· Jan 5, 2017 1m read

Notifications for the posts' updates and how to turn off it


Today DC supports the notifications for the posts' updates. It means if someone changes the post text, title, group or tag you can be notified about that.

But this notifications just inform that there were updates, but do not show what exactly was changed in the post.

So through this, you can get the notifications for the posts from previous years without any reason what's happened.

I would suggest to turn off this types of notifications until we'll implement the details in notifications, what exactly was changed in the post and why did you get it. 

To turn off the update notifications go to your subscriptions settings and turn off the updates triggers in the Content Types tab.

Like it is shown in this screenshot:

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It turns out that it is yet another setting! (Oh, Drupal...).

So, there is Subscription->Overview->Settings->Visibility of Controls section which controls the visibility of Update and Comment settings in "Content types" tab. Don't ask me whoever needs this setting, so if you make it Visible you can find this settings in "Content types" for Posts and Answers.

We plan to turn on this Visibility of Controls thing for all the members with the next DC release.