In addition to charts on a dashboard we have a request to have a crosstab which would be populated by some entries queried out of an error log. It's basically a detail query with mostly text data. I have tried making a pivot widget for this using both a cube and kpi source, and while succeeding with the KPI, it leaves a lot to be desired.

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How do we return a member from a set? For example if I want a calculated measure to return the NAME of the date with the max transactions, to get the set ordered I might do something like:

ORDER([TransactionDate].[YearMonthDate].[Date].MEMBERS, [Measures].[TransactionCount], DESC)

But how do I access the first member in the set as a member so that I can get to the properties such as the member NAME (what I want to return in this case)?

In some MDX implementations like Microsoft there are kind of backdoor functions for this like:

0 4
0 375


I'm using Docker and I don't get how you create new folders in the container.

I'm using Docker on Windows running the iris health community.

I want to create 2 folders on the instance and be adding files to it; I must be missing something as i can't see how this gets easily managed?

May retry just downloading the main community HS edition not through docker but could how to amend the error

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0 257

Hi all! 2nd time poster and still kind of a newbie. I Googled and searched the posts but did not find anything quite like my question. I have an XML to HL7 2.6 MFN_M16 translation. I created an XML schema and I am using it inside a DTL to translate data to HL7. The XML is rather simple EXCEPT one element as data separated by pipes. This only happens when one item has multiple PAR Locations. To make a valid HL7 message these multiple PAR Locations each need their own IVT segment.

XML Par Location is equal to HL7 IVT:InventoryLocationIdentifier OR (IVT-2)

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0 347

Hi all,

I added an additional shard node to an existing shard by accident.

After the add, it can not be removed and query from the master shard now fails. I did not find any data from shard master in the shard node.

How to recover it and remove the shard node from the shard master?


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We are working with a vendor who only accepts JSON as payload. We are currently still on Cache/HealthShare, not IRIS. Since we have to send Continuity of Care Documents, this raises issues with Long Strings (some CCDs can be quite large and in addition to that, they have to be b64-encoded which increases their size even more).

My question is: if we were to go on IRIS and use %JSON.Adapter, storing the encoded Stream in an object's Stream property, would calling %JSONExport() on this object produce the desired JSON? Or would we have to call %JSONExportToStream()?

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0 575

I am looking for any pointers on how Intersystems IRIS Health can monitor a filesystem/Folder that user/s /applications can drop in CSV files via FTP and load the file to the IRIS DB . I understand that I will need create a record map for the CSV files, I am looking for any configuration references on how how to process files using file inbound adapters with the intent to pick up the CSV file as they are dropped in the target location and pass it to a Business process and ingest into the IRIS database

Any help would be greatly appreciated ...

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I am looking to create a routing rule that will do the following:

When transaction is not an A03, and discharge date is valued, do not transform.

What I am having trouble with is with the conditional for the discharge date {PV1:45}. Not sure if I can use length here or if I can use HL7.{PV1:45}>0. I did try that, but its not working. Not sure what I am doing wrong.



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· Nov 11, 2020
Create Database using Python
I am trying to create a database using python. The example shows setting a Name string and a Properties object containing Directory=.

; Use class methods to create an instance
 %SYS>s Name="ABC"
 %SYS>s Properties("Directory")="c:\abc\"
 %SYS>s Status=##Class(Config.Databases).Create(Name,.Properties)
 %SYS>i '$$$ISOK(Status) w !,"Error="_$SYSTEM.Status.GetErrorText(Status)

How do I update and pass the Directory property using Python?

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0 236

Hey everyone.

I have noticed that my backup mirror is warning that the MirrorDatabaseLatencyTime is having a bad time (time in ms is 3000, and warnvalue is 3000). While I look into what may be causing this latency between the two servers, I was considering if reducing the size of the journal files would improve this value in any way.

My assumption is that reducing the file size would mean that the frequency of the journal files being created would be increased, but the reduced size would mean that the transfer and application of each file would be reduced.

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0 593

Hi All,

Can you please guide me on how to restore the .cbk file from the 2015 Cache version into the 2017 version or any other versions of Cache or IRIS software? I have a new instance on my server. It's an entirely new server. I have a .cbk backup file. I want to restore the backup file into a new namespace which one I will create on my new server. When I am trying on ^DBREST utility, I am getting "This is not a Cache Backup File" this error.

Please advise on this. It's a bit urgent.


Arun Kumar.

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· Oct 27, 2020
Configure IRIS using Python

I am trying to configure IRIS using python. The first task I wanted to do it change the journal directory. I cannot figure out the right way to work with the Config.Journal class with python. I can get the text to query the current setting.

returnValue = dbnative.classMethodValue("Config.Journal","GetList")
print(returnValue )

But I don't see a straightforward way to parse the $List returned by GetList() I was hoping there was an easier way.

How do I

1. Query configuration parameters?

2. Set configuration parameters?

Using python?

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0 209

Newbie Warning...

I have a DTL which accepts HL7 2.3:ORU_R01 And Transforms to Custom Request Target

the target request contains an array of a custom class named OBXobj with some %string properties which Extends (%RegisteredObject, %XML.Adaptor)

in the DTL i have a for each loop which should copy OBX segments to the the request.

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