Hi Developers!

Here're the technology bonuses for the InterSystems IRIS AI contest that will give you extra points in the voting.

IntegratedML usage - 4 points

Use InterSystems IntegratedML in you AI/ML solution. Here is the template that uses it.

Be sure that the IRIS version is not less than 2021. The latest ML images with ZPM are:


R Gateway and Python gateway usage - 4 points

InterSystems IRIS 2021 release contains two new features - R gateway and Python gateway. Here is the template on how to use the R gateway. Here is a short demo of how to use it.

Embedded Python usage - 4 points

Embedded Python is a very new feature of InterSystems IRIS that gives you the option to use python as a "first-class citizen" in backend business logic development with InterSystems classes. Short demo of Embedded Python.

Embedded python could be used in "on-demand" images that could be delivered via InterSystems Early Access Program (EAP) if you refer to python-interest@intersystems.com.

Here is the template package on how to use Embedded Python deployable with ZPM. Don't forget to change the image to the one you get from the Early Access program.

PMML usage - 4 points

PMML - Predictive Modelling Markup Language - can be used to build AI/ML solutions with InterSystems IRIS. Check with documentation.

There is an example in Open Exchange on how to use PMML.

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