InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,185 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Morning everyone,

I would appreciate some advice please- hopefully there is plenty of experts out there.

We are setting up an sFTP share between hospital trusts here in the UK and I have set the outbound operation up using a custom extension of EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation.

We are configuring a VPN tunnel to run between the sites also so there is a bit of firewall / network routing to take place to enable the connection but to add in a complication we are on a mirrored cluster and usually present on a Virtual IP address.

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Hi Developers!

As you know the concept of ObjectScript Package Manager consists of ZPM client - client application for IRIS which helps you to install packages from the registry. And the code which works "on the other side" is ZPM Registry - server which hosts packages and exposes API to submit, list and install it. Now when you install the ZPM client it installs packages from community package registry, which si hosted on

But what if you want your own registry? E.g. you produce different software packages for your clients and you want to distribute it via private registry? Also, you may want to use your own registry to deploy solutions with different combinations of packages.

Is it possible? The answer is YES! You can have it if you deploy ZPM registry on your server with InterSystems IRIS.

To make it happen you would need to set up your own registry server.

How to do that?

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Check out this short demo on the InterSystems Developer YouTube channel showing how the new Production Component Driver can be used for Source Control of Interoperability Productions.

The driver enables highly granular management of interoperability productions with tight integration into the InterSystems IRIS management portal.

Using Deltanji for Source Control of Interoperability Productions
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Hi Community,

We're excited to announce a new ↔ Developers Connections activity on Global Masters.

Do you have a tricky question/topic you wish to discuss with someone with hands-on experience? We want to make it easy for you to network, brainstorm ideas and discuss questions with your peers.

Now you can request a connection on a certain topic via Global Masters challenge, and also reply to others' requests! Check out the "Connections" channel

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Hello Community,

when trying to send HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Request objects to an external FHIR server, I get errors: ERROR #6156: No match between server name '...' and SSL certificate values '...'. The reason is pretty clear, the problem is that we don't get correct certificates in time, but have some pressure to go live with the interface.

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Hey Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Semantic Interoperability at Healthix: Using Managed Terminology within HealthShare @ Global Summit 2022
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· Nov 18, 2022 1m read
Jupyter and IRIS - The Simple Version

There are several great articles in the community showing how to use Jupyter and InterSystems IRIS together, and I encourage you to check them out in the link at the end of this article for more in depth understanding.

This is just another one, the difference is on the simplicity. Do you want to just start a container where Jupyter is already connected to an IRIS instance? Then this is for you!

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I would like to define an advanced filter within my pivot table that allows me to look at diagnosis codes, or at procedure codes - but I do not want to hard code values within the pivot table definition (get the %OR defined).

I would like to be able to allow my dashboard user to chose what specific diagnosis codes or procedure codes they are interested in. So for example one user may want to look for # of patients with cancer dx or patients who have had a radiation procedure.

How can I accomplish this OR feature using dashboard filters?

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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how InterSystems has been building out capabilities to support current and future regulations in the US market that can have a significant impact on payers and providers:

How InterSystems Supports the CMS & ONC Regulations as well as Prior Authorization @ Global Summit 2022
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Hi guys,

Open question for all of you...

We are getting some warnings in our code of a class definition when switching namespaces in the code, because the classes we use in different namespace wouldn't exist in each other's... an example:

ClassMethod DoSomething() {
     set oldNS=$zutil(5)
     znspace "SECONDNS"
     set ok=##class(MyPackage.MyClass).MyMethod()
     znspace oldNS

In that example, the vscode "Intersystems Language Server" extension would tag "MyPackage.MyClass" as a problem because that class only exists in the second namespace.

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Hello everyone,

I have a doubt, its possible to use interface like C# using COS?

Remember, interface is different from Abstract Class, because a abstract class can implement code in the method, so I don't want this, I want only define the methods from Class, not allowing implement code.

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Hi Developers,

We're super excited to share with you the new awesome functionality of the Online Analytics Dashboard for every Community member 🔥

From now on, you can see your own detailed statistics for the current week, month, and all time, including:

  • number of views, likes, comments, followers
  • timeline graphics of views, likes, actions with your posts, comments
  • a table containing info about views, comments, and likes for your every post

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      · Nov 15, 2022
      Message Router "Copy"

      I copied an existing message router and when I make changes to the rules in the copy it changes the values in the original message rounter.

      How can I update my copy to have unqie values in my rules.

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      Thank you for reading this question, and thank you for your time and replies.

      I was wondering which ways, tools, mechanisms, or vias would you recommend to teach to kids, teens, adults, being your sons / daughters or not; your passion or likelihood for programming and computers?

      I know there are some programming free games like the following ones:

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      • I have created a business service that uses an adaptor that I wrote by extending Ens.InboundAdapter (i.e. the ADAPTOR parameter is set to my custom adaptor ).
      • The OnTask() method of my adaptor polls our IRIS database to determine which records are ready to be sent out of our system to an external target system.
      • If the record is ready the OnTask() method creates an instance of the Business Service and then calls the OnProcess() method sending in the record as the input.
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      Hey Community,

      We are glad to invite you to the upcoming kick-off webinar on the FHIR for Women's Health programming contest.

      FemTech (software for women’s health) is an integral part of modern healthcare delivery that individualizes care and encourages patient empowerment. The women’s digital health market is projected to continue to grow as we prioritize and de-stigmatize women’s health issues.

      In this webinar, we'll show you some of the general principles and problems of solving issues connected to women's health, as well as share some great ideas for your inspiration. As always, we’ll discuss and answer the questions on how to build solutions using InterSystems IRIS for Health.

      Date & Time: Monday, November 14 – 11:00 AM EDT

      🗣 @Aya Heshmat, Product Specialist
      🗣 @Dean Andrews, Head of Developer Relations
      🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager

      >> Register here <<
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      Hey Developers,

      Watch this video to learn how InterSystems IRIS users are deploying Embedded Python to speed their application development:

      Embedded Python Use Cases @ Global Summit 2022
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