I'm running a query, joining nine tables together. When I run it with a SELECT COUNT(*) I get about 200,000 rows. When I run the SELECT with the columns I want, I get about 2,700 rows. Is there something inherent with the queries that limits the result set size, or anything I can do to make sure I'm getting back all the results? Rather, than trying to run it about 100 times limiting all previously gotten accounts.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 21,658 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

Hi Guys,

I'm calling the expandAll() method to expand the whole tree structure but for some reason its only expanding the root folders but not all elements under those folders ?

var tree = zenPage.getComponentById( "MyTree");


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Hi Folks,

I would like to visulaize the tables and data on Power BI, so I try to connect the romote server to Power BI to access the tables and data of remote server. I can able to connect that remote server to our Studio also able to view class files.
But I couldn't able to connect the remote server to power BI. I'm getting the below error while click on the tables

"Expression.Error: This native database query isn't currently supported"

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0 1.4K
· Oct 11, 2024
Connection to DB problem


Could not connect to DB using IRIS studio, and I don`t know why, maybe someone can help.

Checked already user - it have %All rights

Also, tried using _SYSTEM user, but the same error is occured.

Does anyone have suggestions, I will appreciate your help.

Providing some screenshots regarding this problem.

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Is anyone using the IPM client (e.g., running commands like zpm "install somepackagename") on an IRIS version earlier than 2022.1?

We're thinking about raising the minimum supported version so we can use Embedded Python in IPM. I'm curious if this would impact anyone. Of course, you'd be able to continue to use an earlier version of IPM.

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So I know we can run routines using both XECUTE or @
However both of them run slower than just running the routine without it. (that is because as far as i understand, XECUTE command for example will re-compile before running?)

the question is: how can I run a routine by name - and keeping the performance as good as possible?

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It's not supported at the moment but is it possible to implement the Sonatype Nexus (or JFrog Artifactory) support based on the current (or upcoming) IPM version?

In repo command help I see there is a support for filesystem repositories (which I have not yet tried) and my current (hopefully not far-fetched) interpretation is the IPM is designed to be able to support different repositories:

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0 71

I'm trying package IPM command but I'm getting the following error:

zpm:IPMTEST1>package -verbose -only -path /home/irisowner/ osex-ipm-hello

[IPMTEST1|osex-ipm-hello]       Package START
Exporting 'OSEX.ipm.hello.Hello.cls' to '/home/irisowner/src/OSEX/ipm/hello/Hello.cls'
Exported to /home/irisowner/module.xml
Module exported to:

[osex-ipm-hello]        Package FAILURE
ERROR! ObjectScript error: <VALUE OUT OF RANGE>zConstructTar+19^%ZPM.Utils.FileBinaryTar.1

What's wrong here?

I can see all the correct module files created:

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Hey Community,

Watch the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Securing AI Implementations - Moving from Experimentation to Production @ Global Summit 2024

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· Oct 28, 2024
Load and compile error


I am using the following:

s status = $SYSTEM.OBJ.Load("myClassName," "c")

and while trying to compile it i get an error that a property or method does not exist, more specifically:

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If both fields are numeric and the result of subtraction of field1-field2 is positive, only then put the result is a data field.

I am doing this within an Iris DTL.

I don't find any functions like IsNumeric(). Once I get that, I can test if field1>0 and field2>0, do the subtraction, and test if diff>0.

I just need a function to determine if they are numeric, rather than some cumbersome way like a regex where the only characters are 0-9.

I see functions in documentation but don't see them used at tests, only in WRITE statements.


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0 133
· Oct 28, 2024
IIS Routing Question

I have a question about the routing of IIS.

If I have a javascript application that has a single entry point app.html. Is it possible to configure the IIS server such that both the urls



to provide the same app.html and let the javascript code from application decide what component to load next, depending on the path of the URL ?

My IIS server is configured such that when I do a GET url1, ir tries to send entry1.html , respectively entry2.html when I do GET url2.

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I am just writing something to share what I encountered last night, which is the IRIS 2024.3 does not comes with Python by default any more!!!

Which means that I need to install it by myself!!😅 The pros is, I can select my python version😁🤭💃 The trouble is.... at the first place.... I don't know what I should do😥. By going through the community (I am much more prefer than the official document, sorry InterSystems document team😓 ), I found the following piece

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I'm using $system.obj.load() to synchronize a folder contains many classes (CLS) in UDL format. I use "-d" as flag (compilation is done later one). It's already done in parallel to make it as fast as possible but I was wondering if there was way to make this even faster, for example using some tradeoffs (eg: by turning off some features before loading them all (that would be re-enabled later on)). It's currently taking 250 seconds to import 3000 classes. MAC file and GBL import is much faster.

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