Hi Community!

Please welcome the next video from Global Summit 2019 on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Implementing FHIR Use Cases

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Hey Developers,

Check out the latest video on InterSystems IRIS for Health Data Platform:

What is InterSystems IRIS for Health?

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FHIR in InterSystems IRIS for Health

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Hi Community,

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Reintroducing the Operational Data Store

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Hey Developers,

We're pleased to invite you to join the next InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: Using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud on June 30 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk, we’ll focus on using InterSystems Managed FHIR Service in the AWS Cloud. We’ll start with an overview of FHIR, which stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources, and is a next generation standards framework for working with healthcare data.

You'll learn how to:

  • provision the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server in the cloud;
  • integrate your own data with the FHIR server;
  • use SMART on FHIR applications and enterprise identity, such as Active Directory, with the FHIR server.

We will discuss an API-first development approach using the InterSystems IRIS FHIR server. Plus, we’ll cover the scalability, availability, security, regulatory, and compliance requirements that using InterSystems FHIR as a managed service in the AWS Cloud can help you address.

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As promised, here is Part 2 of our interview with Russ Leftwich! In this half, Adam Coppola talks with Russ about some of the InterSystems technologies that play a part in the concepts from Part 1, as well as some specific discussions about modern FHIR applications. After the interview with Russ, we were also joined by Jenny Ames to talk about the upcoming FHIR Dev Days. Check it out, and make sure to go subscribe to Data Points!

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· May 8, 2020
New Video: FHIR Update

Hi Community!

The new video from Global Summit 2019 is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

FHIR Update

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In Episode 8 of Data Points, senior clinical advisor for interoperability at InterSystems @Russ Leftwich joined the podcast to talk about healthcare interoperability standards. In the first part of our two-part interview, Russ tells us about the history of healthcare standards and electronic record-keeping, some of the biggest challenges in the field, and how software has evolved to meet those ever-growing challenges.

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Hi Community,

We're pleased to invite you to join the upcoming InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk: API-First Development on May 5 at 10:00 AM EDT!

In this week's InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Tech Talk, we'll discuss API-first development and how InterSystems is embracing this industry trend with our API Manager, and specifically with our FHIR offerings. First, we'll talk about InterSystems API Manager. This tool controls your web-based API traffic in a single location. You can throttle throughput, configure payload sizes and whitelist/blacklist IPs, among many other features.

FHIR stands for Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources. Release 4 brings this HL7 standard to maturity, and the FHIR R4 support in InterSystems IRIS for HealthTM is big. You'll learn how to work with FHIR data in InterSystems IRIS, and see our developer portal in action, where you can access FHIR resources using the OpenAPI specification.

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Hi Community!

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube, recorded by @Patrick Jamieson:

InterSystems API Management and FHIR

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Hi Community,

Please welcome the new video on InterSystems Developers YouTube:

Build HL7 Interfaces in a Flash

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Hi Community,

The new video is available on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Collecting Healthcare Data with Alexa

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Hi everyone,

I am very pleased to announce that the Readmission Demo has been released as open source. Many thanks to the Solution Factory team that worked hard on making this possible.

Here are the changes:

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Hi Everyone,

Please welcome the new Global Summit 2019 video on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

Using IoT in InterSystems IRIS for Health

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Hi Community,

Please join the upcoming InterSystems Israel Meetup in Herzelia which will be held on November 21st, 2019!

It will take place in the Spaces Herzliya Oxygen Ltd from 9:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

The event will be focused on the InterSystems IRIS: it will be divided into IRIS for Healthcare and IRIS Data Platform. A joint lunch will be also included.

Please check the draft of the agenda below:

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I am sending a PUT FHIR message for a CodeSystem Resource using the defailt Service and server that was installed when I installed the FHIR on the NameSpace.

When I try to use the FHIR Request "id" property it is empty; e.g. pFHIRRequest.id is EMPTY. I really need to get this value, how can I get it?

I added a trace ion both the HS.FHIR.Service and HS.FHIR.Server.Process, details to follow:

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I am new to FHIR resources here i need to store patient current location with patient resource but location resource does not linked with patient. I need help this. In FHIR R4 resources having separate i implemented successfully in my project but i am suffered how to link location and patient. I fount resources from https://www.hl7.org/fhir/resourcelist.html

My Code implemented by nodejs with typescript language here i added graphql instead of rest

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· Oct 15, 2019
Graphql API using Fhir


I am new to fhir framework, I have searched articles to write graphql API using FHIR i did not get any proper tutorial for this. I need to find better tutorial or articles for this. I have written API using graphql, typescript with mongodb. Can some one tell why we need resourcetype, identifier in fhir.

Also i have tried github code based on fhir using javascript. The source code i got from "https://github.com/Asymmetrik/graphql-fhir" here i tried to save patient informations

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Hi Community!

We are super excited to announce the Boston FHIR @ InterSystems Meetup on 10th of September at the InterSystems meeting space!

There will be two talks with Q&A and networking.

Doors open at 5:30pm, we should start the first talk around 6pm. We will have a short break between talks for announcements, including job opportunities.

Please check the details below.

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Hi Community!

New video is already on InterSystems Developers YouTube Channel:

InterSystems Platforms and FHIR STU3

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