InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 19,848 amazing developers
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· Mar 29, 2023
InterSystems Ideas News #5

Hi Developers!

Welcome to the 5th issue of the InterSystems Ideas News! This time you can read about:

​​​​Hall of Fame - a new page on the Ideas Portal

Integration with Global Masters - get points for your ideas

List of ideas that are planned for implementation

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Trying to make some scripts to do some IRIS initialization during startup, I noticed that iris start and particularly stop takes too much time, and it starts to many processes in the background.

nostu is mostly useless for system initialization but could help in some scenarios, such as setup passwords, but it is still too slow

irisowner@4ea1bfb50b7f:~$ time iris start iris nostu
Starting IRIS
Using 'iris.cpf' configuration file

Starting Control Process
Global buffer setting requires attention.  Auto-selected 25% of total memory.
Allocated 7417MB shared memory
6002MB global buffers, 600MB routine buffers
Creating a WIJ file to hold 99 megabytes of data
InterSystems IRIS is started in single user mode.
To log into InterSystems IRIS, type:
    iris session IRIS -B

real    0m0.513s
user    0m0.090s
sys     0m0.207s

For instance, I have no idea why it starts so many AUX processes, even during NOSTU. With a normal start with no extra volumes attached, just plain start, I see no reasons to have so many AUX processes as well.

2011 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb -s/usr/irissys/mgr/ -w/usr/irissys/mgr/ -cc -B -Enostu -C/usr/irissys/iris.cpf*IRIS
 2052 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb WD                                                                                 
 2053 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb GC                                                                                 
 2054 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb JD                                                                                 
 2055 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX2                                                                               
 2056 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX1                                                                               
 2057 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX5                                                                               
 2058 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX7                                                                               
 2059 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX4                                                                               
 2060 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX3                                                                               
 2061 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb AUX6                                                                               
 2062 pts/0    S      0:00 /usr/irissys/bin/irisdb DBXD

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Welcome community members to a new article! this time we are going to test the interoperability capabilities of IRIS for Health to work with DICOM files.

Let's go to configure a short workshop using Docker. You'll find at the end of the article the URL to access to GitHub if you want to make it run in your own computer.

Previously to any configuration we are going to explain what is DICOM:

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hi,I meet a problem,i want to move huge data from ensemble to`s about 3years business data.i have tried some case!

1. EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter

i parse the data one by one,and translate it into inser or update sql statement then write to Oracle,it·s most slowly,and take more disk space。 the data to a new table,and then use dbeaver transport data to oracle。

3.user linktable. save object as insert,but,i can·t user %openid method.

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Hey Developers,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Meeting Data Sharing Requirements with the HealthShare CMS Solution Pack
[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

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· Apr 5, 2023
Document SDA deletion

Hi Guys,

I have XDSb documents stored in repository and its url stored in Document streamlet in Edge.

Now when document gets deleted from Xdsb repository using XDSb_ removeDocument that goes to repository services.

How can I delete document streamlet of that document.

Any Ideas?

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Hi Developers,

This March, you've posted 89 new questions on the Developer Community:


21 Questions Game: 110+ Best Questions You'll Ever Ask |

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How can I create a calculated member in Analyzer using MDX for the following logic?


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· Aug 26, 2016 8m read
Enterprise Monitor and HealthShare

Enterprise Monitor is a component of Ensemble and can help organizations monitor multiple productions running on different namespaces within the same instance or namespaces running on multiple instances.

Documentation can be found at:

In Ensemble 2016.1 there were changes made to make this utility work with HealthShare environments.

This article will:

  • Show how to set up Enterprise Monitor for HealthShare sites
  • Show some features of Enterprise Monitor
  • Show some features of Enterprise Message Viewer

For this article, I used the following version of HealthShare:

Cache for Windows (x86-64) 2016.1 (Build 656U) Fri Mar 11 2016 17:42:42 EST [HealthShare Modules:Core:14.02.2415 + Linkage Engine:14.02.2415 + Patient Index:14.02.2415 + Clinical Viewer:14.02.2415 + Active Analytics:14.02.2415]

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This week I was able to demo a proof of concept for our FMS interface on traffic cop architecture to my team. We are working on modernizing an Interoperability production running on mirrored Health Connect instances. We deploy IRIS workloads on Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform using InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (IKO). We can define any number of replicas for the compute stateful set where each compute pod runs our Interoperability production. We introduced Horizontal Pod Autoscaler (HPA) to scale up the number of compute pods based on memory or CPU utilization.

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We have a function that was written for us that allows us to create text files for logging certain aspects to the OS using %Stream.FileCharacter. We had no issues with this until we moved from AIX to Red Hat.

Now it seems the 1st time the function is called, and the file is created the permissions seem to be correct on the file. But as soon as we attempt to write another line to the file using MoveToEnd() it seems the permissions are changed on the file. I have been able to narrow the issue down to the MoveToEnd() by calling the function from different users.

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InterSystems announces its fifth developer preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2023.1 release. Many updates and enhancements have been added in 2023.1 and there are also brand-new capabilities, such as production-ready support for Columnar Storage, ability to use Bulk FHIR, and support to MacOS 13 Ventura.

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· Apr 5, 2023
SQL query in Dropdown

Hi Guys,

I have two dropdowns where if I select a type from the first dropdown I would like to populate all subtypes in the second dropdown as below (I've set showquery =true to show you what's going on )

but for some reason I'm not getting the query filtering to the required where clause.

eg. by select Bearing from the first dropdown I should only get 6 records in subtype dropdown, but I'm getting all subtypes

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to see InterSystems IRIS in action as it is applied to real-world use cases, including business 360 and real-time analytics processing:

InterSystems IRIS Live Demos @ Global Summit 2022
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· Feb 18, 2019
%String to XML


I've got a string variable which I need to convert into a XML one.

My main goal here is to use the XML bit I've extracted from a HTML file in a message I need to pass over to an operation.

I'm doing the following which always errors

classMethod WriteNodes(myfile As %String)
Set status=##class(%XML.TextReader).ParseString(myfile,.reader)


Any easy way of making this happen?

Kind regards

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IRIS configurations and user accounts contain various data elements that need to be tracked, and many people struggle to copy or sync those system configurations and user accounts between IRIS instances. So how can this process be simplified?

In software engineering, CI/CD or CICD is the set of combined practices of continuous integration (CI) and (more often) continuous delivery or (less often) continuous deployment (CD). Can CI/CD eliminate all our struggles?

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I'm trying to read the response to a long (indefinitely) running HTTP response with Transfer-Encoding: chunked. Ideally I'd be able to read the individual chunks from the response and do something with them as they arrive rather than needing to wait for the response to finish (because it never will) - ultimately I'm thinking to wrap these back up over a WebSocket connection which seems cleaner from an API perspective.

So far it looks like my options are:

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