Still working on my first External REST API call, and I am struggling to find the exact answer I am looking for... I get a JSON response from my API call but I am not quite sure how to dynamically get the JSON response into the Ens.Response Object with its lists of Arrays that I have defined.

set tSC = ..Adapter.SendFormDataArray(.tHTTPResposne,"POST",tHTTPRequest,,,tURL)

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0 489


I have been experimenting with the creation of a set of REST services for an app. The basic GET operation is set to create a %ZEN.proxyObject instance, and then set an instance of a Persistant class as a property, which gives me all of the values I want to return. However, it also gives me some values that I don't want to return over REST (because they are both private, and large registered objects which will bog down performance)

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0 474
· Apr 20, 2018
Special Character API


Made a request for API REST.

Using HTTP Request adapter.

Adapter As EnsLib.HTTP.OutboundAdapter

Outside the Ensemble an API response is JSON (CORRECT)

Answer in Ensemble: =?Á
ÔºQZéýNÕ V{C?óò?b¢?éÍ )$
²5Å?wEë? ??©tÖã1z×2FëÊnôeË æ??]Zßq ܺ?á

Help me.

Thank you

0 8
0 461

Hi all,

We faced a problem where we would like to map a $lb object to its corresponding data model structure in order to later on export it as JSON.

So imagin that we have something like this that actually maps to a persistent table with its structure.


Is there a way to transform this $lb (without the need of openig the object itself) to a JSON object with the proper table fields as properties?

Many thanks

0 9
0 444

Hello everyone,

I created a Class with this 3 properties

Class TestDynamic Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

Property number As %xsd.string;

Property exam As %xsd.string;

Property result As list Of %DynamicObject;


I'm adding objects to list normally

set objTest=##class(TestDynamic).%New()
set objDynamic={"field":"value"}
do objTest.result.Insert(objDynamic)

But when i use this method to convert to JSON

0 7
0 443
· Jan 18, 2022
FHIR Bulk Data and ndjson

Hi all,

I am testing asynchronous Bulk Data retrieve with a large EHR vendor. When I retrieve the bulk data, they are returning ndjson (CONTENT-TYPE of "application/fhir+ndjson; charset=utf-8"). If I attempt to process that content using JSON functions - I get

ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''

For example, the following generates the error

s objArray={}.%FromJSON(quickStreamOut)

The error makes sense in that ndjson is not a valid json format (I assume at least).

0 1
0 428

Hello Intersystems-Community,

I build an API and there I use $order to get the Data from my Globals.
When I first time use that API it's get an error (504 Gateway-Timout > 60 Sec.).

After 2 reloads it works with a loading time of 2 Sec.! Sounds for me like the $order is cached and it works faster. Is it true $order will be cached?

When it works, I only get the error at the next day. So it's very hard to reproduce that error. Is it possible to delete the cache for $order?


0 8
0 428
· Apr 19, 2016
MessagePack support

MessagePack is a binary-based efficient object serialization library. It enables to exchange structured objects between many languages like JSON. But unlike JSON, it is very fast and small.

Any chance of adding support for MessagePack?

1 2
0 427

Hey Intersystems Community,

I have a Problem with the Session Handling in .csp.

I wrote all my Web Services in .csp-Pages and do the work for example in the OnPreHttp Method for to get some data.

After that the Web Service response is in JSON.

I call These Web Services via fetch in my react Single Page application, also Many request parallel. The react App is Rolled out as index.html.
Everything Works Fine with the session Handling via Cookie.

0 3
0 422

Hi Community,

I have json equivalent persistent object in pjsonObj variable. Final JSON example below.

"Document": {
"FileExtension": "pdf",
"FileContent": "JVBERi0xLjUNCiW1tbW1DQo...(very large bsae64 string)"

Here FileContent field in json will contain converted base64 string of very large pdf(10pages). I need to submit this json as a payload to REST endpoint.

below code is working fine.

2 1
0 405
· Mar 7, 2019
JSON challenge

Hello folks,

I have an JSON object that need to be updated before being parsed into a JSX component.

Source JSON obj:

var Obj = { "data": [
  {"id":1, "text":"Task #1", "project":"10", "sub_project":"10-1" },
  {"id":2, "text":"Task #2", "project":"10", "sub_project":"10-1" },
  {"id":3, "text":"Task #3", "project":"11", "sub_project":"11-1" },

Required JSON obj result:

0 1
0 398

Hi There,

I'm fairly new to ObjectScript/Ensemble and I'm sure I may be fundamentally misunderstanding how the %JSONImport/%JSONExport and XDATA mapping work and I was hoping you good folks could help me out. I'm essentially trying to create an object that I can use to translate from one JSON schema to another.

First my class:

0 3
0 379

Hi everyone, I have and Zen Mojo application, it's all working but I have some doubts about what is recommended to use: There is some reports of employees, for example, and actually I'm using some plugins : "Excelent export" to generate Excel reports and "jspdf" to generate PDF reports in client side.

I have an REST service, that receives the request, process and returns JSON, after client side receive the response it's processed.

- This can be slow/bad in applications with large data?

- It's better/recommended to use ZenReports even with ZenMojo applications?

1 2
0 377

I had a challenge recently where I was asked to parse and iterate JSON to find a patient that has a forename = "Bill" and try to make the function that iterates through the code re-usable.

Being working in Healthcare there isn't much experience or demand for parsing JSON, as most of my work is HL7.

I took this on using the documentation and worked out a way to parse the JSON (see posts below for code and source data).

0 6
0 377

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

is there any indication that the .NET object representation of Cache objects (i.e. InterSystems.Data.CacheClient.dll) complies with .NET Standard? I'm planning to extend our existing .NET client/server solution with a mobile option by Xamarin Forms and can't find any significant hints in the internet.

I'm just fooling around a bit and made some expreiments with a REST API and a generic object-to-JSON tier:

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