Hello developers,

Our project was designed to optimize patient clinical outcomes by reducing hospitalization time and supporting the development of resident and novice physicians. Additionally, it contributes to lowering financial waste in the healthcare system by improving the monitoring of pregnant patients, thereby decreasing risks and enhancing their safety.

Using the most accessible tool, the smartphone, was the obvious choice to make patients' lives easier.

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I am using embeded python to utilize some pythonic library but i got a problem on my hand.

One of the python function i am using return multiple values

in python you would do something like that :

val1, val2, val3, = function(params)

In COS I got something like that :

lib = ##class(%SYS.Python).Import("lib")
val1 = lib.function(params)

And I don't know how to get the second and third values.
Is there a way to get them?

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I am trying to log certain program data in my ObjectScript REST class, to track down a bug I have. I am comparing two values at runtime, and one result does one thing, and another a different thing. Since this is a REST API class, I have no way of seeing in real time what the value is to debug. I cannot simply run the method in debug in Studio as it will not run properly being a REST class method, nor have the correct incoming header data to correctly replicate what is happening in the API at runtime when being hit by client apps.

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I have my server setup a resource server. When a user calls our API they submit a bearer token as authorization and in our dispatch class AccessCheck() we validate the JWT using ##class(%SYS.OAuth2.Validation).ValidateJWT().

If I include a scope to check in that method I get the error Scope check may only be done on requesting client and I'm not sure what this means. The method works without include the scope and will let me know if I have an unsigned token or an expired token.

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Our 3M Computer Assisted Coding system goes down on a regular basis for updates, the Applications folks like us to Disable the Business Operations when this happens and start them back up when they page the on-call person. The Business Operations have to be started in a sequence to guarantee that all the ADT being sent it processed before we start sending everything else.

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Hello all,

I'm trying to build a cube based on a linked table but seems that IRIS is not able to do it :O

Long story short, I have a linked table in IRIS that sources a Microsoft SQL table (using standard linked feature from the portal). It works fine, I can access it using SQL as many other times. On top of that, I've created in DeepSee (ok, Analytics) a cube that uses this class as source. It compiles correctly, no errors given. When I build it with 100 records, all goes well and using Analyzer I can see results.

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Hello developers!

I submitted for the contest a solution that would allow organizing message notifications and providing information to users of the messenger Telegam. This is achieved by creating two bots: an administrator and an informant. The administrator manages the list of users connected to the bot informator and their access rights.

The Solution based on project

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I'm trying to keep all writes in local memory.

If you have S %A="""HI THERE"",!,#,33.33,"" "",$ZTIMESTAMP"

and you O 2 U 2 W @%A C 2 ZW ^SPOOL
^SPOOL(1,1)="HI THERE"_$c(13,10)
^SPOOL(1,3)="33.33 67016,59246.6188873"

It works just fine and the output is in the ^SPOOL global.

However, I'm trying to avoid writing to disk.

I can't find anything besides using the SPOOL device that will allow the use of the "@" indirection.

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InterSystems FAQ rubric

After upgrading your system, you may receive the error below when you try to open the Management Portal:

ERROR #5001: Server version of object does not match version sent from the client: %ZEN.Component.vgroup

This error is caused by outdated information remaining in your browser's cache.

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0 104

I downloaded IAM- from the Online Distribution site this morning, it the implementation to install it on our Development environment to see if it is a viable solution. Following the instructions, I have ran into an issue trying to make sure I am entering the information into the prompts correctly.

I have IRIS HealthShare Health Connect 2024.1 running locally using a Local Web Server, so when prompted I have entered the IP Address and port 443 is that correct?

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We recently went through an Audit of our Security Policies and Procedures when it comes to IRIS. As a result of that Audit, we need to make adjustments to the way that Security is setup within IRIS. I have already done my changes on our TEST and DEVELOPMENT environments, but now I am trying to plan out how do we make these changes in Production.

These changes include moving away from the PWS, setting up Apache/Web Gateway, moving to LDAP instead of using Delegated Authentication, updating Web Applications, updating Resources, updating Services, etc...

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I've created an Object Gateway via the System Management Portal, and installed the following Java classes to allow connectivity between the IRIS server and RabbitMQ ...





I've used the Java Gateway wizard via Studio and compiled the java classes that this would refer to, and a quick test worked on Day 1. However, on Day 2, on trying to connect, I got this error :


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The 2023.1.3 extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect is now available. It provides bug fixes for any of the previous 2023.1.x releases.

You can find the detailed change lists / upgrade checklists on these pages:

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0 124

Hello everyone,

I am new to Deepsee (BI intelligence) concepts in IRIS. I am looking for a solution of below question

Question: We have a server where we are currently storing archive PDF reports of our application.

We want to add and view these archive reports (PDF format only) in dashboards. Is there any way we can do this? Or any article which can help us performing this task.

Thanks in advance!!

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Hi Community,

Enjoy watching the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

InterSystems IRIS Scalability: New & Next Plus Ultra @ Global Summit 2023

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i have this simple json structure:

"nTypeTrigger": "ATR",
"sDate": "2024-04-17 15:29:16",
"tRefArray": [{"sID":"132"},{"sID":"151"},{"sID":"233"}],
"tCountries": []

I can't find an example to iterate on tRefArray.

I've tried to create a secondary iterator but it doesn't work. Here is my current code:

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Hi Community,

Immerse yourself in our fresh video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Data Fabric Demystified - Patterns and Examples @ Global Summit 2023

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