Way back when during our Siemens LCR days we had to limit the number of characters in OBX.5 to a length of 75. That was back when we had eGate.

Now I need to do the reversal of that and take loop through a string length and split the string up into multiple OBX or NTE based on a certain length. In reading documentation $EXTRACT can do this if you know the exact length, but in this case we don't.

So how would one loop through a string and say every 75 characters create a new OBX or NTE segment?



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Is there a way to insert new Key/Value in an existing lookup Table via a DTL code? The only thing I found in the documentation is that we could use the following command SELECT KeyName,DataValue FROM Ens_Util.LookupTable WHERE TableName = 'myTab'. In the meantime I just created a table and used it in my DTL to insert new values and validate if the Key exist.


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0 562

I need to add some extensions to the HS.FHIR.vSTU3,Model.Resource.Patient class and then use those extensions to convert incoming FHIR JSON to the FHIR Patient Resource and Likewise add functionality to create A FHIR Patient (target class) from my patient database into the FHIR Patient Resource Object (target class)

many months ago I found a tutorial that explained all of this but can no longer find that tutorial.


Nigel Salm

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0 570

We have a data transformation where source is object collection (populated from a json file) and target is EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document.

If source file is large enough, transformation fails and we get <store> error and I quickly found this:

https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EBPLR_DTL_foreach which at the bottom in "Avoiding <STORE> Errors with Large Messages" section tells to:

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0 382
· Dec 5, 2019


I've heard from two different sources the SMP (or parts of it) and for sure the DTL front end (in studio? via SMP?) have been rewritten to be more modern. But on a latest IRIS Community download everything looks the same to me. Am I missing something or is this Marketting Spin?

Hopefully I won't get banned for this post aswell......

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0 298


I am trying to add an OR condition in the DTL but not able to. Sorry if this is a silly question, but can you advice?

I want to add a condition where if source.45 is "" or "..." then map "" to the target. But I am not able to add the OR condition

Currently I have as below

What will I need to do to add an "OR" condition to the DTL?

Would appreciate your guidance



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0 864

I must be missing something. We have done encoded PDF's in the past with the Encoded PDF in OBX.5.5. When I have used this code in the past I was only working with 1 OBX, but I have a case where I am having multiple OBX's and having to loop through them and I am renumbering the outbound OBX.

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0 478
· Oct 23, 2019 2m read
Unit Tests for Data Transforms

Would you like to be sure your data transforms work as expected with a single command? And what about writing unit tests for your data transforms in a quick and simple way?

When talking about interoperability, there are usually a lot of data transforms involved. Those data transforms are used to convert data between different systems or applications in your code, so they are running a very important job.

4 2
1 674
· Feb 8, 2019
CCD to HL7

I'm a beginner using HealthConnect. Trying to bring in a CCD and transform it to a HL7 messages. Is there any documentation on how to accomplish this? thanks!

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0 620

Hi Community,

I am trying to remove a duplicate OBX from a result, but I am running into some issues. Let me explain.

First I had a OBX where the observation Value had the blood type in it and the following OBX had the result in it.

The clients wants the blood type and the result in one field. therefore I merged / concatenated the observation values of the two OBX's.

I tried removing the OBX:2 but just cant take the whole segment out.

please see examples below

This is the result.

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0 563
· Sep 30, 2019
x12 substring manipulation

How do I manipulate a string in Ensemble DTL (X12 document) to extract a string starting from the right, or end, of the string?

I need to have 10 digit phone numbers, however some of the source data records include the "1" for the long distance dialing and I need to exclude this.

I have tried using Right(), SubStr(), and even SubString(string,*,-10) but it will not compile.

I find it hard to believe that Ensemble does not have the ability to read a string from the right.

Thank you for any assistance.

0 5
0 357

Hello All.

In need of some help.

We are currently migrating Interfaces from JCAPS to HealthConnect 19.1 and have done a lot of work on our Dev server. I am looking to copy/export this work over to the Test server and have managed to export the production and Rules, HL7 custom Schemas etc. The only thing left now are the Data Transformations but so far I can only find ways of copying the transformations over individually. Is there some way to copy all of the transformations we have produced in our namespace to another server in one go?


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0 319


I have a DTL to transform X12 Document 278 Request to 278 Response HIPAA 5010 schema. The DTL is called from BPL. I defined a class method that receives source, target, and context objects. How can I create 2000F loops in the response when there were none in the source object?

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0 352


When creating an outbound X12 file (834, 835, 837, etc), what's the easiest way to keep a segment count to use in the SE01 element? Other mapping tools I've used either detect it's an X12 file and do this automatically, or there's an option to keep a count after each outputted segment. The Data Transformation tool within Health Connect doesn't seem to have similar functionality, but I could just be missing something. Any help would be greatly appreciated!



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