
Do you know if there is any way to disable the automatic tuning IRIS is doing every time a class is altered? It just takes too long in our case and is holding the system, so I'd like to tune the tables when I decide it (again).

I've seen in the documentation that for 2023 version there is an option present in the backend. But not for 2022, so I assume a flag is needed somewhere.

Many thanks!

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1 235
InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,499 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!

In the Windows Ressource Manager I can observe multiple parallel processes coming from cache.exe with read operations to journaling files.

All except one of these processes have the same reads(Byte/s). The processes point to different journal files and constantly read between 200 and 3000 Bytes/s.

The corresponding process via PID in the management portal of Caché shows the process %SYS.Monitor.Control.1. In 3 days of uptime on the server it has run 181.632.583 commands and modified 32.140.642 globals.

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0 195

My employer set up a web-based HL7 interface monitor dashboard that will display all Ensemble components (Service/Process/Operation) in a Production, their status, and the support information embedded in each interfaces listing on the Monitor. Please see 3 screenshots.

This is part of the URL that we go to when accessing this Web based Monitor: ......57772/csp/healthshare/monitor/Rush.Monitor.Web.Home.cls

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0 190

Hello All,

I have the docker container community version (2023.1) if IRIS 4 Health installed and running, but it sees that in the HSLIB namespace I see that the HS package is empty. I downloaded this container from the intersystems container registry.

Is this supposed to be empty? How do i get it populated? Am I missing something?

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0 156
· May 25, 2023
SAM not starting

i tried to install SAM 2.0.1. on a redhat 8 server.

i use docker for managing the containers.

I have followed the documentation for the installation and deployment of SAM step by step

when trying to start the SAM with the script i have an container that can't be created and the prompt not responding

must kill the process to stop .

Does anyone have an idea?

0 2
0 184

Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn about observability of your InterSystems IRIS application with InterSystems System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) and modern DevOps tooling:

Observability with InterSystems IRIS @ Global Summit 2022

[This is an embedded link, but you cannot view embedded content directly on the site because you have declined the cookies necessary to access it. To view embedded content, you would need to accept all cookies in your Cookies Settings]

3 0
0 172


We currently have the following scenario: We have a bussiness SOAP Operation, where we get a SAML String and we convert it into a %SAML.Assertion object correctly.

👩‍💻👨‍💻 We would need to send the SAML Assertion inside the SOAP Header to the Target System.

First of all thanks for reading, and thanks for answering.

We currently have opened Log Soap and we do not observe it being added to the SOAP Header, as you would observe in the following Log Soap:

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0 203

Sometimes we need to know for sure if the current environment has sufficient cores, memory, and bandwidth to support the planned number of users and such SLAs as latency, response time, and availability. This is true for databases and backends. This is why it is mandatory for critical applications and databases to simulate the users simultaneous/concurrent requests and collect metrics about performance and availability.

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2 498


I have refreshed my TEST system database from my DR box.

TEST consists of 2 linux servers TEST_NODE1 & TEST_NODE2 which are mirrored as PRIMARY failover and BACKUP failover

This is what I've done:

1. Remove TEST_NODE2 as Backup member using do ^MIRROR

2. Remove TEST_NODE1 mirror configuration using SMP (System Management Portal) GUI


4. Copy files IRIS.DAT from DR to TEST_NODE1

5. Start IRIS on TEST_NODE1

0 4
0 186

Nowadays, most applications are deployed on public cloud services. It brings many advantages including savings in human and material resources, the ability to grow quickly and cheaply, greater availability, reliability, elastic scalability, and options to improve the protection of digital assets. One of the most popular options is AWS. It allows us to deploy our applications usings virtual machines (EC2 service), Docker containers (ECS service), or Kubernetes (EKS service).

5 11
3 890

How many times do we find ourselves rebuilding, copy-pasting, adapting, Business Operations that make calls to REST services, and only adapting one or another part of the final code. This is annoying a lot. To resolve this our inconvenience, I present to you Interopway REST, a set of classes (a micro framework) that allows us to just add Business Operation to Production and use it.

