
Can someone give me an example of how to JOB a class method that requires an array of values to be passed to it by reference.

This is what I tried, but am getting compile errors because of the .params

job ##class(%SYSTEM.OBJ.FM2Class).All(.params)::5

Any thoughts on how to accomplish this, the simplest way. I would like to avoid writing all of this to some global and having to write some wrapper to pick it up and then call the class method, which I certainly could do. but is this the only way to do it?

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I have the following problem:

  • There are several classes with method generators, which needs to be compiled during every compilation
  • I have "ckub" qualifiers enabled in studio
  • I don't want to remove "u" qualifier because I need it very much in another namespaces

So how do I force classes with method generators to recompile when "u" qualifier is present?

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We need to use a bash script under Linux in order to export a namespace's clases (*.cls), project (*.prj), *.inc and all related stuff (except generated and mapped clases). All these elements must be stored on a XML file.

We need to use a bash script under Linux to import and compile previously exported XML file (from Studio, Management Portal, or Export Script) .

Can anyone help us to develop them?
Thanks in advance!

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Hello everyone,

I'm trying to migrate the IDE for programming in COS, we normally use the Studio, but we want to use a more modern IDE. Our team has knowledge with Visual Studio plataform, but we couldn't configurate the compiler and terminal, I installed the extension InterSystems ObjectScript and tried to configurate to connect with my local machine, unfortunately the connection don't sucessed.

Someone has material for how i can connect and compile? Some material i saw show how to use the compiler, but not how can i do the configuration.

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0 1.1K

I am currently trying to add a condition to a routing rule that uses the %Source property of a routing rule. Unfortunately I am getting compile errors when I use the "%", and if I get PROPERTY DOES NOT EXIST if I try and use any of field. I have tried referencing the messages as "Message." , "Record.", "FullRecordMapClassName." , "Document." . Does anyone know how to reference the properties of a record map in a routing rule, or if it is even possible? Thanks!

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1 899

I am trying to import the SalesForce Enterprise WSDL in InterSystems Ensemble Studio using the SOAP Add-In. However, when I do so I receive a class dependency loop, Error #5316 during compilation. The WSDL is the standard WSDL provided with SalesForce and works fine in SoapUI. In the SalesForce WSDL it is allowed for an object A to include an object B as an element, while at the same time object B is allowed object A as an element. I think this is what causes the class dependency loop for InterSystems. Does anyone has any suggestion how I can circumvent this error?

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Hi all,

I was wondering if there is any way to trigger the compilation of a class based on the compilation of another (unrelated) class. For example:

Class 1 = test.class

Class 2 = test.class.type.one

Class 3 = test.class.type.two

Every time class 2 or class 3 is compiled in Studio I would like to have class 1 automatically compiled as well.

The reason I need this is because class 1 has a method with CodeMode set to objectgenerator which generates some code based on what is found in classes 2 and 3.

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0 742

Hi all!

I'm developing a mini-framework to implement annotations in Cache. I want to support two kind of annotations: metadata and method decorators. I've got stuck trying to implement the second one.


With metadata annotations I can add metadata to any kind of target. A target can be a method/classmethod, parameter, property and class.

For example:

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· May 3, 2018
Custom %ListOfDataTypes

Hi community.

I want to create a custom list inheriting %ListOfDatatypes in order to implement some methods like Map, Filter, ForEach, but I have some questions.
Just to mention, I have already read the topic about DeclarativeCOS.

When I define a property like following, caché uses %Collection.ListOfDT or %Collection.ListOfObj, as it's shown in the documentation

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When I try to compile through Atelier (Compile Project), I noticed that in compilation with error it returns this message 'Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ ...':

No additional Atelier files to synchronize.
Compile failed: Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck
Compile failed: Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck
Compile failed: Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck
Compile failed: Failed to read /api/atelier/v1/ERP/action/compile?flags=ck

1 6
0 665

Hi everyone

Is there any way to change a class definition (especifically a query definition during the compilation time)?
The idea is:
I have an abstract class with a parameter where I will define the ROWSPEC of a query and some methods to populate e temporary table
The implementation class will override the parameter, specifying the ROWSPEC of this implementation, and the methods will populate the rows in the same format as the ROWSPEC.

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0 647

Exported contents of a namespace on one server (classes, include files and lookup tables). Importing that code into a newly created namespace on another server. Both servers Ensemble 2018.1, same build. Export was via InterSystems Studio. Export is around 18Mb in total (XML file sizes).

When importing and compiling on the new server, getting errors as below - with #6301: SAX XML Parser error prominent - on a number of the imported files, all containing data transformations or business processes.

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0 646

How do I compile a file through the command line?

I am generating a very basic csp page in a bash shell, it is generating fine and displays what I want to see as long as I go into studio and compile it . This defeats my purpose of having the page and I am having no luck figuring out what I am doing wrong. I think the issue has to do with the file not being included when I compile from command line.

Ver is 2017 running RHEL 7

From command line I see

TST 3f2>DO $SYSTEM.OBJ.Compile("csp.vvmaccessnewrds","h")

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0 627

I'm looking at adding multilingual support to a couple of open source projects I'm working on. The solutions are already developed in CSP so I am not looking for alternative approaches.

I'm wondering what would be the best approach for CSP and separate JavaScript files.

Initially I was wondering if I should bake the default system language text at compile time, or provide the end user with a language selection option at run time.

I came across $$$TEXT reading the docs...

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0 550

Is the default language (i.e., $$$DefaultLanguage, which is used as the basis for localization with $$$Text/etc. at compile time) always "en" for new Caché installations, or could it be different? How is this determined? I don't see an option to select a language during Caché installation.

Also, is there a supported/preferred API for setting the default language? Looking at %occMessages.inc, one option would be:

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0 535
· Jun 21, 2016
Atelier - newbie troubles

I have just imported our Ensemble project (not a really big one, like two man-years) into my MacBook Air Ensemble 2016.3 instance to test many things (document model, etc.), Atelier among the others.

The "Production view" is not here, and I miss it.

The opening of Diagram Editor for BP is pretty hidden. I would even like having a switch, which would default to the Diagram Editor.

Anytime I click on the Open Diagram Editor, it waits for a while, ten produces an error and only then I can see the diagram.

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0 525

We're upgrading to IRIS 2020.1 from Ensemble 2018.x.

I have a lookup table class that compiles fine in Ensemble but in IRIS causes the following compilation error: "ERROR #9101: Global name 'HH.LookupLabResultsToPhysiciansD' for 'IDLocation' is too long, must be no more than 31 characters in length."

Is this length limitation a new restriction or could I have done something years ago to increase the maximum character length.



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