I need to add some extensions to the HS.FHIR.vSTU3,Model.Resource.Patient class and then use those extensions to convert incoming FHIR JSON to the FHIR Patient Resource and Likewise add functionality to create A FHIR Patient (target class) from my patient database into the FHIR Patient Resource Object (target class)

many months ago I found a tutorial that explained all of this but can no longer find that tutorial.


Nigel Salm

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0 585

Hi Community,

I am trying to remove a duplicate OBX from a result, but I am running into some issues. Let me explain.

First I had a OBX where the observation Value had the blood type in it and the following OBX had the result in it.

The clients wants the blood type and the result in one field. therefore I merged / concatenated the observation values of the two OBX's.

I tried removing the OBX:2 but just cant take the whole segment out.

please see examples below

This is the result.

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0 579


Is there a way to insert new Key/Value in an existing lookup Table via a DTL code? The only thing I found in the documentation is that we could use the following command SELECT KeyName,DataValue FROM Ens_Util.LookupTable WHERE TableName = 'myTab'. In the meantime I just created a table and used it in my DTL to insert new values and validate if the Key exist.


0 2
0 571

Is there an out-of-the-box or accepted standard method for loading up mappings between different code sets and then referencing these mappings (both directions) from DTL? First thought was the built in Lookup() and corresponding data tables but these only work in one direction (key -> value) and not the reverse. Obviously I can build my own classes to support a two way mapping but am wondering if there's a standard way of achieving this. The mapping should contain the code and display name from each of the code sets and allow mapping based on either code or display name.


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0 533

Data transformations can be changed in Management portal, but the modifications are not synced with visual studio code. Classes are synced from VSCode to Iris. VSCode can take care of the git repository.

I am curious to know how people are developing data transformations on Iris with VSCode? Are you editing the DT classes with VSCode and forget about the UI? Are you exporting from management portal the files to VSCode directory? Are you using a source control hook?

Thank you

3 1
0 520

I have an incoming data partner who occasionally passes a non-ASCII character in some free text fields which is causing some downstream systems to be unable to accept the message. Ideally I'm looking for some way to just process the entire message as a data transformation applied in the business rule, as we already have a pre-processor transform to remove the PD1 segment.

0 4
1 505

Consider the below scenario:

1. HL7 Service -> Process

2. DTL makes a call to a webservice (Post) via a REST operation via SendRequestSync call.

a. if the post is successful, end the DTL

b. if the server that hosts the webservice is down, i would like to keep retrying with the same message and not lose any messages in the queue.

does a simple "quit 0" at the DTL will rollback the message and will retry? please let me know how not to lose any messages if the webservice server is down.

Appreciate it.

1 8
1 500

I have a business service that brings in a xml virtual document to the production and also a csv service that brings in a csv file and have a process that transforms both to a xml output but I have a problem with the csv as it is giving me this error when I try to trans form it ```ERROR <Ens>ErrException: <PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST>zOnRequest+1 ^EnsLib.MsgRouter.VDocRoutingEngine.1 *DocType``` I have read here followed the suggestion but now I do not get any errors but my m

0 5
0 491

I must be missing something. We have done encoded PDF's in the past with the Encoded PDF in OBX.5.5. When I have used this code in the past I was only working with 1 OBX, but I have a case where I am having multiple OBX's and having to loop through them and I am renumbering the outbound OBX.

0 1
0 487

Hello Community,

I need advice converting a comma delimited string container with multiple records into some type of recordmap that iterates through all the records.

My string container has several records and I would like to loop through the number of records in the string container and transform each record in the container individually. Number of records will vary but the number of fields per record is static (28 fields). Meaning after every 28 fields, a new record begins. The goal is to convert to individual delimited flat file records.

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0 481
· Nov 2, 2020

Hi All,

I know hundreds of people have done this but I'm looking for some DTL's as a start to do HL7 to FHIR, I appreciate everyone's HL7 is slightly different, but just some starter DTL's would be much appreciated? Can anyone help?


0 2
0 466

Hello, I want to show a fellow DC member how to convert JSON file into HL7 message. I personally do not work with HL7. I set up a production with EnsLib.File.PassthroughService. It passes Ens.StreamContainer to BPL process. I call a DTL to transform StreamContainer to HL7 message. I run into an error:

ERROR <Ens>ErrBPTerminated: Terminating BP JSON2HL7 # due to error: ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''
> ERROR #5035: General exception Name 'Parsing error' Code '3' Data ''

The code is in this GitHub repo:

0 2
0 465

Hi Friends ,

We have requirement to convert source hl7 message to target json message using dtl.

Currently I have created persistent cls for json and completed the dtl.

DTL giving output as json equivalent xml.

Now how to convert DTL result xml object to json?

2 1
0 460
· Jan 9, 2018
Complex Record Map non-batch?

I would need to build a Complex Record Map and then transform that into xml. But not the whole batch to one xml file - instead every repetition in that Complex Record Map would become one xml file.

For Simple Record Maps this is easy to do because there are different types of Business Services that handle every record either individually or all of them as one batch but there doesn't seem to be similar options for Complex Record Maps? Instead, there is only batchtype business services.

0 1
0 419


I have a delimited flat file that I need to read and then generate an HL7 A08 message from the fields in the file. I used the Management Portal's Record Mapper to generate the Map.Record class, then used drag & drop to map fields in the delimited flat-file to an A08 message.

But when I try testing this in the test tool, I'm getting an ERROR #6254: Tag expected . XML input. ... is not in proper format as child of Record (ending at line 2 character 11).

0 2
0 415

We are receiving XML documents and storing them. When we click to go into the clinician portal and again to view a patient, we can see the documents but none of the data is mapped to their respective buckets, i.e. allergies or medications.

I am thinking that I need to build an XSLT parser and change the format to SDA3, is this an appropriate approach? Or would using the Data Transformation (Ensemble -> Build -> Data Transformation) be a better idea? Lastly, if the XSLT idea is preferred, where would I call it within the stack?

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0 407

GT1|1|1|Test^Test||123 Building^123 Building^Brooklyn^NY^11220^United States^^^Kings|^PRN^PH^^^^^^^^^(111) 111-1111~^PRN^CP^^^^^^^^^(222) 222-2222|||""|IN|DGH^Daughter

I'm trying to clear the phone number completely.

Remove target.{GT1(1):GuarantorPhNumHome()} still gives me _~_

0 2
0 403

We have a data transformation where source is object collection (populated from a json file) and target is EnsLib.EDI.XML.Document.

If source file is large enough, transformation fails and we get <store> error and I quickly found this:

https://docs.intersystems.com/irislatest/csp/docbook/DocBook.UI.Page.cls?KEY=EBPLR_DTL_foreach which at the bottom in "Avoiding <STORE> Errors with Large Messages" section tells to:

1 1
0 391
· Oct 10, 2016
Telepath PMEP File

Hello All,

Does anyone have a specification for Telepath PMEP file formats?

They look like this

01|XXX|005|MIC|XXX Microbiology & Mycology|123456|25.08.16 15:06|
03|F|SURNAME|FORNAME|111222333|MRN1|01.01.1950|52 Some Lane|Somewhere|||AA11 1AB|MRN1|01.01.1950

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