File Transport Protocol (FTP) is a standard network protocol used for the transfer of computer files between a client and a server on a computer network.
We have many sFTP business operations that work successfully. I just modified an existing one to point to a new IP and Port, as well as use new credentials (username and password only). When I attempt to sFTP a file, I receive the following error.
So we are in the midst of setting up a bunch of sFTP operations where we will have Ensemble send files to our various customers.
My questions about the set up are these:
1) For a simple test, I set up an Operation using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughOperation. Is this the one I should be using?
2) if the receiving system has a username and password, then all I have to do is put that username and password into a Credential and assign that credential to my operation correct?
I have a FTP.Inbounding service that read a file and move it to a other folder when it is processed. The problem is that is not working fine in SFTP server.
I have the following issue that I need help with, I tried all possibilities that I know of, therefore I am reaching out to the community for some insight.
I have a SFTP service that pulling 2.5.1 DFT HL7 messages from our SFTP file server. The issue is that IRIS is transforming patients names and addresses that contain special chars UTF-8 to ANSI.
I am having a problem getting pair key authentication to work on my local PC. I am using freeSShd as the SFTP server. I generated private and public keys using putty gen . I used these keys to successfully log into the root directory using both Winscp and Putty. But this is not working with an FTP Operation. Below is the error that results. freeSSHd server log shows that I log in but immediately disconnect.
Hello! We want an Integration that should be moving files from a FTP server in a DMZ zone into another FTP server on our local network. I tried using EnsLib.FTP.PassthroughService(EnsLib.FTP.InboundAdapter, EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdapter) Using this approach ensamble write data to the database, causing the CACHE.DAT to grow for every file that is moved. Looks like the entire file is written to the database, is this the case? We are not really interested in storing any file content information in ensamble in this particular case.
We have a process that is listening to an FTP service to collect some CSV files and process them. The process works correctly and when it ends it clears the directory waiting for it to enter some other file.
We have been receiving the following error message for a long time:
I am using Ensemble FTP adapter to monitor file directory for files that require SFTP transfer to remote server using public/private keys for remote server authentication.
This works great in my engineering development space where file protections are loose.
I want to apply "principle of least privilege" regarding the public and private key files specified in FTP Outbound adapter Business Operation.
Can anyone recommend (Linux) permissions that allow Ensemble to execute the SFTP operation but minimizing access to the key files?
Thanks for all replies in advance. We have a security vulnerability that we have to get rid of. We use Putty software to connect to cache as a terminal allowing several users to do maintenance work in cache. this uses telnet Plain text. I know that we can configure telnet to be encrypted using the super server service and I'm looking for software that can work like Putty as a terminal using encryption compatible with cache telnet encryption. If I have cache installed on my PC and setup a connection to the server using Kerberos with encryption and use the terminal option to connect to
I have a case where I am creating a PDF file from an Encoded String, and I need to transfer this file over to another server. I was wondering since this is PDF file if I could just invoke the FTP.OutboundAdapter within my Object script that is creating the PDF from the encoded string. Is this possible? Does anyone have an examples of using EnsLib.FTP.OutboundAdpater within their Object Script?
I have a service named FTP_In that is of class EnsLib.HL7.Service.FTPService. It picks up files from multiple subfolders and sends them to an EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine. What I want to do is somehow capture the subfolder as a variable for use in the routing rules. Is this possible?
Let's say I have the following files and directory structure on my FTP Server
I’m having trouble creating the following business service. It’s intention is to pick up an CSV via FTP and pass it to a Business process that transforms it to a HL7 message.
I have created a record map for the CSV file, which I am trying to call in the business service and parse it into a new message class, which can be transformed in the business process.
I am now working with an ftp adapter. I have no problem connecting to the FTP server, but there are problems with interacting with files. Has anyone had any experience with an FTP adapter, such as getting/modifying/deleting files?
We use the %Net.FtpSession class to perform FTPS file transfers. This has worked fine with Implcit FTPS servers but crashes when trying to connect to an Explicit FTPS server. Explicit FTPS has a slightly diffferent negotiation in the intitial connection and different ports.
Has anyone gotten Explicit FTPS working with the Cache classes?
The minimum interval between invocations of the adapter by the Ensemble framework. For adapters that poll for external events, this is the polling interval. However, most polling adapters will process all inputs immediately if several are detected at one time.
I would appreciate some advice please- hopefully there is plenty of experts out there.
We are setting up an sFTP share between hospital trusts here in the UK and I have set the outbound operation up using a custom extension of EnsLib.HL7.Operation.FTPOperation.
We are configuring a VPN tunnel to run between the sites also so there is a bit of firewall / network routing to take place to enable the connection but to add in a complication we are on a mirrored cluster and usually present on a Virtual IP address.