
I have been adapting the IRIS WHIZ addon as part of the contest. I will soon fork the code on github so the changes are available.

The next phase is I am storing the date from and to time for a more complete search cache


it works in the chrome console ok

I'm not sure in external JS how to set the page it is on as a zenpage to use the zenpage functions

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First of all: thanks for your help, and thank you for your time.

Thanks for your time.

We have the following situation:

We are in a BPL, and we have defined 4 <call> asynchronous as follows:

First one name: "Enviar a Proceso NEGRIN"

The second one, named as: "Enviar a Proceso HUNSC"

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We have error - ERROR #5821: Cannot instantiate query: 'SQLCODE = -146, %msg = Error: '' is an invalid DISPLAY Date value' not able to see what is causing:

CASE When P.PatReltoGuar->Name = 'SELF' then P.Lnm Else Substring(P.GuarNmIfNotPat, 1,Charindex(',',P.GuarNmIfNotPat)-1) End as DemoGuarLastName,

CASE When P.PatReltoGuar->Name = 'SELF' then P.Fnm Else Substring(P.GuarNmIfNotPat,Charindex(',',P.GuarNmIfNotPat)+1,LEN(P.GuarNmIfNotPat)) End AS DemoGUARFIRSTNAME,

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· Mar 21, 2023
Read-only .cls?

Hi, could someone tell me please how can I "unlock" a .cls file which author is Intersystems? I want to make some modifications and add some trace messages there. The file resides in the HS.FHIRServer namespace and it looks like read-only

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Hi community,

I´ve setup a local FHIR server via the framework functionality und set a service config name for the created endpoint since I plan to use a production based FHIR server. I´ve created an additional ressource "FhirClientRessource" and role "FhirClientRole" as well as a user named "FhirClient". The Role resource "FhirClientRessource" ist set as "required resource" in the FHIR server configuration page. The user "FhirClient" is member of the Role "FhirClientRole" which in turn holds RWU priveliges on the "FhirClientRessources".

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I'm trying to configure an SSL/TSL configuration in our test environment so we can send ADT messages to an external server. I've verified connectivity/firewall to the external server.

type is set to Client, Server certificate verification is set to Require.

I have received a certificate from the external supplier and linked that in the "File containing trusted Certificate Authjority certificate" field. (I've also imported it into the cert store and tried using %OSCertificateStore).

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I have a EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation that uses SFTP protocol and public/private key to connect to an external vendor moveitcloud.

Issue: The vendor is planning to enable Multi Factor Authentication for this file transfer account.

Question: Have you configured a SFTP operation to use Multi factor Authentication? If not, is there another way?

Thank you,

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I have created a FHIR endpoint and send the FHIR resource to FHIR Interoperability production class which is HS.FHIRServer.Interop.Service through the the created endpoint(/r4). I can able to see/get the HS.SDA3.QuickStream(It use CacheTemp.HS.Stream temporary global) on the fly(In between the process). I'm unable to get the FHIR resource from the QuickStream once the process completed. Is this HS.SDA3.QuickStream is wiped out from the system once process completed?

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I created a property in a Business Process class and added that property to the "settings" parameter to display it as a field in production settings.

Property ServerName As %String(MAXLEN = "");

Parameter SETTINGS = "ServerName:Server Config";

Property names cannot contain characters such as underscore or whitespace. Is there any way to change the display name in production so that I can show this setting as "Server Name" and not "ServerName"?

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json file failing in conversion to SDA

  • DO^zToQuickXML+11^HS.SDA3.NVPair.1 +2
  • DO^zToQuickXML+34^HS.SDA3.CustomObject.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+8^HS.Local.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.HealthCareFacilityExtension.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+28^HS.SDA3.CodeTableDetail.HealthCareFacility.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+6^HS.SDA3.Location.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+12^HS.Local.SDA3.ProcedureExtension.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+29^HS.SDA3.Procedure.1 +1
  • DO^zToQuickXML+155^HS.SDA3.Container.1 +1
  • $$^zToQuickXMLStream+5^HS.SDA3.QuickXML.1 +1
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IRISTEMP - IRIS.DAT took up all the available disk space of almost 2 TB that leads to Production instance down.

After RCA the suspected cause was some SQL query but not confirmed as query result was received within a minute.

Currently we are monitoring the IRIS.DAT and it is continuously increasing and currently we set the MAX size for this DB, but not sure what will happen once it hit the MAX SIZE ?

Any clue why the IRISTEMP DB is not flushing the data from IRIS.DAT as i believe it is being mostly used for system processes and is in increasing trend at ~ 1GB/day?

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I have Iris4Health community version (using for some development) running in a docker container and trying to enable TLS/SSL/HTTPS in the container. I have created the SSL cert chain (root ca/web site cert) via open SSL have the http.conf and http-local.conf file loaded on a durable volume. I have also loaded the root CA in the trusted root cert store on the device that is connecting.

After inspecting the logs it looks like apache has loaded the certs and is listening on the correct port, but I am unable to connect to the mgmt portal via SSL.

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