How do you to a lone ">" in an &html<> block?
I am using &html<> to output some CSS to my page (which is a class-based and not a tag-based page), and the selectors contain the '>' character which the compiler chokes on. How can I escape the '>' so it still displays as such in the web page source but doesn't trip up the compiler?
This is for 2012.2 btw.
You can manually escape ">" with ">". A more generic approach is to escape your CSS with ..EscapeHTML().
Note - I found a really cool feature in the latest version of Caché:
So I could use a marker of &html[<my text here>] and it should work because a single > will not a an ending bracket.
However, I am currently stuck on Caché 2012.2. Does anyone know a way to do this on an older version?
Stefan - thanks for the feedback. I originally tried > but the problem is that then it writes out to the page as exactly as > so it is not a valid CSS selector.
I need it unescaped in my CSS in order to make it valid. So is there a way to have it not break the compiler but still print out in the source as ">"?
&html< stuff here> w ">" &html <more stuff>
I like putting CSS in an XDATA block and then outputting it using AppS.Projection.CSS or using the XData definition object.
@Derek, that seems ugly.
Much nicer (well .. maybe;) ):
Well, if you want pretty... how about &html<#(">")#>
Thank you both!
Derek - Your second solution doesn't compile for some reason (that was my next try after I saw that > didn't work). Your first solution is what I had (temporarily) settled for but it put the > on a new line so it was really ugly in the source (and I wasn't sure if line breaks in CSS selectors was valid)
Fabian - your solution works very nicely, thank you!!
I just checked this on 16.2. The compiler does not complain about the ">" character in selectors: