· Jan 31, 2024 2m read

Quick verification/generation of FHIR messages



When I first encountered FHIR, I encountered a problem with its message format. It was difficult for me to determine whether the message I created met the format, and it was also difficult to easily create an FHIR message from scratch.


So, through fhir server of IntereSystemsfhirserver  API, I created this application for quickly generating/validating FHIR messages.

2Usage process


1. Message verification


Access path localhost: 52773/csp/fhirmessageverification/FHIRMVINDEX.csp

opy the JSON message to the textarea in , click on the blank space with the mouse, and the verification result will be automatically generated at . Parameters that do not comply with the rules will be displayed in red, and moving the mouse above will display the specific error reason.

Message creation


Access path:


Localhost: 52773/csp/fhirmessageverification/FHIRMESSAGECREAETENDEX.csp


Usage process:


Select the type of resource you want to generate at location and click OK below to automatically generate the necessary nodes for that resource


Click the Add New Value button to add a node for this resource  

After clicking OK, relevant values will be generated based on the node type, as shown in the following figure



If the node type is object or array, click + to edit the relevant nodes


If a node type is selectable, such as:


Click on the node name of the node to replace it


The final message is as follows

Filling in blank parameters can ultimately achieve the following effects

Send the message to the FHIR server for testing

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