Ease into the new year with the latest content from InterSystems Learning Services! Get info on:

  • How to get hands-on with Docker containers and InterSystems IRIS®
  • Designing healthcare productions with InterSystems IRIS for Health™
  • A new certification exam for InterSystems IRIS Core Solutions Developer Specialists
  • Improved UX with InterSystems documentation
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Having developed systems using Caché ObjectScript and Ensemble on various projects over the last 4 - 5 years I'm considering trying for some certifications. I've found details of the Caché Systems Administrator and Caché Application Developer certifications but have a couple of questions:

1) Is there a certification for Ensemble Application Developer?

2) Are any sample questions and/or practice exams available?


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Hi Team,
If any possible to add a rewards list of InterSystems cache certification to InterSystems Global Masters. For example ,developer or global master user have 10000 point as , we give any offer(price) to attend the InterSystems cache/Ensemble/IRIS certificate. So no.of developer try to attend the exam and get certification.This is very useful for developer career and we also have lot of Cache developers in the market. Please correct me, if I am wrong..

Thanks ,
Ponnumani Gurusamy.

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Hi ,
1. I will ready to write a cache Developer Certification Level1.
2. How to prepare this exam and any mock test available.
3. Where place to I will write exam . (Online as I will write a exam in my home place ).
4. Will i Complete and pass 1st level , you will provide certificate.
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· Sep 7, 2016
Cache Certification

Caché Application Developer certification:

How to I prepare developer certification of cache .What are the topics are preparing certification . Please give the topics .I will start learning of certification course .

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