· Jan 1, 2024

ObjectScript learning platform in the cloud


I am after an IRIS instance in the cloud or otherwise which will allow me to learn ObjectScript.

I can find ObjectScript learning tutorial and videos.

If so please advise the sandbox url.

If not please suggest something similar.


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In addition to what @Ben Spead suggested there are several more hands-on labs on this site: REST+ Angular, Machine Learning and Interoperability. 

Also, there are several Developer Learning Paths on the Online Learning platform that will help you to start with ObjectScript Development.

Once you’ve got the basics I recommend to start coding using Docker enabled templates on Open Exchange - you can find templates with the Template filter on.

For example I recommend a basic ObjectScript template or basic REST API with ObjectScript template.


You are in the right place to have the information you want:

On this web application ( you have access to
Resources intersystems on l-the left bar in community t tab where you can find a kit to start using Iris (in a container or not), I suggest you docker container for a faster setup

The learning tab will provide access to course videos
The Documentation tab to the product documentation with a search function (The documentation also includes very useful how-to sections)
The open-exchange tab offers example applications or utility classes that can inspire or save time during your projects.

And of course the community tab. The people here are all kind and will try to help you. You will also find articles full of useful information there.

So you can ask your questions as you learn.

Last but not least: Welcome to the Intersystems community !!