Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn how the upcoming Healthcare Action Engine will combine event detection, complex logic, and a notification framework to improve synchronous and asynchronous notifications:

Healthcare Action Engine and CDS Hooks: Sneak Peek @ Global Summit 2022

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As we said yesterday... our EMPI can receive data from multiple sources, REST, HL7 messaging, etc. But it is possible that the standard fields are not enough and we want to expand the patient information to help discriminate and uniquely identify them. How could we customize patient data? Modifying the standard classes to our liking? NOOOOO!!!! Well, a little yes, but not like crazy, because if we modify standard classes carelessly we may find that in a future update we lose all these modifications.

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Hi Developers,

Start watching our latest video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

North West London Integrated Care System Go Live with Health Connect Cloud @ Global Summit 2023

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Beginning with the release of InterSystems IRIS® data platform 2022.3, InterSystems corrected the license enforcement mechanism to include REST and SOAP requests. Due to this change, environments with non-core-based licenses that use REST or SOAP may experience greater license utilization after upgrading.

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Executive Summary

InterSystems HealthShareÆ and InterSystems EnsembleÆ both provide a rapid integration and development platform with built-in capabilities for the high-speed processing of HL7 messages. For the purposes of HL7 v2 message routing the two products are equivalent in performance. For brevity, this document will just say Ensemble in many places but it should be taken to apply equally to both products.

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Information Sharing Enables Health Plans to Leverage Data and Analytical Assets to Deliver Sustained Value

Executive Summary

The shared-risk payment models that are central to health reform all require tight coordination among payers, providers, and patients if they are to succeed. As payers and providers enter into more and more such agreements, they need to enhance success by communicating and collaborating more effectively with their partners and actively engaging, supporting, and empowering their members.

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Presenter: Tom Spencer
Task: Add extra data to HealthShare’s data model and make it available to all HealthShare components
Approach: Use new extensions within HealthShare to add custom data

When deploying a HealthShare solution, you may need to add extra data to our SDA data model. In this session, we will present the new extension mechanism for adding data to HealthShare and to ensuring that data is available in Health Insight and Patient Index.

Content related to this session, including slides, video and additional learning content can be found here. Please note that this content is available only to HealthShare customers and attendees of the Global Summit. On the learning web site you will be prompted for your Global Summit credentials to access this content.

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1. Scope and Objective:

Recently we supported a few NHS cases that required TIE (Trust Integration Engine) integration with the PKB service. Hence this article is meant to be a 10-minute quick guide to describe a demo solution (simple configurations and end-2-end implementation steps) for Health Connect (Ensemble) Integration with PKB (Patient-Knows-Best) service.

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InterSystems has corrected a defect that may cause Windows Telnet processes that are secured using SSL/TLS to hang indefinitely; this may then cause an instance to become unresponsive. This defect is present only on Windows platforms.

This defect affects:

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· Nov 16, 2021
Video: The Promise of FHIR

Hi Community,

Learn about strategic approaches being taken to leverage the potential of HL7 FHIR in InterSystems HealthShare:

The Promise of FHIR

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Hey Developers,

Get updated on recent changes to Provider Directory and Patient Index. Take a peek at what is coming next:

Provider Directory & Patient Index: New & Next

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Hello Everyone,

The Certification Team of InterSystems Learning Services has updated exam objectives for our HL7 Interface Specialist certification exam and we need input from our implementation community.

How do I provide my input? We will present you with a list of job tasks, and you will rate them on their importance and other factors.

How much effort is involved? It takes about 30-45 minutes to fill out the survey. You can be anonymous or identify yourself and ask us to get back to you.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to learn what's in store for patient experience initiatives for our hospital clients:

Patient Experience and the EHR @ Global Summit 2022

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Schematron is a rule-based validation language for making assertions about the presence or absence of certain patterns in XML documents. A schematron refers to a collection of one or more rules containing tests. Schematrons are written in a form of XML, making them relatively easy for everyone, even non-programmers, to inspect, understand, and write

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Hi community! I would like to show you how to install and configure one of the HealthShare products, the Enterprise Master Patient Index or EMPI.

The EMPI provides to any organization a master patient index to identify each patient of the organization univocally. You can find more information about the EMPI in the following URL: https://www.intersystems.com/interoperability-platform/patient-index/

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· Aug 31, 2023 5m read
PDF Compression Using Ghostscript


Have you ever felt like your PDF files take up too much space on your server? As you collect more and more of these files, you might run into storage issues that can be costly to solve. But what if there was a way to shrink the size of these PDFs by 50% to 70% without compromising the document's visual clarity.

Today, we're going to explore a solution for this problem that I really like: GhostScript.

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According to Databricks Apache Parquet is an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. It provides efficient data compression and encoding schemes with enhanced performance to handle complex data in bulk. Apache Parquet is designed to be a common interchange format for both batch and interactive workloads. It is similar to other columnar-storage file formats available in Hadoop, namely RCFile and ORC. (source: https://www.databricks.com/glossary/what-is-parquet).

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InterSystems announces its third preview, as part of the developer preview program for the 2024.1 release. This release will include InterSystems IRIS®, InterSystems IRIS® for HealthTM, and HealthShare® Health Connect.

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Hi Community,

Watch this video to find out how these digital health startups are improving workflows for disease management, remote patient monitoring, and patient engagement:

Digital Health Showcase - Virtual Care @ Global Summit 2023

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