I am happy to share with you my first experience of using a docker container version of IRIS for Health to explore your interest in using or having a trial by taking the advantage of a docker container that is lightweight, and easy to deploy. This cookbook will go through the implementation steps using the GitHub repository called ENSDEMO written by Renan Lourenco.

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I'm using CircleCI to spin up the image `store/intersystems/irishealth-community:2021.2.0.649.0`.

When building the application we are getting messages that say:

ERROR #5373: Class 'EnsLib.HL7.Message', used by 'Package.Class', does not exist
Skip class Package.Class

Other missing classes seem to include, but not limited to:


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I have a problem when starting the docker container that the collation is standard US


docker run --name iris1 -d --publish 1972:1972 --publish 52773:52773 containers.intersystems.com/intersystems/iris-community:2022. --check-caps false

After the installation I like to import existing classes and globals but it failed due to an collation error

We usually use DEUW = German3

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Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems "Sustainability" Interoperability Contest 2022 that will give you extra points in the voting:

  • Sustainability Topic
  • Sustainability Dataset
  • Business Process BPL or Business Rule DTL Usage
  • Custom Interoperability Adapter
  • Production EXtension(PEX) Python, Java, or .NET usage
  • Embedded Python usage
  • Docker container usage
  • ZPM Package Deployment
  • Online Demo
  • Code Quality pass
  • Article on Developer Community
  • The second article on Developer Community
  • Video on YouTube

See the details below.<--break->

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In this article you will have access to the curated base of articles from the InterSystems Developer Community of the most relevant topics to learning InterSystems IRIS. Find top published articles ranked by Machine Learning, Embedded Python, JSON, API and REST Applications, Manage and Configure InterSystems Environments, Docker and Cloud, VSCode, SQL, Analytics/BI, Globals, Security, DevOps, Interoperability, Native API. Learn and Enjoy!

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7 944

Hi all

I'm testing migrating our existing installers (without ZPM) using the docker dev template as a basis with a commercial image and licence key.

So far everything builds as I expect, but the one issue I have is the production doesn't apply itself automatically.

In my iris.script I have custom installer that uses this manifest below but it does not observe the last three steps

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· Jul 29, 2022
Installing Apps without Docker

I was wondering if someone could help me. I do not have docker available to me however a lot of the Open Exchange apps require it. Since I am using a Virtual Windows Machine I can not get docker installed, so I was wondering how to get around this? Someone at GS2022 suggested looking at the docker_compose.yml to figure out how to get around docker, but I am not sure I understand how to read it.

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I would say it is a post of pain after years of using InterrSystems IRIS Docker images in many projects.

And I hope InterSystems will hear me and do something with it.

We have a lot of issues with Docker images, but I see no progress in solving them.

  • containers.intersystems.com - any new releases substitute previous versions, makes build useless
    • ARM64 images have separate names, and it makes a pain to use them
  • flags in iris-main, appears and disappears from version to version, which may fail the start the container
  • healthcheck does not work as expected

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Hi developer folks!

Thanks to all of you who start the development with InterSystems IRIS from the basic development template!

Recently, thanks to @Dmitry Maslennikov's contributions I've updated the Dockerfile to make the development simpler, images lighter and the building process faster. And it looks more beautiful too ;)

Here is what changed:

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· Jan 2, 2022 3m read
DB Migration using SQLgateway

Thanks to @Yuri Marx we have seen a very nice example for DB migration from Postgres to IRIS.
My personal problem is the use of DBeaver as a migration tool.
Especially as one of the strengths of IRIS ( and also Caché) before is the availability of the
SQLgateways that allow access to any external Db as long as for them an access usinig
JDBC or ODBC is available. So I extended the package to demonstrate this.

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2 677

Hi Developers!

This is yet another short post that is intended to simplify developers' life. Now we'll talk about how to make GitHub run unit tests with every push to the repository by adding just one file to the repo. For free. On Github Cloud. Sounds great, isn't it?

It is possible and very easy to do. Credit goes to @Dmitry Maslennikov (and his repo), ZPM Package Manager, and GitHub Actions. Let's see how this all works!

