· Oct 18, 2018
$match or "?"

Hello all...

Is there two matching patterns in Caché, is there a difference in use one or the other?

USER>set a = "(1234)"

Using $match.

USER>w $match(a,"\([0-9]{4}\)")


Using literal match (sorry if not correctly term expression)

USER>W a?1"("4n1")"


What is different from using one or the other?

The 'a?1"("4n1")"' does this pattern exist only Caché.
Exists performance improvement with use pattern Caché?

0 2
0 566

I can directly order over a MultiDimensional property, e.g.

set key=$order(obj.prop(key))

However I have a generic method that has to use the $property method, if I know the keys then I can just fetch a value with...

set value=$property(obj,"prop","key")

But if I don't know the keys then I am not aware of a solution to do this, e.g.

set key=$order($property(obj,"prop",key))

will not work.

0 6
0 470

Hello, our Team is trying to develop Ensemble DTL to transform incoming X12 files into persistent data records. We created a persistent class and we can insert data using SQL. We tried to verify that %Save() gets called by adding %AddToSaveSet() method to persistent class and there writing to a global. We had to extend our persistent class with Ens.VDoc.Interface class or we could not see %Save() being called from Ensemble DTL. We suspect that %Save() gets some kind of error. We tried to debug by overwriting Transform() method in our DTL class.

0 3
0 786


Can we create a new class in the studio using any command rather then using the Menu Item Option from Menu Bar in Studio .

Requirement : Create/Draft a new class and able to extends the other classes using a command in Cache Class .

In other words , I want to Dig in the Menu Item class from which Menu bar is created in studio and option are provided Like New..., Open..., etc



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0 250
· Oct 9, 2018
SID Conversion

Hi all,By using LDAP cache method ##Class(%SYS.LDAP).GetValuesLen(LD,CurrentEntry,Attribute) we get the list of attributes but in "ObjectSid" attribute have the SID in binary format(objectSid^U¤:c@ãºþÕLCP]). how to convert to the readable format from the binary format in cache side.
Please help us to proceed further

0 3
0 363

I think I already know the answer to this but I thought I'd ask anyway. So the Node.js adapter allows you to perform operations directly on Globals. Does the InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll or InterSystems.CacheExtreme.dll provide a mechanism to access Gobals directly or are you accessing globals via Caché ObjectScript classes?

0 5
0 546

You have a global ^CODE("TNO","BIO",291,"AKI") that may or may not exist. On the data side of the global ref it can have a boolean value of 0 (false) or 1 (true) and this global is wrapped up in a Caché class accessible from myobject.AKI property. At the object level, how do you check whether the property is defined ie. is there a $DATA equivalent for Cache Object properties? Also, how would you kill /null the property as opposed to making the value 0 (false) or an empty string?

0 10
0 3.5K

Hi everyone,

I need submit a object have a json string as property of class, but I get an issue, object can't save to SQL table if I take json data to json property. I try making a test class with only json property and get the same issue, no data row in SQL table after run ClassMethod . Some one know what's problem, please help me. Here my test class:

1 2
0 766

Using our cool new debugging extension for Visual Studio Code I'm trying to debug a CreateProjection method of a class, but when I compile it the work apparently gets done in one of the worker jobs, so my breakpoint never triggers.

Is there a compiler flag or qualifier to force the compilation to be done in-process rather than getting handed off to a worker job?

2 4
0 458
· Sep 28, 2018
Impact of OREF support

There are some classes in our code base that contain Methods only (no properties). I told my colleagues that converting them into the ClassMethods should improve performance as it would eliminate unnecessary OREF support at run-time. Some of them replied that it would be microseconds, so what is the reason to bother.

Is it possible to estimate the impact of OREF support of method calls at run-time? E.g., as a % of all CPU load.

0 12
0 479

Hello Experts,

I have a silly question of using InsertParam method and usage. I understand it is name value pair. I am using GET method to send a url and to get the details from server. URL has multiparameter

URL - api/Identifier/Image/?Verify.EDD={EDD}&Verify.Ethnicity={ETHNICITY}

I have used the URL in a method and called that method directly in the business operation. I am using Insertparam method -

0 1
0 507
404 Not Found

"error": {
 "errors": [
   "domain": "global",
   "reason": "notFound",
   "message": "Not Found"
 "code": 404,
 "message": "Not Found"

I want to do something like the above sample from a Google Storage JSON API. I have a call to Write obj.%ToJSON() followed by return ..ReportHttpStatusCode(..#HTTP404NOTFOUND) however the HTTP Status code is always 200. If I remove the Write obj.%ToJSON() statement it returns a 404 status with no body. How do I return both?

0 1
0 2.6K
· Sep 13, 2018
Operators as Variables

We have the need to write a function that can loop through say a field in an OBX segment within HL7 and compare it to a string passed. Is it possible to have the user enter the Operator ( >,<,=,<>) as a variable inside Cache object script? Does anyone have any examples they can share?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

0 8
0 523

I can refer to the TracerName for a given ImageFile object with the following syntax: obj.Study.Injection.GetAt(obj.InjKey).RadioTracer.TracerName

Is it possible to write an SQL statement to search the PET.ImageFile table to find a match based on the RadioTracer.TracerName?

0 1
0 216
· Sep 6, 2018
parsing xml response


I'm sending http resuest to the web service :

Set httpRequest=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New()
Set httpRequest.Server=""
Set httpRequest.ContentType="text/xml"
Set httpRequest.Https=1
Set httpRequest.ContentCharset="UTF-8"
Do httpRequest.SetHeader("Accept","text/xml")
Set httpRequest.Timeout=300

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