I am trying to make architecture for my project. And for it, it needs to make list property in which there is list of objects of another table, the data must be unique, therefore I make sql-query to check objects of another table if it is used or not, but I can't make sql-query to check elements in list in property with elements of another table. Can you help me? In property ID of object is used.

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· Mar 12, 2019
String to date

I am trying to convert a string to date but can not get it to work I have function that I would like to take in a date string and covert it to date object

here is the ezample so far can not get it to work any help appreciated

set p="12/03/2019"
w $System.SQL.TODATE(p,"YYYY-MM-DD")
<ILLEGAL VALUE>todate+32^%qarfunc

if I try this still get the wrong value returned

set p="12/03/2019" 
w $ZDATE(p,3)
0 6
0 2.8K

Class ICT.Experiments.A Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;
Property Collection As list Of ICT.Experiments.B;
Property Collection2 As array Of ICT.Experiments.C;

Class ICT.Experiments.B Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;

Class ICT.Experiments.C Extends %Persistent
Property Name As %String;

I have the classes above and I can select columns from the array collection by using two joins as follows:

0 9
1 1.8K


When Creating a custom security role, what privileges do I need to add to it, in order for the users that I grant him the role, to be able to use

dynamic SQL to perform read only queries on all tables in a namespace?

I have a security role, that contains the %Service_SQL privilege,

And yet when I connect to a terminal and try to run an SQL query using dynamic SQL , I get a "user is not privileged for the operation" error.

0 7
0 1.2K
· Jan 22, 2019
SQL select to a list

I need to select my result into a list and be able to loop through the list when query finished any help appreciated here is where I am

##sql(SELECT %ID INTO :IDArray() FROM MergeHyland.TypeTwoDimesionCollection WHERE GUID = :Key AND EndDate IS NULL)
for I=1;1:$LISTLENGTH(IDArray)


w $Data(IDArray),i



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Referencing this post:


I'm not sure how to actually interact with the result set I get from doing something like this. I want to return something like:

[{"field1":1, "field2":2}, {"field1":2, "field2":10}]

I'm finding it very difficult to get it in this format, since %Print appends a newline onto the end of the {} object it prints.

Here's the closest I've gotten:

1 5
3 1.2K


I'm working on exporting data from an Intersystems Cache database through the Cache ODBC Driver. There is a particular table that is giving me an error message. The ODBC Driver crashes and reports an error from the Cache system. I think I was able to trace down where the error is coming from, but I do not know how to debug or fix the error.

The table I am trying to extract is called SEDMIHP.

Here's the Error:

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0 1.2K
· Mar 5, 2019
PrimaryKey vs Idkey

Just wondering an Insight in the difference between these two indexes

IdKey / PrimaryKey

Property Identifier As %Integer

Index Index1 on Identifier [Idkey]

Index Index2 on Identifier [PrimaryKey]

What's the difference?

1. If I don't have Index1 and only have Index2, then cache does still make its own id.
So how and why do I ever use the PrimaryKey. In Joins ??

1 4
0 946

Hi guys!

As you know there are two (at least) ways to get the stored value of the property of InterSystems IRIS class if you know the ID of an instance (or a record).

1. Get it by as a property of an instance with "Object access":

ClassMethod GetPropertyForID(stId As %Integer) As %String


set obj=..%OpenId(stId)

return obj.StringData


2. Get it as a value of a column of the record with "SQL access":

0 18
0 924
· Jul 26, 2019 3m read
Dynamic SQL to Dynamic Object

Hello community! I have to work with queries using all kinds of methods like embedded sql and class queries. But my favorite is dynamic sql, simply because of how easy it is to manipulate them at runtime. The downside to writing a lot of these is the maintenance of the code and interacting with the output in a meaningful way.

7 7
1 916
· Jan 11, 2019 4m read
SQL Performance Resources

There are three things most important to any SQL performance conversation: Indices, TuneTable, and Show Plan. The attached PDFs includes historical presentations on these topics that cover the basics of these 3 things in one place. Our documentation provides more detail on these and other SQL Performance topics in the links below. The eLearning options reinforces several of these topics. In addition, there are several Developer Community articles which touch on SQL performance, and those relevant links are also listed.

There is a fair amount of repetition in the information listed below. The most important aspects of SQL performance to consider are:

  1. The types of indices available
  2. Using one index type over another
  3. The information TuneTable gathers for a table and what it means to the Optimizer
  4. How to read a Show Plan to better understand if a query is good or bad
8 1
4 911

Hi Community!

There are two general ways to execute arbitrary SQL in serverside ObjectScript code: EmbeddedSQL and ObjectScript SQL a.k.a. Dynamic SQL.

E.g. if we want to get the value of the property of instance with a certain ID using SQL we can do:

&sql(SELECT Name INTO :name FROM Sample.Person WHERE ID=1)

write name

Same result with %SQL.Statement:

set rs=##class(%SQL.Statement).%ExecDirect(,"SELECT Name as name FROM Sample.Person where ID=1")
  do rs.%Next()
  write rs.name

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0 906

Hello everyone,
It is my first post in the community. Very recently I started working using IRIS, creating services with Cache.
Today they gave me a new task and I'm really lost.

How can I use an oracle database to create services using iris?

Throughout the day I was looking for a guide to use a remote Oracle database. but unfortunately I only managed the connection in SQL Gateway

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0 866

Hello all,

I have a Recordset object which contains data from a table "XYZ".

Currently i use this object to extract data using %Get(COL1,COL2...) in a loop and than pass it to a function which inserts the data into another dynamically created Table "ABC" for each record. This takes a lot of time when 100's of records.

Is there a way i can directly copy a RecordSet to a dynamic table without looping through..?

Something like copy Recordset (COL1,COL2..)--> "ABC"



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