· Dec 4, 2023
Custom Application Metric

I made a custom application metric, imported it to the USER namespace and used:

set status = ##class(SYS.Monitor.SAM.Config).Add.ApplicationClass("historymonitor.errorSensor", "USER")

to add it. When I do 'w status' it returns 1 so it is added but I still can't see the custom metric in the api/monitor/metrics endpoint. Even though I added %DB_USER in the application roles for api/monitor.

Does anyone know where the problem might be that the metrics endpoint still doesn't show my metric?

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Hey Community,

Join us to have a look back at recent developments in care planning and coordination and a look forward at what is on the horizon:

Unified Care Record: New & Next 2022 @ Global Summit 2022
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Our 3M Computer Assisted Coding system goes down on a regular basis for updates, the Applications folks like us to Disable the Business Operations when this happens and start them back up when they page the on-call person. The Business Operations have to be started in a sequence to guarantee that all the ADT being sent it processed before we start sending everything else.

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Hi Team,

I am using ##class(%Net.Cloud.Storage.Client).SingleDownloadBlobToFile

Able to upload small files less than 100 MB, but when uploading large files like 800MB we are getting Java Memory error. java.lang.OutOfMemoryError Java heap space

I am using default JavaServer (javaServer param as ""). This happens in all three data types (File, Stream and Object)

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If you hold the InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist certification, you can potentially get recertified and have your certification expiration date extended by five years by beta testing our new InterSystems HL7 Interface Specialist Recertification project. The project includes hands-on exercises to validate core skills for developers who use InterSystems products to build and test HL7 v2.x productions.

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The 2023.1.3 extended maintenance releases of InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, and HealthShare Health Connect is now available. It provides bug fixes for any of the previous 2023.1.x releases.

You can find the detailed change lists / upgrade checklists on these pages:

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0 136

We are investigating option of populating .pdf Custom Properties Name-Value pairs with episode/billing information from the TrakCare database, using Logi Reports. Resulting .pdf would be stored in a designated network folder. Would welcome suggestions on feasibility / technique to achieve / code to achieve (or alternative approach).

Intent is for further (watcher) process to detect new .pdf file in network folder and determine actions and/or process flow based on Name-Value pair information in pdf's Custom Properties.

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0 134

I was watching this video about IRIS and GitHub and all is clear to me how it works and how code from each branch is getting deployed to each IRIS environment but the process to deploy is manual. My question is how can I, if possible, to utilize gti-source-control from GitLab CICD pipeline to deploy code automaticaly after PR approval instead going to the Git UI?


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We recently went through an Audit of our Security Policies and Procedures when it comes to IRIS. As a result of that Audit, we need to make adjustments to the way that Security is setup within IRIS. I have already done my changes on our TEST and DEVELOPMENT environments, but now I am trying to plan out how do we make these changes in Production.

These changes include moving away from the PWS, setting up Apache/Web Gateway, moving to LDAP instead of using Delegated Authentication, updating Web Applications, updating Resources, updating Services, etc...

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We are moving away from Delegated Authentication in which I stored a username and password for our LDAP in a GLOBAL to be called by ZAUTHENTICATE.

Is there a way to pull in that GLOBAL into the LDAP Configuration within the Managment Portal instead of having to manually enter it? There seems to be an issue with Copy/Paste that the password isn't being set correctly when I use Copy/Paste.

Else I just export/import the LDAP Configuration from 1 server to another and manually update the Certificate to point to the correct file.



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I am actually new to IRIS, and we are DevOps/PowerShell/Ansible team. We want to achieve certain administration tasks like updating Memory, Heap size, Lock size etc., in Management Portal through PowerShell. Is there any way i can achieve this without out logging in into Management portal. Off course, we have namespace, user id and password details. We have installed ODBC drive and able to update tables in the IRIS database.

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Hi experts

I'm trying to configure an IRIS ODBC connection with "Windows NT authentication using the network login ID". I have created the System DSN as below:

and user (PROD\test) in the SQL Gateway connection

However, as the error message suggests, IRIS is trying to connect with PROD\svc_mist, rather than PROD\test configured above.

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Our client getting sometimes this error and we need to change port number on JavaGateway process to continue,

Failed to start the Gateway server: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: Communication failure on port: 5000
> ERROR #5001: External Language Server: invalid ping response

Can you tell as why it is happenning? intersystems runtime is under linux.

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