Hi, Community!

We are fixing groups, tags and message types for the several last year's postings.

So that's why you are getting "strange" notifications now with no any new comment.

As a result, you'll get better tagging and for the DC articles and questions.

Anyway, you can turn off the "OnUpdate" notifications as it is described here.

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Typically the thumbsup/thumbsdown icons are grayed out until you vote for one. Then it is either red or green depending on which you selected. I like this behavior. However, on my own posts, the ones I cannot vote for, the indicators are both colored. Since the visual queue has already been established that this indicates a selected vote, I think this should be changed. Perhaps, since we cannot vote on our own posts, completely hide them.

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Today DC supports the notifications for the posts' updates. It means if someone changes the post text, title, group or tag you can be notified about that.

But this notifications just inform that there were updates, but do not show what exactly was changed in the post.

So through this, you can get the notifications for the posts from previous years without any reason what's happened.

I would suggest to turn off this types of notifications until we'll implement the details in notifications, what exactly was changed in the post and why did you get it.

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· Jan 5, 2017
Ghost digest emails?

I just received three subscription digest emails that seem to have come from the past. For example, one included this fragment:

But when I follow the link from the email the article date is much older:

Did the DC software have a glitch?

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How do we get posts featured/sticky/always on the top of the homepage?

We need the ability to have a couple posts always on the homepage. Most sites have some sort of Featured/Announcement/Sticky function for important information to be seen by all.

Why can't we have that on this site?

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· Nov 18, 2016
This text editor... I swear...

I had typed up a large reply and then learned something new so I intended to hit CTRL+A to select everything and delete it. Can't do that. Apparently CTRL+A, like backspace, causes the input field to lose focus.

I HATE this editor.

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· Nov 7, 2016
Recently Read is incorrect

I clicked on my name to view my profile. It shows a list of recently read posts. This list is incorrect. It seems to be listing all the posts on the homepage as post I have read. I have not read the majority of these posts.

Perhaps the recently read logic is broken? I assume recently read would require me to actually view the posting to consider it read?

Can you correct (or remove) this information in the profiles

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· Nov 1, 2016
How do I decline an answer?

I posted a question and someone replied with a comment.
This comment was marked as an answer, but the comment does not actually answer the question.

How do I tell the system that the comment is not actually an answer and should not be marked as answered?

Can the original post author decline an answer? What is the answer is incorrect?

Can the community vote on the best answer (like on other popular discussion boards)?

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I create the NewBie posts.

And as directed I use the Beginner tags.

However, a lot of people are using the Beginner tags for other posts.

Is there a way for separating the NewBie posts from the other Beginners?

Failing that, can I in someway make the Newbie Index more visible?

I am doing a lot of work on the NewBie Index to make it more useful.

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· Oct 26, 2016 1m read
Faulty heading on Member page [Fixed]

I used the Members option from the Community button to look up Evgeny's profile. Above the tabs ("View", "Mentions", "Posts (53)" etc) his name was displayed (correct).

Then I clicked on the "Posts (53)" tab. It showed his posts, but displayed my name above the tabs.

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Please update the Global Summit group description.

InterSystems Global Summit 2016 is an unparalleled opportunity to meet with your peers and with InterSystems’ executives and experts, discussing the technologies, strategies, and methodologies that lead to success.This group is intened to discuss news and to ask questions about Global Summit 2016 conferences, unconferences, sessions etc.Register now!

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