· Aug 16, 2022
Can run application in IE

Hi Guys,

My application is running in Chrome but not in IE and I'm guessing it's a security issue, where when I open IE it tells me that ESC in on, but checking the configue in Server Manager tells otherwise?


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Healthcare interoperability is instrumental in improving patient care, decreasing healthcare provider costs, and providing a more accurate picture to providers. However, with so many different systems, data is formatted in many different ways. There are many standards that have been created to try to solve this problem, including HL7v2, HL7v3, and CDA but each one has its drawbacks.

12 2
1 2.2K
· Jul 20, 2022
Inbound Adapters

Hi Guys,

Is there online tutorials or samples on how to use Inbound Adapters ?

All I'm looking for at this stage is to create and inbound Adapter in a production to request to connect to a client where I can Get JSON file and what do I need to establish the connection?


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0 207
· Jul 25, 2022
Process XML document

Hi all,

I am looking at a task which involves processing an XML file. Picking the file up from a folder (c:\test.xml) reading the data out of the XML and archiving the xml after it has been processed.

I was wondering what the best way of doing this would be?

I have got as far as creating a service in Ensemble. The Service I have created uses the class name EnsLib.XML.Object.Service.FileService.

Any advice or tutorials/guides would be much appreciated.

Many Thanks

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0 275
· Jul 21, 2022
Zen Page source url

Hi Guys,

usually when I want to find out which class is a zen page is, I just right click on the page and go to properties and this will show me the class url, but with this client I don't get properties as below !?


0 3
0 242

Hi Guys

how do I deal with single Quote inside string in an SQL query?

currently this type of query is failing with an error asking me for a closing quote :

Select * from cnd.Facilities where name like ''%Grill's BBQ%'


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0 770
· Jul 19, 2022
Empty HTTP response

Hi Guys,

We use the below code to send JSON file to one of our clients and was working fine but I think lately they did a windows update and now whenever we send file we aren't getting any HTTP responses, success or Error, just empty response ()

the think is that it works fine and we get 200 response if we send the JSON file using our client's portal called swagger which is a website where you can assign the token and url (Swagger UI (

0 6
0 274

Hi Guys,

I'm using the below to export a query result to excel file and the only file type is .csv (100) but the resulting has two problems,

first the row header is including the field type and second the resulting file is a tab delimited so columns aren't properly separated (see attached below)

set st = ##class(%SQL.Statement).%New(2,"Sample")
set sql = "select ID, name from MyClass"
do st.%Prepare(.sql)
set type="csv"
set rs = st.%Execute()
do rs.%DisplayFormatted(type,"C:\Temp\report")

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0 323
· Jun 4, 2022
SSL/TLS connection error

Hi Guys,

I'm getting the below TLS error in SSL_connect(), SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL, I've treid mulitple SSL/TLS configuration and still get the same error, so should I be asking the client that I'm trying to connect if there a specific certificate or configuration!?

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This formation, accessible on my GitHub, will cover, in half a hour, how to read and write in csv and txt files, insert and get inside the IRIS database and a distant database using Postgres or how to use a FLASK API, all of that using the Interoperability framework using ONLY Python following the PEP8 convention.

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1 627


I want to access the HL7 Router settings from within the HL7 rule. Goal is to create a New class by extending "EnsLib.HL7.MsgRouter.RoutingEngine".

Then create a PARAMETER ProcessMessage which can be set to an integer value for the HL7 Router.

Create a Rule class and based on the value of this setting ProcessMessage
process/not process the messages.

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