Hi Community!

We are pleased to invite all the developers to the upcoming InterSystems Full Stack Contest Kick-off Webinar! The topic of this webinar is dedicated to the Full Stack Contest.

On this webinar, we’ll demo the IRIS Full Stack template and answer the questions on how to develop, build and deploy full stack applications in InterSystems IRIS.

Date & Time: Monday, September 21 — 11:00 AM EDT

🗣 @Evgeny Shvarov, InterSystems Developer Ecosystem Manager
🗣 @Raj Singh, InterSystems Product Manager - Developer Experience

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· Aug 11, 2020
JDBC Gateway Server

Hello all,

I'm trying to setup the JDBC Gateway Server so customers can connect to IRIS remotely using JDBC and not ODBC. But I'm facing a problem connecting, as our system department tells me IRIS is using the loopback address ( and that makes remote systems cannot connect to port 53773 (the default port for that).

So, I would like to change this host for the hostname but I cannot see where to do it:

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· Jun 30, 2020 3m read
Replicating Audit Log Near Real Time
Many organisations implement centralised log management systems to separate and centralise the log data in order to e.g. automate threat detection (and response) and to comply with regulatory requirements. The primary systems of interest are the various user facing applications, but increasingly also other kinds of systems including integration platforms.
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Many times it is necessary copy or send files to your docker container instance.

In my case was with IRIS JDBC driver.

Docker has this recipe for this (credits to https://docs.docker.com/engine/reference/commandline/cp/):


But to copy you need your container name. Write this command for this:

docker ps

In my, my-iris is the container name.

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· Dec 2, 2019
Operation System Permission

Hi all...

I am try to execute a class method from JDBC connection. My method are simple, just create a file at $HOME like this:

set sc='$zf(-1,"touch $HOME/lixo.txt > /var/tmp/log666 2>&1")

I put a log file to this commnad because it's don't work, and in log file i get this:

touch: cannot touch ‘/root/lixo.txt’: Permission denied

after to try other commands I found that user and enviromnent variables are diferents:
I try this:

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· Nov 18, 2019
REST service with 11G Sql

Hi, I asked last week and they gave me some little tips. But the truth is I still can't carry out this "Project".

I must perform a REST service, using Oracle 11 database. Eh tried anyway to achieve this.

The purpose is to make a REST service, using the database provided to me and use the procedure that is already created.

According to what I read, I made the connection via JDBC and I had no major problem

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Hi! I am working in a java project (Spring Boot+ Maven + Hibernate) using jpa/hibernate to manage the persistance with the IRIS database from the Docker image (store/intersystems/iris:2019. and I've found an issue using the IRIS instance, when I define tables with relationships OneToMany, ManyToOne or ManyToMany and I try to fetch all the rows of the tables using the default method findAll (JpaRepository implements that method to get all the rows by default) the query automatically exceeds the limit of licenses availables.

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Good morning!

I am developing a Java project (Spring Boot + Maven + Hibernate) but I've a big issue when I try to define the Hibernate Dialect org.hibernate.dialect.InterSystemsIRISDialect... that dialect is neither in the Hibernate library nor in the IRISDriver class com.intersystems.jdbc

How should I define the IRISDialect in my project?

Thank you in advance!

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I was trying to create a query that can be exposed as a stored procedure (function actually) that would return a resultset with a random number of columns.

Unfortunately, it seems that unless I specify the ROWSPEC annotation on the Query method, I won't get any columns exposed. I was hoping to implement QueryNameGetInfo method and specify the names and number of columns I would be returning dynamically. But it seems that GetInfo information is simply ignored.

Here is my code:

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· Apr 9, 2019 3m read
IRIS/Ensemble as an ETL

IRIS and Ensemble are designed to act as an ESB/EAI. This mean they are build to process lots of small messages.

But some times, in real life we have to use them as ETL. The down side is not that they can't do so, but it can take a long time to process millions of row at once.

To improve performance, I have created a new SQLOutboundAdaptor who only works with JDBC.


Extend EnsLib.SQL.OutboundAdapter to add batch batch and fetch support on JDBC connection.

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I am under the impression that inside HealthShare you can Services, Processes, and Operations. The service takes incoming data, the processes can process that data, and then the operations can send that data out.

I am curious if anyone has any experience, guides, or advice on how I can send data to a service using a Java application. I intend for the data to be in XML format. I am also curious if I succeed at picking up the data in the service, how I send the data back to the Java application using an Operation.

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Astronomers’ tools

5 years ago, on December 19, 2013, the ESA launched an orbital telescope called Gaia. Learn more about the Gaia mission on the official website of the European Space Agency or in the article by Vitaly Egorov (Billion pixels for a billion stars).

However, few people know what technology the agency chose for storing and processing the data collected by Gaia. Two years before the launch, in 2011, the developers were considering a number of candidates (see “Astrostatistics and Data Mining” by Luis Manuel Sarro, Laurent Eyer, William O’Mullane, Joris De Ridder, pp. 111-112):

Comparing the technologies side-by-side produced the following results (source):

Technology Time
DB2 13min55s
PostgreSQL 8 14min50s
PostgreSQL 9 6min50s
Hadoop 3min37s
Cassandra 3min37s
Caché 2min25s

The first four will probably sound familiar even to schoolchildren. But what is Caché XEP?

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We are trying to script a High Availability Shutdown/Start script in case we need to fail over to one of our other servers we can be back up within mins. Is there a way to configure the startup procedure to Automatically Stop/Start the JDBC server when shutting down or starting up cache? is there an auto setting we can change?


Scott Roth

The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

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