
I have written a procedure with the help of object scripting to export data to a csv file. There is more data than the csv limit.

Can anyone please tell me how to get the row count of csv file using object scripting, so that I can write an if condition and write to a second csv file.

Please find the code writing to the csv given below.

0 14
0 967

Hello Everyone,

I'm want to know, what is more common for your company to use, the abbreviation syntax or the complety name of commands, and why?


S VAR=10 / D FUNC^ROUTINE F 1:1:1000

Set VAR=10 / Do Func^Routine / For 1:1:1000

set var=10 / do func^routine / for 1:1:1000

Here in my company, we are familiar with the abbreviation syntax, because to spell is more faster.

2 35
0 941

Hi Guys,

Can you please advise on the below queries.

Query 1:

Example 1:

 S a="345",b="arun",c="kumar",d="hi",e="yello",f="orange"

Example 2:

S a="345"

S b="arun"

S c="kumar"

S d="hi"

S e="yello"

S f="orange"

Can you please advise me, which one is performance wise is better.

Query 2:

Example 1:

S:a=1 R="Arun"

Example 2:

I a=2 R="Arun"

Please advise me, which one is giving better performance in this.

0 11
0 960

Here's an easy one for you; before I spend another hour looking for the answer, how do you convert %ArrayOfDataTypes to an array (that could, say, fit into the %session.Data array, or maybe just some array named info()), and of course back again?

NS>s aodt=##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).%New()

NS>w aodt.SetAt("lcavanaugh","username")
NS>w aodt.SetAt("organization","coolcompany")
NS>w ##class(%ArrayOfDataTypes).BuildValueArray(aodt,.array)


1 3
0 963

Hi guys!

As you know there are two (at least) ways to get the stored value of the property of InterSystems IRIS class if you know the ID of an instance (or a record).

1. Get it by as a property of an instance with "Object access":

ClassMethod GetPropertyForID(stId As %Integer) As %String


set obj=..%OpenId(stId)

return obj.StringData


2. Get it as a value of a column of the record with "SQL access":

0 18
0 940

Hi, I am trying to transform a message to meet a third party specification, and would like to know if you can advice me on how to separate a single OBX segment into several segments based on a '.'

I would like to separate the segment where the . [marked in red] is into another OBX segment. So the next segment would be:

0 8
0 949

Currently, we are utilizing batch jobs at the OS level to kick off routines that watch for files. We are trying to convert these processes to be performed by the Task Manager.

The routines have while loops and perform while loops so long as the time parameters are being met.

What's the best way to ensure Task Manager kicks them off after the completion of the shutdown/backup/start process is performed, which we do nightly? I want to ensure that it starts it regardless of the time that we've set.

0 13
0 934

Traditional Caché Objectscript has the multi-dimensional array as its main form of complex data structure and the $order command as the main means of traversing said data structures. But newer versions of Caché ObjectScript also have data structures that are direct parallels of what languages such as JavaScript provide, in the form of %DynamicObject and %DynamicArray. These have an easy to use iterator feature via the %GetIterator method, and even a handy built-in literal syntax for constructing new objects.

0 3
0 939

Using the following...

//Get PDF stream object previously saved
   Set pdfStreamContainer = ##Class(Ens.StreamContainer).%OpenId(context.StreamContainerID)
   Try {
     Set pdfStreamObj = pdfStreamContainer.StreamGet()
   Catch {
      $$$TRACE("Error opening stream object ID = "_context.StreamContainerID)

Would it be possible to search the pdfStreamObj for certain values like a Medical Record, or Patient Name?



0 1
0 935
· Feb 28, 2016
Mocking tools for Unit Testing

Hello everyone!

Does anyone know of a library that can be used to create Mock objects for Objectscript classes?

Right now, my team has been building mock objects by hand to help circumvent dependencies when writing and executing unit tests, but I always wondered if someone had ever created a Mock library like Mockito to help quicken the process.


3 4
0 931

We don't often use SQL within our org, which is mostly due to the performance issue we experience due to the quantity of data we are reviewing.

Aside from the standard performance measures for non-Caché databases, are there any recommended approaches when querying large tables?

The table would have roughly 50M records, but there are not a finite amount of sub-nodes.

0 7
0 918

I am trying to determine the write-access to a windows-directory, using the method %File.Writeable(). But, this method always returns the boolean "true", even when I have revoked the write-access of Healthshare-user in this directory.

1) When the same ensemble-service tries to write a file in this directory (which it says is "writeable"), it fails.
2) The method %File.Writeable(...) works perfectly in the case of files.

Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance... :-)

1 17
0 879

Can anyone suggest suitable Cache ObjectScript syntax for open/use/read statements on a simple ms-dos text file.
I've tried various examples seen on the web but they appear to be implementation specific.
I used MSM MUMPS many years ago but am now retired & would like to write a few simple routines for my own amusement & mental challenge.
I am using the free Version of Cache (V 2017.1) on my Windows 10 PC. The installation file was CachePCkit_x64.exe
My apologies for this query being very basic.

0 4
0 891

Hi Developers!

A question to those who use VSCode to code InterSystems ObjectScript.

Suppose you have the ObjectScript code on IRIS server and you want to export it into the desired folder.

And you have VSCode connected to the server.

What is the way to tell VSCode that I want to export classes into some particular folder in /package/class.cls way?

E.g. into:


and project_folder is opened in VSCode as the folder of the project.

1 8
0 883


I am a beginner with Object Script and I hope anyone can help me solving my questions.

1. Is there a way to time a loop in Object Script?

2. My code leads to the following error, even though it executes the method.

Is there a way to ignore this specific error, so that I can repeat my code in a time loop over and over again without stopping?

1 3
1 876
· Feb 1, 2022
VSCode: Formatter not found


I am using VSCode together with IRIS 2021.1.
When using Shift+Alt+F to reformat a class file, it pops up with the below message. When I select install formatter, it routes me to the extensions page, where it shows the extensions as being installed. Any advice will be appreciated.

0 8
0 864