Hi, folks!

Is there any way to use $CASE or $SELECT functionality in SQL SELECT query?

E.g. something like this:

SELECT product, $CASE(status,"New":field1,"Payed":field2) as data from sales

To see either in data column either field1 or field2 values in regard of status value.

0 3
0 791

Hi, folks!

When you deploy DeepSee solutions you often do not want grant a User %All Role to work with a particular Dashboard.

Consider a Dashboard 'Dash' with a few widgets where listings are being used.

If you manage a Role to get access to the Dash you need to grant access to %DB_DBNAME resource to have a database access, grant access to a Dashboard resource (if any) and ... grant SELECT accesses to all the tables involved in SQL queries being used in all the listings of widgets.

1 3
0 421

Hi, folks!

I'm sending emails with %Net.MailMessage.

How can I add a new line for the email body?

The code is:

dim msg as %Net.MailMessage = ##class(%Net.MailMessage).%New()
set msg.Charset="UTF-8"
do msg.TextData.Write("Dear  "_Username)
do msg.TextData.Write("Line1")
do msg.TextData.Write("Line2")
And I'm getting in email:
Dear UserLine1Line2

How can I get:

Dear User


0 8
0 1.7K

Hi, Community!

How do you store the source files of your Caché project? What is the directories structure? What are the benefits?

I prefer the following structure:








  • folders are packages.
  • easy to understand what type of sources are in the project.

What is your approach?

2 4
1 1.2K

Hi, Community!

Suppose I have class A with properties P1 and P2.

I want to introduce class B, which would have same records as Class A, but only one property - P2.

What is the easiest way to manage it assuming that I would like to use Class A to add records and be available for any operations to Users with Role A.

And I would like to introduce class B for Users with role B for read-only access. Preferably they shouldn't even be aware of Class A and P1 existence .

What is the easiest way to introduce it and manage it?

0 10
0 669


Sometimes I need to filter the widget on a dashboard from a different cube. And I face the following problem:

Widget A refers to a query from Cube A and I want to filter Widget B from Widget B.

Widget's B pivot refers to Cube B, and which has different dimensions for the same data.

E.g. cube A has the dimension Author and the Cube B has the dimension Member for the same data. So there is no way to filter such a widget B from the widget A.

1 1
1 318

Hi, Community!

Is there an option to get an archived file of globals in one command. Say for:

Do $System.OBJ.Export("Class1*D.GBL,Class2*D.GBL","data_gbl.xml")

get something like:

Do $System.OBJ.Export("Data*D.GBL","data_gbl.gz","gzip")

And also to have the convenient one click way to import it to the namespace via terminal or Control Panel?

If anyone already has this module, share please?

It would be very convenient for import/export/continuous integration purposes cause globals can be really heavy.

0 8
0 842