Hi all,

a HealthConnect customer of ours came across with a question to use an external service via REST and OpenID within one of his HealthConnect (2020.1) productions. The overal idea is to send data to the external system after receiving a baerer token to use for the communication between HealthConnect and this system.

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Nowadays, there is a lot of applications that are using Open Authorization framework (OAuth) to access resources from all kinds of services in a secure, reliable and efficient manner. InterSystems IRIS is already compatible with OAuth 2.0 framework, in fact, there is a great article in the community regarding OAuth 2.0 and InterSystems IRIS in the following link here.

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0 1.3K

Hi guys.

Recently, I get interest in FHIR in order to run for the IRIS for Health FHIR
. As a beginner on this topic, I've heard somewhat about it, but I didn't know how complex and powerful was FHIR. As pointed out by @Henrique.GonçalvesDias here, you can model several aspects of the patient history and other related entities.

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Does anyone know if I can create an API integration, from Ensemble to Salesforce? What I would like to do is trigger a Salesforce case to be opened when for example a Queue reaches a predefined threshold or an interface connection goes from green to non-green.

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Asymmetric cryptography is a cryptographic system that uses pairs of keys: public keys which may be disseminated widely, and private keys which are known only to the owner. The generation of such keys depends on cryptographic algorithms based on mathematical problems to produce one-way functions. Effective security only requires keeping the private key private; the public key can be openly distributed without compromising security.

In such a system, any person can encrypt a message using the receiver's public key, but that encrypted message can only be decrypted with the receiver's private key.

Robust authentication is also possible. A sender can combine a message with a private key to create a short digital signature on the message. Anyone with the sender's corresponding public key can combine the same message and the supposed digital signature associated with it to verify whether the signature was valid, i.e. made by the owner of the corresponding private key. (C) Wikipedia.

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· Aug 14, 2020
New Video: REST at Ease

Hi Developers,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

REST at Ease

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I've added a REST service which worked fine on our test system but failed on the production environment because UnknownUser does not have %All set and I really don't want it set on production (in fact I've also switched it off on test).

Is there a way to allow a single REST service to have unauthorised access?

I was thinking adding a resource/role to UnknownUser specifically for that service but I've never touched on Users/Roles/Resources so I'm struggling to work out what needs adding where.


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Hey Developers,

Check out the latest video on FHIR API Management:

FHIR API Management: Basic Configuration

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FHIR API Management: FHIR Dev Portal

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FHIR API Management: Logging and Monitoring

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FHIR API Management: Security

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Hi All,

With this article, I would like to show you how easily and dynamically System Alerting and Monitoring (or SAM for short) can be configured. The use case could be that of a fast and agile CI/CD provisioning pipeline where you want to run your unit-tests but also stress-tests and you would want to quickly be able to see if those tests are successful or how they are stressing the systems and your application (the InterSystems IRIS backend SAM API is extendable for your APM implementation).

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Using SOAP Web Services or REST API Resources, if you want to deliver strategic digital assets for your organization, SOA aproach is an excellent option. The InterSystems IRIS supports like a charm the SOA principles with Contract First technique to model services aligned with the business, and create the services from the service contracts (Open API or WSDL).

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Hi all

Does anyone have an easy way of reading the cdata in the xml response returned buy a Webservice?

At the moment I have a XML class and then I use read.Correlate() to read through that XML bit.

However, depending on the message I have different things in the CData and I don't want to create a class for each one of these.

The API returns the cddata as KeyValueOfstringstring.

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Hi All,

Actually, I'm developing few restful API's. I want to create a authentication tokens and display it on my login restful API. If I'm using CSP sessionId, how can I validate the session Id's in another or continues restful API's. else, is there any other approach to handle this task.

My Primary goal is, I have to integrate 2 different front end applications. One is Zen framework another one is web pages from Python.

If any lead, it would be appreciated.


Arun Kumar Durairaj.

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Some time ago I got a WRC case transferred where a customer asks for the availability of a raw DEFLATE compression/decompression function built-in Caché.

When we talk about DEFLATE we need to talk about Zlib as well, since Zlib is the de-facto standard free compression/decompression library developed in the mid-90s.

Zlib works on particular DEFLATE compression/decompression algorithm and the idea of encapsulation within a wrapper (gzip, zlib, etc.).

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Making a Chart using Intersystems IRIS + Python

How to use the IRIS Native API in Python to access globals and plot some charts.

Why Python?

With a large adoption and use in the world, Python have a great community and a lot of accelerators | libraries to deploy any kind of application.
If you are curious (https://www.python.org/about/apps/)

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In this article, we will explore the development of an IRIS client for consuming RESTful API services that have been developed to the OData API standard.

We will be exploring a number of built-in IRIS libraries for making HTTP requests, reading and writing to JSON payloads, and seeing how we can use them in combination to build a generic client adaptor for OData. We will also explore the new JSON adapter for deserializing JSON into persistent objects.

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Hello All,

I am compiling a REST Operation to call our hospital Administration system, following tutorials around the REST API's etc. First time we have integrated like this so not much knowledge around our hospital - hoping someone on here can help.

I have been using the JSONStreamToObject Method which is working as i expected, apart from trying to get a specific item in the example JSON Response as follows:


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I am trying to create REST API following these instructions: https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/Doc.View.cls?KEY=GREST_apimgmnt

However it does not work.

I tried downloaded the v2.0 schema.json of the OpenAPI specification and pasted it on Postman with the parameters as speicifed, but I get this error message back:

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Hi Developers!

Want to participate again in the competition of creating open-source solutions using InterSystems IRIS Data Platform?

Then we're pleased to announce the second InterSystems IRIS Online Programming Contest!

And the topic for this contest is InterSystems IRIS with REST API.

The contest will again last three weeks: April 13-May 3, 2020.

Also, please join the InterSystems Contests Discord Channel to chat about contest and technology.

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· Apr 24, 2020 2m read
REST for Tasks on my Status Report

I enjoy the challenge of being in a contest. Currently I participate in InterSystems IRIS with REST API Programming Contest. My idea for this contest was to create an app to help me keep track of tasks for my Status Reports. I started with the template provided by Evgeny Shvarov. I created a persistent class for Tasks and a REST Dispatch class. I defined my URL map and I even figured out how to test my REST app using Postman.

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Hi Developers!

Today we launched the second programming contest on InterSystems IRIS, the landing.

The topic is the REST API.

And we introduced a few technology bonuses.

Here I want to provide details on what application eligible, what are the technology bonuses and how to collect all of them.

Here we go!

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome another "Coding Talk" video specially recorded for the second IRIS Programming Contest:

How to Build, Test and Publish ZPM Package with REST Application for InterSystems IRIS

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