Hello Community,

I'm a beginner and currently working on a project to convert CCDA files to FHIR using InterSystems IRIS. I have developed a web form to upload CCDA files, and I'm attempting to convert the uploaded CCDA files to FHIR. However, I am encountering an issue where the conversion process results in an empty entry.
Here's the Output it displays on HTML page:

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How do you authenticate with a rest api? The rest api implemention allows us to add in the header Authentication: 'Basic ' + btoa(user + ':' + password) but it is not really secure as a user can inspect and with the right decoding tool see a user password

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We're excited to continue to roll out new features to InterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL, such as the new Vector Search capability that was first released with InterSystems IRIS 2024.1. Cloud SQL is a cloud service that offers exactly that: SQL access in the cloud. That means you'll be using industry-standard driver technologies such as JDBC, ODBC, and DB-API to connect to this service and access your data. The documentation describes in proper detail how to configure the important driver-level settings, but doesn't cover specific third-party tools as - as you can imagine - there's an infinite number of them.

In this article, we'll complement that reference documentation with more detailed steps for a popular third-party data visualization tool that several of our customers use to access IRIS-based data: Microsoft Power BI.

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Hello everyone,

My team is currently developing guidance and best practices for the generation, storage, and deployment of TUNE TABLE statistics across development and production environments. With that in mind, we want to get an idea of what methods teams in the field have developed for handling this data. In particular, we’d like to know the following:

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There's a distinct difference between the control sequences issued by Windows ssh.exe (OpenSSH_for_Windows_9.5p1, LibreSSL 3.8.2) vs. the RHEL 9 ssh (OpenSSH_8.7p1, OpenSSL 3.0.7 1 Nov 2022) when establishing a session to a Linux host.

Windows ssh issues the following for the Home/End keys:

^[OH - Home
^[OF - End

Linux ssh issues these:

^[[1~ - Home
^[[4~ - End

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Welcome to the next chapter of my CI/CD series, where we discuss possible approaches toward software development with InterSystems technologies and GitLab.
Today, we continue talking about Interoperability, specifically monitoring your Interoperability deployments. If you haven't yet, set up Alerting for all your Interoperability productions to get alerts about errors and production state in general.

Inactivity Timeout is a setting common to all Interoperability Business Hosts. A business host has an Inactive status after it has not received any messages within the number of seconds specified by the Inactivity Timeout field. The production Monitor Service periodically reviews the status of business services and business operations within the production and marks the item as Inactive if it has not done anything within the Inactivity Timeout period.
The default value is 0 (zero). If this setting is 0, the business host will never be marked Inactive, no matter how long it stands idle.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn about the Monitoring and Alerting Capabilities of InterSystems IRIS.

🗣 Presenter: @Mark Bolinsky, Principal Technology Architect, InterSystems

This demo was prepared for one of our past online developer roundtables. We encourage you to ask your specific questions about this topic in the comments section, and we will invite our experts to answer them!

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Useful Links:

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I want to refresh the data in the databases from the data that exists in the production system.

The IRIS system in both test and production are in a mirror arrangement

Can the refresh be done by doing a backup on the production system and restore the same backup to test?

Could the refresh be customised so that certain databases can be excluded?

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I'm trying to keep all writes in local memory.

If you have S %A="""HI THERE"",!,#,33.33,"" "",$ZTIMESTAMP"

and you O 2 U 2 W @%A C 2 ZW ^SPOOL
^SPOOL(1,1)="HI THERE"_$c(13,10)
^SPOOL(1,3)="33.33 67016,59246.6188873"

It works just fine and the output is in the ^SPOOL global.

However, I'm trying to avoid writing to disk.

I can't find anything besides using the SPOOL device that will allow the use of the "@" indirection.

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Migrate to VS Code this summer with our comprehensive Basics and Advanced Features training courses.

George James Software is offering migration strategies and training to support the adoption of VS Code with InterSystems IRIS, IRIS for Health, HealthShare, and Caché. We're in the unique position of having deep knowledge and understanding of both InterSystems platforms and VS Code, through our regular contributions to VS Code itself.

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Integrating frontend React applications with backend services like IRIS database via REST APIs can be a powerful way to build robust web applications. However, one common hurdle developers often encounter is the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) issue, which can prevent the frontend from accessing resources on the backend due to security restrictions enforced by web browsers. In this article, we'll explore how to tackle CORS issues when integrating React web apps with IRIS backend services.

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I am working on JSON and want to be prepared to handle large Objects. I try this code:

ClassMethod MaxLen() As %Status


set longStr=""

for i=1:1:$SYSTEM.SYS.MaxLocalLength() { set longStr = longStr_"x" }

write "Maximum string length = "_$LENGTH(longStr)


set longObject = {"a":(longStr),"b":(longStr)}

set file=##class(%File).%New("/tmp/longObjectFile.txt")

do file.Open("WSN")

do longObject.%ToJSON(file)

do file.Close()


do file.Open("RS")

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· Jun 23
Long JSON values

I have JSON object which contains file references. I need to replace the file reference with base64 encoded file which is up to 10MB.

I tried the following but it did not work as expected:

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I would like to ask whether there is some option to stop auto-formatting when I compile. The code is sometimes well formatted but the auto-formatter does not work correctly in some situations. I am talking about the compilation in the Studio editor in this image, not about Visual Studio Code.

Thank you in advance,

Alin C Soare.

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