
I found another question on how to change the language for Studio (but it would've been nice to have my actual language used - Ukrainian, since it's available, or was available). Still, I can't seem to figure out how to get rid of gibberish in the menu without changing the Windows settings:

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Please help,

I'm using a SearchAndFetchRequest to retrieve a full SDA3 Container from the ACCESS gateway. The response is presented in the pResponse.SearchAndFetchGeneralResult.XMLData property. This property is of type string. I want to put the data from this property in a HS.SDA3.Container and then use this container is a dtl for translation purposes. My current data in the XMLData property is too large to fit in a string. Therefore I'm searching for a way to convert te data to a stream and that import the stream into my Container...

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Is there way to set up an automated batch job in the Management Portal to execute an SQL query. Also, how can the related view be exported. I have executed the SQL queries and see the view and created files manually. I could not find any related documentation on the batch processes, but I thought batch or automated jobs could be set up via the Management Portal. Any information is appreciated...


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· May 17, 2022
Create aJSON file

Hi Guys,

How do I create a JSON with the below structure pls:

"field 1": "123",
"field 2": "1.1.1",
"field 3": "4.428",
"Lines": [
[ 0.00523, 0.00952, 0.01626 ],
[ -0.00303, -0.00286, 0.00387 ],
[ 0.00110, 0.00814, 0.00800 ],
[ -0.00991, 0.00952, 0.00800 ]


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· Jun 10, 2019
Purge timeframe

Hi all.

I was wondering if anyone knew if the purge tasks in Ensemble consider a day to be midnight to midnight, or 24 hours from the time of running the task?


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We are going to have basic patient demographic data coming in to Cache via a webservice. I thought that I should define the input as XML something like the FHIR format (with UK extensions).

In the past we've input XML streams and used the %XML.Reader to convert them to matching classes successfully, so I thought it would be easy. However, I've found that the FHIR format stores everything in attributes like:

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We have a set of some fairly standard HL7 interfaces that usually end up doing about 90% of the same thing as every other interface. I'd really like to be able to write a script that I can modify some text, and have it create Services, Processes, Operations, DTL and Business Rules.

So, let me provide a more concrete example: I feel capable of a writing to and replacing variables within a text file, different process. This is obviously going to be pseudo-code, but my thinking is this

Create "Memorial Hospital Process"

Create "Memorial Hospital

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Working on "HealthShare 2019.1 [HealthShare Modules: Core:17.0.9941 + Patient Index:17.0.9941 + Clinical Viewer:17.0.9941 + Active Analytics:17.0.9941] - Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2018.1.1 (Build 312_1_18859U) Tue Mar 19 2019 00:43:30 EDT"

In creating a DeepSee Cube - Pivot - Dashboard I am not finding out how to sort my rows by the row label value.

My Rows are numeric values, but they are sorting lexically not numerically. By this I mean that given the Row Values 1, 2, 3, 10, 100 the rows ar being displayed in the Analyzer in the alphabetic order of:

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here is my trigger:

   DECLARE @var_row_data VARCHAR(16336);
      1 = 1 
      and 1 = 1
   -- I will use OLD/NEW alias here set @var_row_data = ''; LANGUAGE sql insert into mytable (id, data) values(1, @var_row_data);

here is error message:

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· Jan 26, 2023
Using ODBC on linux

I already have a working setup with:

- Ubuntu 21.10
- Unixodbc 2.3.6
- ODBC-2018.1.5.659.0-lnxubuntux64
- libcacheodbcur64.so

I have tried to update to:

- Ubuntu 22.04
- Unixodbc 2.3.9

But, i am getting "SQLDriverConnect: 0 [unixODBC][Driver Manager]Driver does not support the requested version".

So, I have tried to switch to:

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I'm trying to tie IRIS (2019.1) into our Concord Fax cloud-based email-to-fax workflow. We have some sites that require a fax be sent to multiple locations based upon certain data (ie Radiology and Emergency departments). Unfortunately, CC-ing does not work with Concord Fax so I need a way to send the email, change the recipient, and then send it again if certain criteria are met. Is this possible? Do I need to duplicate and rename the method, calling the second one in the MessageMap?

Here's what my code currently looks like:

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Hi -

I'm working on a project that will be dealing with depression screening and I'm not certain where any of this information would belong in the HL7v2.x world.

Can anyone suggest what the proper placement of "has this person been screened" and if so, "this was what the screening showed"?

At first thought I was thinking that this is an "Observation" of some sort (and ORU message) for the "what the screening (or perhaps testing) showed", but I'm not sure if the screening was performed yes/no qualifies as an "ordered test".

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Is there a way to get a report of how many messages are passing through a production? I am trying to gauge how many messages we process weekly, monthly, and yearly. Also, over specific months.

Would appreciate if someone can guide me on this

We use Cache for Windows 2017.1.3

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