· Feb 28, 2023

Health Data De-ID Early Access Program

We are excited to announce the newest addition to our early access program - the Health Data De-ID tool.

The tool will de-identify structured clinical data according to HIPAA Safe Harbor and allow for re-identification if required. It uses InterSystems’ SDA canonical format which is utilized for all our standard transformation from one format to another such as HL7 to CDA, HL7 to FHIR, etc. While the tool uses XSLT transformations for performance reasons, it provides helper methods that allow for easier adjustment of the out-of-the-box de-identification rules where you don’t need to be an XSLT expert.


Health Data De-ID works on any InterSystems product, from InterSystems IRIS for Health to Health Connect to Unified Care Record.

You can join the early access program here - Sign-up for Health Data De-Identifier Early Access Program. We are in need of your feedback so please reach out as you go through the process or run into any questions.

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