· Dec 10, 2017
Cache and Database

Hi, I'm a student, weak programming. I ask for your help, I write a program in C #, there are two tables, but I do not understand how to organize the connection between them many to many. Table in DataGridView1 from DataSet1 on Form1 key connection in DataGridView1 from DataSet1 to Form3

I do this on Form1

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0 395
· Feb 15, 2018
The Index on a String field

I noticed that the subscript of the index map is actually the collated field (%SQLUPPER).

Is String the only data type going through this transformation? Any other data type would also go through this transformation?


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0 283

I have a lookup table and record batch Table I would like to do a count on the records stored in that batch by counting the number of records in that batch that have a certain key on the responseKey column. This column keys are stored in the look up table for comparison. So I would like to do a join sql pivot that will use my keys stored in the lookup as columns and count as values

so far I have managed to do this but this is not efficient I would like to fire that sql once not on every count

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0 1.3K
· Jun 14, 2018
Single Row SQL.Snapshot

I have several stored procedures that when I execute them they will only return a single snapshot. In my BP I have been setting this to a Snapshot variable then looping using a WHILE through the snapshot variable just to get that single value.

Since it is only a single row, is there an easier way where I don't have to do a WHILE loop to pull the values out of that row? Can I call First Row or something like that to get me just the row into the Snapshot variable?

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0 414

Is there a way to lock at the record level? I know that you can lock at the table level:


but am unable to find a way to lock just at the record/row level.

Would this also affect a SELECT statement done on the record?

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0 368
· Oct 30, 2018
MSSQL Data Warehouse


I have been trying to pull data through a linked server in SSMS from an InterSystems Cache Database for a while, this is to enable us to join the data to other source systems in our Data Warehouse.

I have set up an ODBC connection and a linked server to the database and can execute queries through OPENQUERY in Management studio, but the data is huge (> 100million rows). So when I execute a SQL query with a WHERE clause the query just spins.

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0 786
· Jan 15, 2019

I have an sql statement that I would like to execute but I get the error

"zSearchChanges+5^MergeHyland.TypeTwoUtil.1 *KeyID"

and here is my sq

l  "&sql(SELECT Key INTO :KeyID FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionalTable WHERE Key = :Key)" any ideas why 
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0 203

I'm having trouble accessing the snapshots EnsLib.SQL.Snapshot in %Library.ListOfObjects that are returned from method ExecuteProcedure in EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter. The Microsoft SQL stored procedure I am executing returns multiple resultsets.

The issue I am having is that my code works fine when executed in the business operation (commented out in the code below) but when it is executed in the business process it errors. Any ideas as to why this happens? The error I get is:

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0 562

Hello, I am running into a little problem.

I am trying to create a Cache Trigger on a FACS table using the SQL CREATE TRIGGER command but I am getting the message [SQLCODE: <-300>:<DDL not allowed on this table definition>].

I am not creating a persistent class but using the SQL CREATE TRIGGER command.

Please advise.


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· Jan 14, 2021
SQL Inbound Adapter settings

In the Inbound SQL Adapter settings, is it possible to specify more than 1 field as the Key Field Name?

Because of the way the Query is being index in Ensemble by the Key Field Name, sometimes transactions get missed and I would like to see if we can add an additional key to the mix to ensure all the transactions are picked up. In this case the InterfaceTrigger is an ID that is auto generated by the table, and I would like to use that as well to ensure we don't miss transactions, and it does not throw any warning messages when it executes the Delete Query.

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0 251

I am trying to use Dynamic SQL because I need to supply data at runtime.
The generated query returns 0 rows for some reason. If I copy/paste the query into Monitor, it works correctly. I am suspecting it has something to do with dates being the wrong format (I am supplying them in 'YYYY-MM-DD' format). Is that the cause? And if so, how do I supply dates in correct format?

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0 158

I need to show the absence of data, so I have to join the list of predefined values with a result of a select statement.
However, it seems like Table Value Constructors in JOIN are either not supported, or I do not understand the syntax.
Basically, I am going for something like this:

Select v.valueId, 
 From (values (1), (2), (3), (4), (5)) v(valueId)
     left Join otherTable m
        on = v.valueId

Is it supported in Cache SQL or not?

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0 168
· Sep 13, 2021
SQL - use specific index

Hello Community,

we want to use a specific index on our sql-class.

The index we want to use is called "iFilter".
Currently we use the following technique of ignoring all other indices because the automatically chosen index is always too slow.

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1 251

I running a query and get the results inside a result set. Now I have to iterate through the result set many times. From the doc I've seen only the Next() method. Is there a way to reset the cursor? Otherwise what is a good data structure to save multiple rows of a table?

My code in this case is something like this:

set sql = "SELECT * FROM MY_TABLE WHERE X= '"_Y_"'"
set status = ..Adapter.ExecuteQuery(.rs, sql)
// somehow iterate the rs more than one time

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1 1.3K
· Mar 18, 2022
EnsLib.HL7.Message Querying

We are trying to track down the source of Orphaned messages and noticed that we are unable to query EnsLib.HL7.Message with any kind of WHERE or ORDER BY clauses in our SQL statement.

I know EnsLib.HL7.Message is a system table, but is there a way we can add additional Indexes to the table to make the query run better/faster without affecting the system?

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0 434
· Jun 1, 2022
Cache Query for HL7 NACK

I would like to capture any NACK's that is sent back to the Operation. The Operation is already setup to "Save Replies/IndexNotOK's", but I would like to see if we can query Cache and pull those NACK's into an extract.

Is this possible?



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0 221
· Jan 30, 2023
SQL Query Help in $ListGet

Hi All,

I want to run an SQL like below

Select ID,Rollno,Marks,Name,Section,Teacher from Marks left outer join Student on Marks.StudentID=Student.ID

Now, the Student.ID is having the encrypted value which is not matching with Marks.StudentID (as this is clear value).

I can get the clear value using encrypted value as follow

^StoreValue("EncryptStudentID",Student.ID)=$LB("123"). That 123 is the clear Student.ID which I need to match in SQL query (ON clause).

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0 162

Hi all,
I am using ExecDirect() method to execute my SQL query which is something like "SELECT * from Account where AccountNumber = ? "
But when I am providing a accountnumber that don't exists it doesn't return anything as aspected. while I am trying to check resultset.%SQLCODE in this case it is giving me 0 not 100. What's wrong with my SQL query and Also I there any other Property through which I check for if my resultset is null or it has some values.

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0 216

HI *,

So last night I was doing a deployment which had a query to select from a large dataset of joined tables, to iterate through and populate data in a new table.

This was done in a classmethod using embedded SQL and the %PARALLEL keyword.
On a testing environment with the same dataset, this worked perfectly a few days earlier.

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