As we said yesterday... our EMPI can receive data from multiple sources, REST, HL7 messaging, etc. But it is possible that the standard fields are not enough and we want to expand the patient information to help discriminate and uniquely identify them. How could we customize patient data? Modifying the standard classes to our liking? NOOOOO!!!! Well, a little yes, but not like crazy, because if we modify standard classes carelessly we may find that in a future update we lose all these modifications.

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InterSystems Developer Community is a community of 20,495 amazing developers
We're a place where InterSystems IRIS programmers learn and share, stay up-to-date, grow together and have fun!


I would like to get a list of all globals that have been read or written during a given context. In Portal, there are counters in dashboard that give the number of read/write to globals in general.

What I am looking for :

- some handler (eg: like $ZTRAP) that will be called everytime something is read/written to a global.

- to activate a "global log mode" in Portal that will dump some information to a file (like ^ISCSOAP for SOAP requests).

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0 254

Is there a reason why calling %ExecDirect() (or %Execute) won't set the %SQLCODE of the result set to 100 even when the query returns no data?

Here is the code in question with a bit of contrivance to force the issue:

set statement = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New()
set result = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(statement,"select top 0 0 from Example.Testing")
w result.%SQLCODE

The %SQLCODE is set to 0 in this case. The same happens if I use %Prepare and %Execute, e.g.

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0 555

Hi folks!

Those who actively use unittests with ObjectScript know that they are methods of instance but not classmethods.

Sometimes this is not very convenient. What I do now if I face that some test method fails I COPY(!) this method somewhere else as classmethod and run/debug it.

Is there a handy way to call the particular unittest method in terminal? And what is more important, a handy way to debug the test method?

Why do we have unittest methods as instance methods?

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· Jun 8, 2023 1m read
How to write SELECT ... FOR UPDATE

InterSystems FAQ rubric

Since SELECT ... FOR UPDATE is implemented in many RDBMS as a method of explicit row lock acquisition, I think there are many cases where this function is used.

This syntax is not an error for InterSystems products, but it does not acquire row locks as expected.

This article will show you how to achieve equivalent functionality.

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0 283

InterSystems FAQ rubric

Using the Config.Configuration class and SYS.Database class methods, you can create and register a namespace database from the terminal.

Below is a series of execution examples that create database file /CacheDB/AAA/cache.dat and register database AAA and namespace AAA in the configuration file (cache.cpf).
* Execute in the %SYS namespace. *

* Make sure that this script runs as the user that is used for all IRIS processes to ensure that the directory has appropriate ownership and permissions *

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0 341

Hello Team,

please can someone help me in the below.

I'm trying to call a Rest API below specification working in postman, and receiving perfectly the response:

POST /PharmacyServices/api/Pharmacy/Upload?Key=aaaa&Username=bbb&Password=ccc HTTP/1.1
Host: abc:38440
Content-Length: 240
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=----WebKitFormBoundary7MA4YWxkTrZu0gW

Content-Disposition: form-data; name="File"; filename="///xxxx/POC/CSV/20230607.csv"
Content-Type: text/csv

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0 413

Hi Community!

We're pleased to invite all DC members to the InterSystems Global Masters Gamification Platform to get points and prizes for your contribution to the Community, learn with selected content about InterSystems technology, network with your peers and have fun!

▶️ What is Global Masters?

Global Masters is a gamification platform, where you learn technology, complete tech quizzes, watch videos, etc. You will be completing challenges (tasks) related to ISC technology, earning badges & points, and exchanging points for a variety of rewards.

8 6
1 1.1K

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below code to download, extract files in a file directory then save data into a global, and remove the file directory as not needed anymore, but the issue is that the class(%File).RemoveDirectoryTree is not deleting, also tried class(%File).RemoveDirectory and same thing.

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I have the following method call (have included html and css as well). when I debug the code in a browser, JavaScript seems to work fine. Loading image is coming up, table is getting hidden. But when I close the debug and just load the page and run it, loading image is not coming up, neither the table is hidden. Not sure what is going on? I need help to understand what I am doing wrong?

XData Style


<style type="text/css">

#loading {width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0px;left: 0px;position: fixed;display: block; z-index: 99}

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Recently I needed to restore a version of a production class, which was overwritten by compilation and running UpdateProduction. As the correct version was unavailable in the source control, I used journals to restore the data. Journals store a plethora of information about what's happening in the system and are quite a powerful tool. This article explains how to work with journals to extract the data you require.

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1 226

Hi Guys, I'm resending this because I sent on the weekend and looks like it has not been noticed much

I'm not that familiar in using Javascript in Zen pages, so basically we have a priting utility (app) that requires us to add a bit of JavaScript call to facilitate printing from our Zen pages as below:

So I added XData link pasted the required script, is this the correct way?

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As a former JAVA developer it has always been a challenge to decide which database was the most suitable for the project we were going to develop, one of the main criteria I used was their performance, as well as their HA configuration capabilities ( high availability). Well, now is the time to put IRIS to the test with respect to some of the most commonly used databases, so I've decided to create a small Java project based on SpringBoot that connects via JDBC with a MySQL database, another of PostgreSQL and finally with IRIS.

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