Here in Community I use the WYSIWYG Text format control to answer questions and other quick text entries.

But for longer posts when I want formatting or if I am building incrementally over several days I use the Plain text (supports markdown) control because it's quicker and easier to post an article I have written offline. In this post I share my workflow and a set of tools to publish long read posts.

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When posts are displayed on the DC homepage they only show the first part of each post. This part is known as the teaser, or the trimmed version. The DC software does its best, but without being given any hint by you it can sometimes produce teasers that are of limited value, e.g. "Hi!"

When composing your post, the Preview button lets you see what the teaser will look like. For example, here's the preview of an initial version of this post:

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Hi, InterSystems Developer Community!

We are working to improve this site to make it comfortable to read, contribute, share and get answers from InterSystems Developer Community!

But while we haven't fixed some UI issues please find in this post some simple answers on how to deal with Developer Community.

How to add post?

Open Communities page, choose desired e.g. Caché and click "Create New Post" button.

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· Dec 7, 2015 1m read
Welcome everyone!

I'm very proud of the Worldwide Response Center - an excellent group of men and women - and I am interested to hear from you about your experience using the WRC. There are always better ways for us to serve you.

I'm also very excited about the Developer Community which we're bringing to you to give you an opportunity to connect with groups and individuals in the InterSystems community. Let us know what you think and how we can improve it in order to serve you better.

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Hi, Community!

I’m sure you are using Developer Community analytics built with InterSystems Analytics technology DeepSee:

You can find DC analytics n InterSystems->Analytics menu.

DC Analytics shows interactive dashboards on key figures of DC entities: Posts, Comments, and Members.

Since the last week, this analytics project is available for everyone with source code and data on DC Github!

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· Oct 19, 2018 1m read
How to Insert an Image into a Post


You can insert an image in a post with via three ways:

1. Upload it from disk

Drag-n-drop image from your disk to a post and adjust the width after that.

2. Copy and paste from clipboard

Copy the image to a clipboard (Ctrl+C) e.g. from another web page or from any text editor and paste it into the post.

See how it works:

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· Oct 26, 2016 1m read
Faulty heading on Member page [Fixed]

I used the Members option from the Community button to look up Evgeny's profile. Above the tabs ("View", "Mentions", "Posts (53)" etc) his name was displayed (correct).

Then I clicked on the "Posts (53)" tab. It showed his posts, but displayed my name above the tabs.

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Hi, Community!

We are fixing groups, tags and message types for the several last year's postings.

So that's why you are getting "strange" notifications now with no any new comment.

As a result, you'll get better tagging and for the DC articles and questions.

Anyway, you can turn off the "OnUpdate" notifications as it is described here.

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We can change to this mode of UI in the Create New Post that I think makes the tag usage easier. There's help text under the window in this screen shot and it will contain instructions on the use of tagging, the benefits and also a link to a standing post to request new tags. I think this method of operation will allow us to add many more tags without making them burdensome to navigate.


Not quite sure how to connect groups to tags in this UI but that might be the next step.

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The top of my Answers tab looks like this:

To get to the question, first I have to click on the "Answer:" text (which only gets the appearance of a hyperlink when I mouse over it).

That click takes me here:

I now need to click on "Back to question page" in order to get where I want to be.

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as described in How to post an article from Word or Google Docs, you can use the Paste from Word button to paste content you have copied from a Word or Google Docs document into a Developer Community post.

this worked well for me pasting from Word 10 documents, and retained most (though not all) of my Word formatting. i did have one problem, however, and wanted to pass on my workaround.

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Option 1:
Groups are renamed "Forums". They are segregated and have their own sets of tags. If I'm viewing "Ensemble" and I click "Create a Post", it is posted in that forum. I must tag the post with one or more tags from that forum, "Business Service", "Production", "DTD", etc. Tags can be assigned to multiple forums. I am never prompted to choose a "group"/forum. It's based on the context I was viewing.
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Developer Community was refreshed on May 30th with the following new features and fixes:

1. Formatting of postings in My Collaborations and My Content has been improved

2. Browse by Tag now has filtering options for New, Highest Rated and Unanswered posts

3. Full paging is back on the home page

4. Browse by Tag now includes child tags. Example - posts tagged only with "MDX", which is a child tag of "DeepSee", will appear when using Browse by Tag and viewing DeepSee content

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