Something for Nothing by Robert Sheckley - YouTube

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I have wrote an article about how to install the intersystems cache driver in a Docker container, and then deploy it using Azure Functions:

How to run a (Python) Azure Function as a Docker container & Deploy it using Bicep | Victor Sanner

This might be useful to others, especially the dockerfile which I have copied below. This builds a debian docker container and installs the Intersystems Cache driver, which python can then use :)

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2 575

I am new to Intersystems, in our project we are directly connecting to the server (environment) using Intersystems VSCode extensions and publishing our changes from local machine. This is not the way we usually do as development process.

Is it possible to implement continuous integration ? So that developers can check-in their code in GIT Hub and can integrate Jenkins and automate the deployment?

Could you please help me on this ?

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0 352

IMPORTANT NOTE InterSystems no longer provides a separate InterSystems Reports Server container. To run containerized InterSystems Reports Server, use Logi Reports Server container and your InterSystems Reports Server license. Documentation.

InterSystems Reports is powered by Logi Report (formerly named JReport), a product of Logi Analytics. InterSystems Reports is supported by InterSystems IRIS and InterSystems IRIS for Health. It provides a robust modern reporting solution that includes:

  • Embedded operational reporting which can be customized by both report developers and end users.
  • Pixel-perfect formatting that lets you develop highly specific form grids or other special layout elements for invoices, documents, and forms.
  • Banded layouts that provide structure for aggregated and detailed data.
  • Exact positioning of headers, footers, aggregations, detailed data, images, and sub-reports.
  • A variety of page report types.
  • Large-scale dynamic report scheduling and distribution including export to PDF, XLS, HTML, XML, and other file formats, printing, and archiving for regulatory compliance.

InterSystems Reports consists of:

  • A report designer, which provides Design and Preview Tabs that enable report developers to create and preview reports with live data.
  • A report server which provides end users browser-based access to run, schedule, filter, and modify reports.

From InterSystems documentation.

This article focuses on the Server part of InterSystems Reports and provides a guide on running Report Server in containers while persisting all the data.

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3 779


I am running InterSystems iris 2021.1 from the container and I have version 2020.1.1 is installed locally. While running studio locally I am getting below error message:

"Version mismatch. Studio version 2020.1.1 unable to connect to server version 2021.1
Upgrade to a later version of the client to resolve this error"

Looking Forward


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Function as a service (FaaS) is a category of cloud computing services that provides a platform allowing customers to develop, run, and manage application functionalities without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app. Building an application following this model is one way of achieving a "serverless" architecture, and is typically used when building microservices applications.


FaaS is an extremely popular approach to running workloads in the cloud, allowing developers to focus on writing code.

This article will show you how to deploy InterSystems IRIS methods in a FaaS way.

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The title says it all. I’m building an IRIS image with docker-compose using a separate Dockerfile. Pretty straightforward procedure: I import a Installer script inside the container containing a Installer Manifest I defined. Within the manifest, I create a namespace with code and data databases in separate locations. My intention is to keep the code database inside the container, so whenever I build the container, the imported code is replaced. The data, however, should be persistent.

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We are developing some containarized cloud application level iris instances and using CPF Merge to do a lot of the initial buildout for the iris instance (i.e. create databases, namespaces, map globals/routines, ecp setup, etc...)

I am trying to figure out how to get package mappings into a namespace config, via cpf merge if possible... ?

This is the document I am working from to develop the cpf merge file -

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0 333
· Jan 12, 2022
New Kubernetes Exercise!

Hi All! For those of you who attended experience labs at the 2021 Virtual Summit, you may recall that one of the lab sessions was around Kubernetes. We've now converted that lab to be fully on-demand. You can launch a small cluster of VMs and follow the exercise to manage your Kubernetes cluster, deploy InterSystems IRIS containers to it, and watch its self-healing nature when destroying a pod.

It's a great introduction to Kubernetes if you are interested! See here: Achieving High Availability with InterSystems IRIS and Kubernetes

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