· Jan 5, 2017
Ghost digest emails?

I just received three subscription digest emails that seem to have come from the past. For example, one included this fragment:

But when I follow the link from the email the article date is much older:

Did the DC software have a glitch?

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Most of my comments/contributions are personal, not reflecting the point-of-view of my current client. My WRC account is normally 'connected' with my clients email domain (e.g.

I would like to set a personal account for DC so I can receive the digests in my own email box.

More sophisticated, I would like to use more then one email per account where I can specify on which address I want to receive DC digests

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· Jan 29, 2016
Earning points weakness

Actually, every user recieves 1 point for each page (post) view he/she did.

Can we do the limitation for that to count only unique page views after post content changed (new comments added, new attachments, any other stuff). Because now any user can just hold F5 button and recieve 1 point for each page query that may easily break user activity stats, I think.

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· Jun 26, 2017 1m read
Listing type of output

Here is an idea that would make the Developer Community immensely more valuable (to me anyway)

Have the capability of getting Listing output from searches or tags or groups.

In addition, have people put titles on their answers and comments,

And having a detailed list with all the answers and comments if needed

Then being able to sort the list by date or other criteria.

Something like:

Sub1 . . . .

-answer . . .

-comment . .

-answer . . .

Subject2 . . .

-answer . . .

Subject 3 . . .

-comments . . .

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There is no obvious way to provide feedback to the development community. In order to find the topic to find open discussions, I had to search for "feedback".

There should be links in standard places; without doing research these place probably include: menu, front page, footer.

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I was trying to find an article today that I knew had been posted about Wireshark installations causing problems with Studio and other Caché components. If I search the community for 'Wireshark install', the article I'm looking for does not even show up. I found it eventually in the text of one of the Digest post, but this is the article:

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