Hey Developers,

Check out the latest video on searching for FHIR resources:

Searching for FHIR Resources in IRIS for Health

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This video covers the most common types of queries used to search for FHIR resources in InterSystems IRIS for Health™, and shows how and when to use each type of query in your application.

Searching for FHIR Resources in HealthShare Unified Care Record

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Did anyone run into this error when stopping a Production from Ens.Director?

Ens.Director::StopProduction => ERROR <Ens>ErrProductionNotQuiescent: IRIS can not become quiescent

It happens sporadically when an automated unit test from a class that extends %UnitTest.TestProduction runs a test on a Business Process. I already increased the parameter MAXWAIT to 30 seconds, but the error still happens.

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Hey Developers,

Check out the latest video on FHIR API Management:

FHIR API Management: Basic Configuration

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FHIR API Management: FHIR Dev Portal

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FHIR API Management: Logging and Monitoring

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FHIR API Management: Security

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Hi Community!

Please welcome the next video from Global Summit 2019 on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Implementing FHIR Use Cases

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Hey Developers,

Check out the latest video on InterSystems IRIS for Health Data Platform:

What is InterSystems IRIS for Health?

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FHIR in InterSystems IRIS for Health

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We would need to know the Ens.Response SourceConfigName to identify which Operation has raised an exception.

We have tried:

$$$LOGINFO("..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName..: "_..%Process.%PrimaryResponseHeader.SourceConfigName) //It outputs an empty string
$$$LOGINFO("response.SourceConfigName: "_response.SourceConfigName) //It generates an exception

We would need to get from an Ens.Response which body is null, its SourceConfigName:

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Business Rules can define a context object, whose properties are exposed and used in the expressions of the rules. For example, my context object is an object with 3 properties. PropA, PropB and PropC.

When constructing my rules, I can call a custom function, and I have one I built myself called 'myFunction' which takes arguments and I pass in properties of my context object. (I can pass in the value of the context object's PropA, B or C).

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I am using a class based on %UnitTest.TestProduction to test Health Connect production.

I read in Class Reference IRIS for UNIX 2020.1:

Note: This class is not intended to be used in InterSystems IRIS instances.

Why should this not be used in IRIS? I have not seen any difference using this with HealthConnect 2017 or IRIS 2020.1

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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to the upcoming "Development of Interoperability Business Hosts with PEX in Java/.Net" webinar by InterSystems Russia on July 16 at 10:00 (UTC+3, Moscow time)!

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We are using IRIS, and have some systems that we send data to that cannot accept messages with certain fields larger than a particular size.

Is there any way to utilize the schema to truncate any fields that are larger than the entered data?

I've tried just setting the max lengths and doing the transform, but it puts in the entire string, and can't find a topic for it.

There are a large number of fields that need to be truncated, so it would be ideal to get it to respect the hl7 schema maximum lengths.

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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to join the next InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Using Java and .NETon June 16 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this installment of InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talks, we put the spotlight on extending InterSystems IRIS with your own custom Java and .NET code. We will demo how to create a custom interoperability component with the new Productions Extensions (PEX) feature. Following that, we’ll demo how to call Java or .NET code from any ObjectScript code.

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· Jun 18, 2020 1m read
Debugging Business Operations

Often we need to debug a Business Operation. Tracing and logging work but sometimes you want to work with a BO as with your local terminal session.

Here's how you can do that on any operating system.

Windows has a great tool for debugging Business Operations - Foreground mode. In that mode Windows launches a local terminal with operation job.

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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to join the next InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud on June 30 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk, we’ll focus on using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud. We’ll start with an overview of FHIR, which stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, and is a next generation standards framework for working with healthcare data.

You'll learn how to:

  • provision the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server in the cloud;
  • integrate your own data with the FHIR server;
  • use SMART on FHIR applications and enterprise identity, such as Active Directory, with the FHIR server.

We will discuss an API-first development approach using the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server. Plus, we’ll cover the scalability, availability, security, regulatory, and compliance requirements that using InterSystems FHIR as a managed service in the AWS Cloud can help you address.

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I want to deploy Iris Interoperability Production in multiple containers . The production has File Services that process files from EFS location. All the files being processed by multiple containers are in the same directory. The standard Adapter class does not have Check Complete option to lock a file so that other containers File Services looking in the same file path cannot process the same file.

I updated the Inbound File Adapter class to offer another Check Complete option LOCK that will lock the file until it is processed and archived.

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In this article I'd like to share with you a phenomena that is best you avoid - something you should be aware of when designing your data model (or building your Business Processes) in Caché or in Ensemble (or older HealthShare Health Connect Ensemble-based versions).

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Preview releases are now available for InterSystems IRIS Advanced Analytics, and InterSystems IRIS for Health Advanced Analytics! The Advanced Analytics add-on for InterSystems IRIS introduces IntegratedML as a key new feature.

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If you work with interoperability productions of InterSystems IRIS or Ensemble, no doubt you are familiar with the Message Viewer page. The page supports filtering messages according to filter criteria you enter in the Basic and/or Extended Criteria sections. Extended Criteria conditions are specified as property-operator-value triples. Once you click Search button, such triples become WHERE clause conditions of a generated SQL query executed against message header/body tables.

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As promised, here is Part 2 of our interview with Russ Leftwich! In this half, Adam Coppola talks with Russ about some of the InterSystems technologies that play a part in the concepts from Part 1, as well as some specific discussions about modern FHIR applications. After the interview with Russ, we were also joined by Jenny Ames to talk about the upcoming FHIR Dev Days. Check it out, and make sure to go subscribe to Data Points!

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· May 8, 2020
New Video: FHIR Update

Hi Community!

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

FHIR Update

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