to know what error condition occurred, e.g. authorization failed, endpoint timeout etc.

All I get on failure is an ZSOAP exception which does not seem to explain anything specific.



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For the first time, InterSystems Global Summit is being held in September – September 10-13th, 2017.
And it’s being held at a new venue, the beautiful JW Marriott Desert Palms in Palm Springs, CA.

Global Summit 2017 will have the Solution Developer Conference, Healthcare Leadership Conference (by invitation only), and Technology Leadership Conference (by invitation only).

Visit www.intersystems.com/summit17 for Summit pricing and hotel information.

Online registration and agendas will be coming soon.

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This is a beginner’s guide to the design of a “MicroService” implemented in Ensemble. “MicroService” is a popular phrase these days which has a broad interpretation. My interpretation is: “MicroService” is a “NoSQL Service”. A what? The answer is in the article.

We learnt what the difference is between SQL and NoSQL databases. For me the difference is nearly the same between a SOA Web Service and a “MicroService”. I am going to explain it through an example.

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This tells me that there is no timezone offset on this table/field:

Select TOP 1 GETDATE() as Now, TimeCreated FROM ens.messageheader ORDER BY TimeCreated DESC;
Now TimeCreated
------------------- -------------------
2016-10-18 16:16:49 2016-10-18 16:16:31
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· Oct 20, 2016
%UnitTest Code Coverage


When we write unit test cases for cache object script code using %UnitTest.TestCase, what is the best way to write code to identify code coverage?

So, let say my unit test case hit all 10 lines of code of a method for a given class. So, unit test coverage should be 100% for that. But, using line-by-line coverage [(%Monitor.System.LineByLine] getting wrong percentage, because it also includes code comment/documentation as part of code. So, practically we can not ever achieve 100% of code coverage by using this API.

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I just installed the latest update for Atelier (Version: 1.0.255) and I am trying to add the Ensemble 2016.2 build 736 release to my workspace. It allows me to add all the correct information, test the connection (succeeded) , but the "Finish" button is greyed out so I can't save the configuration. Anyone else seeing this?

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Suppose I have a project in Atelier with two classes: Class A and Class B and develop it in my local Caché installation.

If I decide to delete Class A and delete it in Atelier project will it be deleted in Caché automatically or should I do it manually?

Or what is the suggested workflow in this case?

Same question is if I decide to rename Class B to Class C.

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0 573

I have a persistent class where I am logging each CCDA I receive. I want to store all of the providers associated to that CCDA (many to one). In a relational database, I would have a child table with a foreign key to the primary table. I'm guessing the equivalent to Cache would be

1. Create a custom class (ProviderList) with the properties I want to store.

2. Add the class as a property of my CCDA persistent class.

Property Providers as Array of ProviderList (SQLProjection = "table/column";

Am I on the right track?

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0 474
· Oct 17, 2016
Are we using callin API?

Hello community; this may seem odd, but I need to know if there's any way we could be using callin functions from a C application without knowing? e.g. if other developers created some C programs that call in to Caché that we don't realize are running. Is that possible? If so, where would I look to see these programs? Perhaps the server's task manager?

Thanks --Laura

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