· Jul 4, 2024

Failed to start the Gateway server: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: Communication failure on port: 5000 > ERROR #5001: External Language Server: invalid ping response

Our client getting sometimes this error and we need to change port number on JavaGateway process to continue,

Failed to start the Gateway server: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: Communication failure on port: 5000
> ERROR #5001: External Language Server: invalid ping response


Can you tell as why it is happenning? intersystems runtime is under linux.

Product version: IRIS 2023.1
Discussion (6)3
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Hallo Marc,

We have tryed to chage the ports the problem persists.  hier is a logging: First we get warning from Javagateway. And when BO trying to execute sql we get Error and we need to change port to continue.

Type: Warning
Text: Gateway Server did not respond to PING request: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: Communication failure on port: 5003
Logged: 2024-07-11 14:33:31.468
Type: Error
Text: Failed to stop the Gateway Server: ERROR #5023: Remote Gateway Error: Connection cannot be established
Logged: 2024-07-12 10:20:02.649
Source: JavaGateway InsertACK
Session: (none)
Job: 137646
Class: EnsLib.JavaGateway.Service
Method: OnTearDown
Trace: (none)
Stack When Logged:
  • $$^OnTearDown+4^EnsLib.Gateway.Service.1 +1
  • DO^%OnClose+16^Ens.Host.1 +1
  • DO^%Destruct+1^Ens.Host.1 +1
  • DO^Start+85^Ens.Job.1 +1

Have you checked to see if there is another app using the Port? I know that sometimes the Shutdown doesn't always shutdown the Java Gateways properly, especially if you failover, and fail back to the primary. We have it scripted to make sure that if a Shutdown occurs or if the mirror fails over that the Java Gateways are properly shutdown.

Does your Java Gateway stop or your BO? Is something scanning the ports and causing a blockage, or failure perhaps? Try enabling the Java Gateway log file, I know it's hard to read, but it may give you a clue to what is going on.

Also make sure that the External Language %JDBC Server isn't crashing for some unknown reason. I found that if the %JDBC Server starts having issues that the Java Gateways within your Namespaces start having issues as well.