cAdvisor (short for container Advisor) analyzes and exposes resource usage and performance data from running containers. cAdvisor exposes Prometheus metrics out of the box.

Prometheus is integrated in SAM. This makes it possible to leverage the cAdvisor metrics and expose them via Prometheus and Grafana.

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Preview releases are now available for the first version (v1.0) of InterSystems System Alerting and Monitoring (InterSystems SAM for short).

InterSystems SAM v1.0 provides a modern monitoring solution for InterSystems IRIS-based products. It allows high-level views of clusters and single-node drilled down metrics-visualization together with alerts notifications. This first version provides visualization for more than one hundred InterSystems IRIS kernel metrics, and users can extend the default-supplied Grafana template to their liking.

V1.0 is meant to be a simple and intuitive baseline. Please help us make it great by trying it and sending us feedback!

SAM can display information from InterSystems-based instance starting with version 2019.4

SAM is only available in container format. You will need the SAM Manager container plus a small set of additional open-source components (Prometheus and Grafana) that are added automatically by the composition file.

SAM components and the SAM Manager Community Edition are available from

If you are traveling or prefer a voice-based Q&A description on what SAM is, here is a podcast we have prepared for you:
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InterSystems SAM is a great tool to monitor your InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS For Health clusters on prem or in a cloud environment. This article describes how you can implement a customized alert handler. This is currently an undocumented and most likely an unknown feature of InterSystems SAM. With future releases it will be probably made easier to leverage this useful concept.

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Hi All,

With this article, I would like to show you how easily and dynamically System Alerting and Monitoring (or SAM for short) can be configured. The use case could be that of a fast and agile CI/CD provisioning pipeline where you want to run your unit-tests but also stress-tests and you would want to quickly be able to see if those tests are successful or how they are stressing the systems and your application (the InterSystems IRIS backend SAM API is extendable for your APM implementation).

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GA releases are now available for the first version (v1.0) of InterSystems System Alerting and Monitoring (InterSystems SAM for short)

InterSystems SAM v1.0 provides a modern monitoring solution for InterSystems IRIS based products. It allows high-level views of clusters and single-node drilled down metrics-visualization together with alerts notifications. This first version provides visualization for more than one hundred InterSystems IRIS kernel metrics, and users can extend the default-supplied Grafana template to their liking.

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I am trying to investigate whether the SAM component will give us metrics that we are looking for when it comes to # of messages, etc... I have IRIS 2022.1 running on Red Hat 8, but noticed that SAM was bundled as a docker-compose image. REL 8 doesn't install docker off the bat, but has podman which reading podman 3 versions and later, I should be able to call docker-compose.yml images. After installing Apache and making some modifications to docker-compose.yml, I tried executing the script after verifying podman was running and podman-compose was installed.

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Monitoring IRIS through SAM (sam:

While I've used to make it work in the past, I'm not able any more to fix the already faced issue : "State: Unreachable"

Despite all the ip-addresses attempts (or hostname = host.docker.internal) and while "/api/monitor/metrics" is running well...

Could someone provide good practices to make it work cleanly ?

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· Nov 28, 2023
Monitoring Platforms

With System Alerting and Monitoring (SAM) being deprecated in the near future..

  • What is everyone's go-to for Monitoring IRIS?
  • What is readily available?
  • What is the cost surrounding it?

Just trying to get ideas floating around of what we might need to start looking at to satisfy IT leadership.



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Hey Developers,

Watch as the presenter uses IKO to deploy the WebGateway, SAM, and InterSystems API Manager with the latest version of the InterSystems Kubernetes Operator:

IKO: The InterSystems Kubernetes Operator (Version 3.0)
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Hey Developers,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

System Alerting & Monitoring
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· Aug 19, 2022
SAM - Custom Application Metrics

Now that I have SAM up and running, out of the box I would like to add some Application Metrics. Does anyone have templates, or have suggested classes that someone could use to add custom metrics to SAM? Maybe we should start a repository somewhere? Or would someone be willing to share custom metrics on the Open Exchange?

What I am looking to do is capture the overall HL7 message and header count per day.

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Hello, I am quite new with InterSystems, SAM and Grafana. I am looking a way to get Log Files and Application Errors from InterSystems to SAM like in this post: Is this plugin still under development or is there any other way to get those errors? By using SAM, I do not get those errors.

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Hi Developers,

Our first Online Developer Roundtable of 2024 will take place on March 5th at 9 am ET | 3 pm CET.

Tech talks:

  1. ObjectScript Unit Testing Tools, Techniques and Best Practices - by @Timothy Leavitt , Development Manager, Application Services, InterSystems
  2. Monitoring and Alerting Capabilities of InterSystems IRIS - by @Mark Bolinsky , Principal Technology Architect, InterSystems Mark's presentation is rescheduled for the roundtable in April.

Update: watch the recording of the roundtable below:
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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new session recording from InterSystems Virtual Summit 2020:

Performance Testing with InterSystems Tools
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