
Need some technique to solve an issue about zen page table.

- "xyz" table exists in all my namespaces.

I have a simple Zen page in "USER 1" namespace. It has a tablepane which pulls data from "xyz" table.

OnLoad of the page i want the zenpage to pull the data from "USER 2" namespace with same "xyz" table name.

Zenpage has to be in "USER 1" namespace

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Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone had got this working.

In the documentation it says to set the username and password properties of the connection object but these properties don't exist and without authentication I can't connect to the MQ queue.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Dave Moss

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Is there a way to have a context property be available across 2 or 3 different business processes? For example if I am setting a value in a context property within one business process and want to use the same context property in a second business process, is this possible? Is this something that can be done with the "Context Superclass"?

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When I try to send a hl7 message via TCP / IP with SSL certificate, I get the following error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrTCPTerminatedReadTimeoutExpired: Tiempo de espera de lectura TCP (600) superado mientras se esperaba el terminador SegTerminatorAscii=13, on |TCP|35000|6596, datos recibidos =''

I have increased the response time to 10 minutes but still, I do not get to receive the message.

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I am trying to create a URL for Spoke Mobile to page users when our email system is down and we can't use the normal email alerts.

I was directed to http://docs.intersystems.com/latest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EHTTP_outbound and tried to create something. The best I got was a response from the webpage that told me there was an error.

I want to be able to have a default pager number when we don't have an oncall schedule and grab information from Ens.AlertMessage.

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I am looking for a solution with Ensemble to talk to a old NTLM based SOAP Service. Does anyone has done this before?

We have the webservice calls working via SOAPUI but we are looking how we can make it work with Ensemble.

Is there a ready to use Outbound Adapter for NTLM ?


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Hello experts,

I'm new to InterSystems software and still not so familiar with it. Therefore I do apologize in front if this question is irrelevant, not making sense or answer is commonly known.

I've did my best in search for answer, but unfortunately i haven't found anything helpfull. So I decided to ask for help here.

My problem is repetitive error which occure in CSP Gateway event log :

Error Condition: Failed to read posted content from the client (Content-Length: 1404; Data Actually Read: 0; Read Error: 70007)

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It is sometimes undesirable to send a full demographic or results feed to departmental clinical systems, that only see a subset of the patients.

While some systems (paediatrics, maternity, geriatrics) can filter on patient demographics, a number of systems are for cohorts of patients that don't fit a particular criteria.

One of our system vendors has a patient index filter service that keeps a local index of relevant patient identifiers, and only forwards matching messages.

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Is there a way to get an inventory list of the Services, Processes, Routing, and Operations that are on the system. We get asked constantly from different departments to justify the number of personal we have. We are currently on 2015.2.2, with our upgrade to 2019 set for later this year.



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I have a process that takes data from a CSV file (actually a record mapper object) and creates a nicely formatted JSON string I would love to send this along to a RESTful business operation. However no matter what I try, I continually get <INVALID OREF> errors when trying to populate the object that extends Ens.Request to give it the JSON string.

I can add strings, other objects, you name it - but stuffing a JSON formatted variable/object into another object I want to send someplace is proving to be an impossibility.

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Hello everyone, I'm new to COS development. I'm trying to generate a simple XML file based on a query and save into my server. I'm looking for stuff to get it done, if anyone has a tutorial or a step-by-step post on how to do it. My difficulty is just in generating the XML file.

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Hello all,

Been doing Ensemble for a while but I am struggling with this SOAP set up.

Currently in Cloverleaf, we are taking the HL7 feed out of Epic, and then we put the SOAP wrapper around it. Then using a CAIR provided wsdl, we seem to be using a JKS file and a PFX file to send the data to CAIR (http://cairweb.org/next-steps-page/).

Here is what I have done so far: I used the SOAP wizard with the wsdl file to create a new Operation.

My questions are these:

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I'm looking for the most straightforward way to trigger a custom Ensemble message when a patient logs into the Personal Community patient portal. The use case is that when the patient logs in, we want to query an external email database for any new messages the patient has and import them. Does anybody know if there's any built-in functionality I can use, or if not, what the best trigger point would be?

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· Jan 15, 2016 1m read
Activity Monitor in Ensemble 2016.1

Has anyone tried the new Activity Volume Statistics and Monitoring in Ensembel 2016.1? I would love to get some feedback.

If you haven't read about this, there is a dashboard that provides counts and response times for messages sent and received by each configuration item. Alternatively the underlying data is arranged in tables that should make it easy for you to use your favorite SQL reporting tools to generate reports for short term performance monitoring or longer term capacity planning.


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· Apr 24, 2019
80 bytes wrapped X12 files

Hello, our X12 File Service won't process files we encountered X12 files where they inserted CR LF after 80 bytes repeatedly in the middle of segments. X12 Parser does not seem to like it. I see there is a Whitespace property in Adapter. I am not sure if it ignores white space in the middle of a segment. I also heard about TolerateNewLine setting but I believe this also does not tolerate New Lines in the middle of a segment. We will probably have to read the file, strip out any CR and LF, write to a new file that the X12 file service can process.

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I have a global that holds users name and date of birth.

I would like to loop through them and check if the date of birth is more than 2 years based on todays date

so I have ^checker("under2", "Eric David", "02-05-2018")

I want to check the birthdate based on todays date to see if it is greater than 2. How do I access the birthdate in the global

Please can you advice

I tried :

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· Apr 12, 2019
Timing of Database look up

We use a lot of external MS SQL calls to look up numerous things when it comes to HL7. I am running into an issue where the outbound calls are queued but the message is sent onto the next process before it gets a response. How do I get it to wait till the response gets back from the MS SQL call before sending it onto the next process?

Below is a screen shot of what I am trying to explain...Select Research Study executes at 8:33 the message is sent to the next process at 8:34, but the response of the MSSQL call doesn't come till 9:31.

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In a Business Process (BPL) I noticed that if I 'm using a "scope" to handle errors then inside the "scope" when a "call" is used, the "request" and "response" action (i.e set for callrequest.prop = request.prop & response.prop = callrespones.prop does NOT work !
The result is that the values of those properties in the callrequest are nulls (I do see the properties names in the content of the callrequest message)

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