Hi Community,

We're super excited to share with you a special session from Global Summit 2022! And it is so special to us because it is about us and with us! Please welcome:

🤩 InterSystems Developer Ecosystem @ Global Summit 2022 🤩

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· Nov 11, 2022 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #19

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only own YOUR package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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Hey Developers,

Our next community session from Virtual Summit 2020 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

🏆 Best Applications of InterSystems Programming Contest Series 🏆

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Hi Developers,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Renato Banzai for the InterSystems IRIS Native API Programming Contest:

IRIS Python Suite: Installing Running and Using

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· Apr 20, 2021 3m read
Why gj :: locate?

You may think it isn’t too difficult to get from label+offset^routine to the actual source line responsible for the error. For an expert it isn't that hard... most of the time. But there are enough oddities and special rules that even an expert can get it wrong, whilst spending a lot of time trying to get there.

gj :: locate is the latest tool from George James Software – it debugs any error, class or routine by converting the location of an error in compiled .int code to the corresponding location in your source, and then taking you right there.

Image this scenario…

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I've just been tempted to the option exchange (curiosity) and when browsing, I often right-click, and open links in a new tab, eventually ;-) I have enough interesting open tabs to go off and read the tabbed articles,

I can't do this in open exchange, it will only allow a direct click to open the url.

even worse, when I come back (to where I left off) It starts from the top of the page.

any chance of changing the url's to allow us to right click and open in a new tab

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The most recent release of Serenji features our innovative gj::locate technology. It was a standalone tool we originally created for a Developer Community contest earlier this year, but we've incorporated it into our debugger after some great feedback from developers. 

It works by navigating you directly to the source of your server-side errors in just a couple of clicks - enabling you to quickly fix errors without the need to count tedious lines of code... and let's be real, who has got time for that when you're under pressure to fix this bug? 

It's simple and straightforward to use:

1. Click on the gj::locate panel in the status bar

2. Enter the ObjectScript error message or line reference from a class/.mac routine..

3. gj::locate then does the work for you by taking you straight to the corresponding line in your source code.

Easy peasy... and with time to spare to make yourself a coffee before your deadline! 

The video below shows it in action - let us know if you've already given it a go. Or, if you're interested in trying it out we offer a free 30 day trial license, just drop me a message through the Developer Community or email us at info@georgejames.com.

Serenji 3.2.0 utilising gj::locate technology

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Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in March 2019

New Applications

isc-tar published by @Dmitry Maslennikov

Compact files as TAR or Extract files from TAR files

Light weight EXCEL download v.1.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

This is the working example of a light weight export to EXCEL based on data in SAMPLES namespace. Good old CSP is well equipped to produce HTML tables accepted from EXCEL as input. With modern Browsers you don't even need and tags. So the required code around your SQL result set is really slim. And you are free to add any formatting you need either by HTML or in SQL.

PythonGateway v.0.7 published by @Eduard Lebedyuk

Python Gateway for InterSystems Data Platforms.

Adopted Bitmaps v.1.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

This is a running example of the Bitmap Adoption

WebSockets Tutorial v.1.0 published by @Lily Taub

A short tutorial on WebSockets in InterSystems IRIS 2018.1+ and Caché 2016.2+

Sync Data with DSTIME v.1.0.0 published by @Robert.Cemper

Other Sync-Tools just work from Caché/IRIS to Caché/IRIS. Synchronizing your data to some external DB you requires some other solution. DSTIME can do it.

HL7 and SMS Interoperability Demo v.1.3 published by @Amir Samary

This demo shows how easy it is to integrate an Electronic Medical Record system that is sending HL7 messages with AWS.

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· Nov 28, 2022 2m read
Reviews on Open Exchange - #21

If one of your packages on OEX receives a review you get notified by OEX only own YOUR package.
The rating reflects the experience of the reviewer with the status found at the time of review.
It is kind of a snapshot and might have changed meanwhile.
Reviews by other members of the community are marked by * in the last column.

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Hi Community!

Here is the digest of what has happened on Open Exchange in November and December 2018!

Application Releases

We had 5 releases in November and December:

Cache ODBC for Node.js

This library aims to provide simple access to ODBC data sources for node.js.


Laravel package providing InterSystems Cache as a data source using ODBC


Tool for analyzing your DeepSee Environment

DSW Reports

Addon for DeepSee Web which provides online reports and PDF emailing reports using InterSystems DeepSee dashboards


Utility to easily transform a CSV file into a personalized preview of DeepSee

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video, specially recorded by @Robert Cemper for the InterSystems IRIS Native API Programming Contest:

WebSocket Client JS with IRIS Native API as Docker Micro Server

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Good day, Developer Community!

As you know we have Company listings on Open Exchange. It lets publishing Open Exchange applications on behalf of companies so one can check which solutions in certain industries are being provided by companies.

Sometimes people are also looking for qualitative and proven implementation or consulting services on InterSystems products: IRIS, Caché, Ensemble, or HealthShare.

And recently we introduced a new option on Open Exchange to list the services your company provides related to InterSystems technology: implementation, consulting etc.

How to do that?

Open your company profile in the Services tab and create a service. Choose the type of service and give a description of what the service is about and why it is worth ordering it. Instructions.

Then publish the service by sending it for approval.

Screenshot 2020-09-21 at 16 24 36

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Hey Developers,

New demo show by InterSystems Sales Engineer @Eduard Lebedyuk is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

PythonGateway-Template Demo

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Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in January and February 2019


This is a tiny example of how to run a server command from within Caché / Ensemble / IRIS and get back the full output as seen in any server command shell.


