· Jun 12, 2024

CREATE TABLE AS SELECT fails when one specific field is present

Hello Community,

I have encountered the following SQL problem trying to create a table from a SELECT statement.

I narrowed the problem down to the following example:

1. The SELECT statement alone works as expected.

SELECT m.Name, h.Status 
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message m, Ens.MessageHeader h 
WHERE h.MessageBodyClassName='EnsLib.HL7.Message' AND h.MessageBodyID = m.ID

2. But if "CREATE TABLE ... AS" is added it fails

SELECT m.Name, h.Status
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message m, Ens.MessageHeader h
WHERE h.MessageBodyClassName='EnsLib.HL7.Message' AND h.MessageBodyID = m.ID

with the error message

  [SQLCODE: <-400>:<Fatal error occurred>]


[%msg: <SQLCODE: -400 Message: Process 73824 failed to compile Cached Query Class %sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8 with the following errors: System:Instance: svm-ap-ekds1q:DEVHS, Namespace: UKERDFT, $Job: 73824 ERROR #5475: Error compiling routine: %sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8. Errors: %sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8.cls ERROR: %sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8.1(57) : MPP5610 : Referenced macro not defined: 'vaExtentGbl' TEXT: . try { Set segid=$G($$$vaExtentGbl(i%ID,"segs",1),"0,0"), data=$S(segid[",":$G($$$vaSegment(segid)),1:$G($$$vaSegmentGbl(segid))), i%Name=$Case($$$vaDataSegName(data),"FHS":"FHS","BHS":"BHS",:##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).getDataName(data)) ERROR: %sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8.1(74) : MPP5610 : Referenced macro not defined: 'vaExtentGbl' TEXT: . try { Set segid=$G($$$vaExtentGbl(i%ID,"segs",1),"0,0"), data=$S(segid[",":$G($$$vaSegment(segid)),1:$G($$$vaSegmentGbl(segid))), i%Name=$Case($$$vaDataSegName(data),"FHS":"FHS","BHS":"BHS",:##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).getDataName(data)) ERROR #5475: Error compiling routine: %sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8.1. Errors: ERROR: #1002: Invalid character in tag : 'segid=$G($$$vaExtentGbl(i%ID,"segs",1),"0,0"),' : Offset:25 [%0AmBuncommitted+5^%sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8.1] > ERROR #5030: An error occurred while compiling class '%sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8' ERROR #5475: Error compiling routine: %sqlcq.UKERDFT.xE0CXKiKodboVaHSFfXamhsFi3m8.1. Errors: ERROR: #1002: Invalid character in tag : 'segid=$G($$$vaExtentGbl(i%ID,"segs",1),"0,0"),' : Offset:25>]

3. In contrast the following statement works fine. The only difference is that the field "m.Name" is not used. For demonstation purposes replaced with a different field from the same table "m.DocType". Other fields also work.

SELECT m.DocType, h.Status
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message m, Ens.MessageHeader h
WHERE h.MessageBodyClassName='EnsLib.HL7.Message' AND h.MessageBodyID = m.ID


It seems to me, the field "Name" of the Table "EnsLib_HL7.Message" causes the trouble but I don't know why (maybe it interferes with a reserved word?) and I couldn't figure out a way to avoid this problem.

Has someone any idea what's going on here and how to solve this problem?


Kind Regards

Product version: IRIS 2021.1
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for x86-64) 2021.1 (Build 215U) Wed Jun 9 2021 09:48:27 EDT [HealthConnect:3.3.0] [HealthConnect:3.3.0]
Discussion (4)2
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Odd. I just ran your exact query on IRIS for Health 2023.3 and it executed successfully.

The error message suggests that a macro isn't defined, specifically $$$vaDataSegName, which is found in (among others). Since you're working specifically with HL7 messages I suspect that include file is not available to the namespace in which you're running the query.

Hi Jeffrey,

thanks for checking! Glad to see that this might be fixed with our next update!

The cause of the problem appears to lie in the computed fields of the table, the macros used might not work in a different table/class. Other computed fields ("Name", "Identifier", "TypeVersion") don't work either.

Meanwhile I found a workaround:

Instead of using the computed field "Name" it's contents can be computed explicitely. It's not 100% the same, because some details, eg taking into accout the separator characters, are missing but it works for me!

SELECT REPLACE($EXTRACT($PIECE(m.RawContent,'|',9),1,7),'^','_') Name, h.Status
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message m, Ens.MessageHeader h
WHERE h.MessageBodyClassName='EnsLib.HL7.Message' AND h.MessageBodyID = m.ID
