Customers who switch to Caché from relational databases report that their average performance is up to 20 time faster, running on the same hardware, with no changes to the application. What is it about Caché that lets applications run so fast?

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Hi All,

I am trying to disable a button on a JQM application.

I started the button as disabled according to this code: {type:'$button',caption: Button',key:'button',disabled:true}

However, I would like to enable or disable the button via JavaScript code . I have tried the following, but it don´t have the same behavior and style as the code above.

var view = zen('mainView');

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· Jan 20, 2016
Nested Tabs on ZEN component


I'm starting to play around with dynamically creating tabs and panes from query data, and was trying to do the following, with nested tabs.

Tab Group

High level tabs

Sub Tab Group

Sub tabs from the High level tabs.

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I'm working for an organisation that is running a very old version of InterSystems Cache (5.016) which runs on AIX . The last two times we have re-booted Cache, we have encountered rollbacks. I've been asked two questions. During the rollback it was "How long is it going to take?" and after the system returned, it was "So what caused it?". My answer to both was "I don't know".

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I have written an in network single web page containing a jquery datatable. I want to add the "href" tag to link the Terminal window based on the IP.

Below is a list of failed attempts to make this work.

W " <td><a href=""javascript:pass('"_PASS_"|"_IP_"|"_USER_"|"_PORT_"')"">Terminal</a></td>"


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· Feb 12, 2016
Get columns dynamically?

In MSSQL I think you can do something like this:

select *
from HS_IHE_ATNA_Repository.COLUMNS
where TABLE_NAME=&#39;Aggregation&#39;

How can I do this in Cache SQL?

[%msg: < Table 'HS_IHE_ATNA_REPOSITORY.COLUMNS' not found>]

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I am trying to locate a method that would allow me to differentiate between InterSystems preinstalled/system namespaces and "our own" namespaces. I am interested both in Cache and Iris answers if they are different. Yes, I can list what to disregard, like if not HSLIB or if not DOCBOOK but hoping for a more universal and elegant answer.

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>/tmp/compilew.log &>/tmp/compilew.log ; tail /tmp/compilew.log

to redirect the output to the stdout. Somehow the javac has wierd behavior with the output on errors and verbose information.


i want the JAVA-Projections and wrappers to compile after Caché created the files. The creation of the files works 100%.

My addition to createProjection in our Projectionclass is following:

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· May 4, 2016
Bootstrap's $navbar

Hi, The ZEN Mojo Widget reference at ../csp/sys/%ZEN.Mojo.WidgetReference.bootstrap33xHomepage.cls is a great reference for viewing the different components available with each helper plugin - and it also supplies snippets of JSON code to use in your layout definitions.

I'm having problems with the Bootstrap $navbar component however. This is layout definition, with a navbar and button contained within the bar.:

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This is a bit weird. I'm trying to use `DATEDIFF()` to calculate the time since the last message on an interface. For some reason, when no messages are received, the number steadily decreases. This is the opposite of what should happen. Here is my current query and a few sequential result sets:

SELECT getDate() as now, max(TimeCreated) as latest, DATEDIFF (s,getdate(), max(TimeCreated)) as difference
FROM EnsLib_HL7.Message
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0 629


I ran the Cache ODBC Driver installer as Administrator on my Windows 7 PC this morning. It completed successfully with o indication of any issues. When I check installed programs and features via Win 7 Control Panel, I see it listed as Intersystems ODBC Driver 1.00.000.

However, when I try to configure the driver via Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Data Sources (ODBC), I cannot find it. The only driver listed under the Drivers Tab is SQL Server.

I am not sure how to proceed.

I appreciate any suggestions.



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· May 27, 2016 1m read
2016.2 Field Test Kit 2016.2.0.665.0

Steve Glassman is on vacation today so in his place I wanted to announce the availability of a new kit for the 2016.2 Field Test. The kit details are: 2016.2.0.665.0

There is a wide range of changes to the 2016.2 Field Test, 145 of them in total. You can find a complete listing here:

Bill McCormick

Director of Product Management

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How to get XML subtree from XPATH.DOMResult object as Stream or CacheString.

Here is my classmethod. My system receives XML message which has nested structures. The requirement is to send one message at a time to the destination. I have created the XPATH document and used EvaluateExpression method and which returns XML.XPATH.Result of type DOM. I am able to read the dom and get value of the element and its text. But I am looking to send back the subtree.


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Hello Fellow Cache Developers:

Has anyone ever created an index on values of a list property? If so, would you be willing to share an example?

Also, feel free to offer input and suggestions regarding use of indexes on List values.

Here is my database scenario:

Parent Class:

PropertyA - %String

PropertyB - %Integer

Child Class:

PropertyC - %Integer

PropertyD - list of %Integer

Data illustration:

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· Sep 15, 2016

Hi All,Cache is not starting ,I checked the cconsole log it is showing the below error.
The following parameters are missing from section [Journal]: '2,12' at line 143,but i checked in last cpf file,
In cpf file consist of that particular line

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