QEWD.js is a Node.js framework for REST APIs, interactive WebSocket and/or Ajax applications, capable of running as a monolithic application or split across MicroServices. Fully supports Cache, Ensemble and IRIS, allowing use of existing Cache ObjectScript code, Cache Objects and Cache SQL, but also allows the database to be abstracted as a persistent JSON / Document database.


With this simple Business Operation, you can easily leverage your predictive models (saved as PMML) in a Production. There's both a generic BO and a utility method that allows you to generate dedicated operation / request / response classes.


Helps to generate fake/test data for development purposes

WsockClient.csp and WsocClient.js

Web socket clients on CSP and InterSystems node.js adapter to collect end manage data transferred to the client in InterSystems IRIS or Caché

CachéQuality for VSCode by @Daniel Tamajon

IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you write code. Like a spell checker, this extension squiggles flaws so they can be fixed before committing code. You can get it directly from the VS Code Marketplace and it will then detect new bugs and quality issues as you code (ObjectScript and JavaScript)

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· Oct 28, 2020
New Video: ZPMshow Demo

Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video recorded by @Robert Cemper on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

ZPMshow Demo

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Hi Community!

This is the update on what are the new applications submitted on OpenExchange in April 2019

New Applications

Arduino Snippets published by @Eduard Lebedyuk

Connect your Arduino to InterSystems IRIS or Caché via com port (or usb<->com)

Japanese Calendar published by @Hiroshi Sato

Japanese Calendar Converter for InterSystems products

Cache Quality for Atelier published by @Daniel Tamajon

IDE extension that helps you detect and fix quality issues as you write code. Like a spell checker, this extension squiggles flaws so they can be fixed before committing code. You can install it directly from Atelier and it will then detect new bugs and quality issues as you code (ObjectScript and JavaScript).

ETL Interoperability Adapter published by @Guillaume Rongier

Extend EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to add batch batch and fetch support on JDBC connection for Ensemble and IRIS.

R Gateway published by Shiao Bing Sung

Use R language with InterSystems IRIS

The Folding Staff published by @John Murray

'The Folding Stuff' is a simple VSCode extension that adds Visual Studio Code's existing code folding / unfolding features to the editor context menu.<--break->

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This is the first InterStstems programming contest that we participated in! Come check out and vote for us!

The overbooking management system combines the unique conditions of the hotel, such as room prices, order channels, customer needs (etc...). System uses machine learning algorithms (such as: KNN/ES-RNN...) to accurately predict the daily no-show and occupancy rate of the hotel, and further combines with the revenue equation to find the best largest room sales volume, which can significantly increase the hotel marginal revenue.

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Hey Developers,

Watch this video to learn how to use Embedded Python using applications from the Open Exchange app gallery:

Embedded Python Use Cases @ Global Summit 2023

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Hi Developers!

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube and explore the basics of InterSystems Open Exchange Marketplace:

How to Publish an Application on InterSystems Open Exchange

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Hi developers, 

Serenji 3.2.0, the latest version from George James Software, was released last week and our current users have been enjoying trying out the new features (which you can find more about here). 

If you're thinking about trying Serenji for the first time, we've made it easier to get set up by adding a walkthrough on the VS Code Welcome page. It takes you through: 

  • Setting up the server components.
  • Selecting a server namespace.
  • Saving and extending your workspace.
  • Requesting a debug license (don't forget we offer a free 30 day trial!) 

We've also added prompts and guidance throughout VS Code to open and add Serenji folders to your workspace and when going to run and debug code. 

This is just one of the ways we've enhanced the Serenji debugger to make straightforward and easy to use - so all you need to do is focus on your code. 

Serenji 3.2.0 Welcome Page Walkthrough

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Hi Developers!

This is the digest of new solutions and applications submitted to InterSystems OpenExchange in August 2019!

ToolBox-4-Iris by Richard Zimmermann

API for InterSystems IRIS with a collection of handy and useful tools

iris-history-monitor by Henrique Gonçalves Dias

IRIS History Monitor - monitoring visualization tool for InterSystems IRIS

Nested Set Model by Nikolay Soloviev

Nested Set Model implementation for ObjectScript

SOLID Design with ObjectScript by Sourabh Sethi

Training and Codeset of SOLID Design in ObjectScript

Samples-ObjectScript by Joel Solon

ObjectScript samples for use with the ObjectScript tutorial. Meant for use with InterSystems IRIS Data Platform.

Object Synchronization by Jose Tomas Salvador

Sample project to play with IRIS Object Synchronization feature

Https-Proxy-IRIS-Docker by Guillaume Rongier

Sample of an Https proxy for Intersystems Iris with docker

iris-webgateway-example by Dmitry Maslennikov

Example of containerised IRIS with separate Apache and WebGateway

iris-mirror-with-docker by Dmitry Maslennikov

Docker compose environment with demo IRIS configured with Mirroring

Fast & Informative WEB API/Proxy by Sourabh Sethi

Informative and Fast WEB API VIA ObjectScript and Ensemble/HealthShare

PivotSubscriptions by Peter Steiwer

Subscribe to Pivot Tables in InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence to receive scheduled emails

ObjectScript Package Manager by Evgeny Shvarov

Package Manager for InterSystems IRIS

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Killer presentations are essential for opening doors, doing business and delighting customers. These types of presentations move away from the traditional and tiring topics and portions of texts, or even pictures of happy people to get closer to the interests of their audience.The best presentations materialize what customers are looking for into something they can see working. Instead of promises, examples in execution and the ability to be very close to what you want to do.

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