1 0
1 245

Hi Community,

We invite you to take part in the Health Data De-Identifier Early Access Program. Sign up, tell us your feedback and grab some nice points: 2000 to all participants, 5000 extra for completing the survey.

If you are interested:

1️⃣ Join EAP group via this challenge

2️⃣ Follow these instructions

3️⃣ Complete the survey (leave your email so we could award the points on Global Masters; please note: you must be EAP participant in order to proceed with survey completion)

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0 175
· May 25, 2023 12m read
AWS Capacity planning review example

I am often asked to review customers' IRIS application performance data to understand if system resources are under or over-provisioned.

This recent example is interesting because it involves an application that has done a "lift and shift" migration of a large IRIS database application to the Cloud. AWS, in this case.

A key takeaway is that once you move to the Cloud, resources can be right-sized over time as needed. You do not have to buy and provision on-premises infrastructure for many years in the future that you expect to grow into.

Continuous monitoring is required. Your application transaction rate will change as your business changes, the application use or the application itself changes. This will change the system resource requirements. Planners should also consider seasonal peaks in activity. Of course, an advantage of the Cloud is resources can be scaled up or down as needed.

For more background information, there are several in-depth posts on AWS and IRIS in the community. A search for "AWS reference" is an excellent place to start. I have also added some helpful links at the end of this post.

AWS services are like Lego blocks, different sizes and shapes can be combined. I have ignored networking, security, and standing up a VPC for this post. I have focused on two of the Lego block components;
- Compute requirements.
- Storage requirements.

9 1
3 827

It's time to announce the Winners for April! Please welcome our awesome Global Masters Heroes!

The storm of applause goes to these developers and their great contribution to DC in April:

🥇 @Muhammad Waseem, HIS Team Lead, International Medical Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
🥈 @Luis Angel Pérez Ramos, Sales Engineer, InterSystems, Spain
🥉 @YURI MARX GOMES, Software Architect, YM Services, Brazil

Learn more about the competition and our awesome winners below.

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0 222
· May 25, 2023
Getting IAM license


I am trying to get the API Manager up and running.

I have enabled the application and IAM user and changed password.

when we run the iam_setup.sh I get the following.

Getting IAM license using your inputs...
Internal server error when testing inputs

I have check on Iris management portal , but could see no errors.

0 5
0 251
· May 25, 2023
Using <IMAGE> sample

Hi Guys,

is there any sample I can use for Images, I'm just looking for a very simple one where I can have an upload control to upload images & image control to show them?


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0 208

You may have already heard that, starting with IRIS and HealthShare HealthConnect 2023.2 versions, the internal Apache Server will be removed from the default installation, so it will be necessary to have an external application server such as Apache Server or NGINX.

In this article I am going to proceed to install a HealthShare HealthConnect 2023.1 so that it works with a pre-installed Apache Server. For this I will use a virtual machine on which I have installed an Ubuntu 22.04.

2 0
2 395
· May 25, 2023 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #28

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only of YOUR own package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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0 105

InterSystems is announcing an end of maintenance event for Zen Reports beginning in Intersystems IRIS and IRIS for Health 2025.1. This follows the deprecation notice made when InterSystems IRIS was introduced in 2018 and subsequent inclusion of InterSystems Reports in 2020 to provide replacement reporting functionality. An overview of the timeline is:

March 2018. InterSystems IRIS 2018.1: Announcement of Zen Reports deprecation, continued shipment to provide continuity for existing applications

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I'm trying out VS Code with IRIS for Health 2023.2 (not available in above dropdown) in a local container. I can open read-only files in the Objectscript viewer and have a local folder connected to the correct namespace. However, when I make changes and try the "import and compile" option, I get:

ERROR #16006: Document <filepath> name is invalid

The first four chars of <filepath> appear to have been truncated

Here is my settings.json


"security.workspace.trust.untrustedFiles": "open",

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