I'm currently re-engineering an application from CSP pages directly accessing COS Methods, to an Angular/Material front end accessing a REST DAL. Both the Angular front end and REST services are hosted from the same Caché instance and the same namespace, but the REST services have their own CSP application, with all calls being routed through a Dispatch class.

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I have a user with %All, and a user with %Admin_Task. The %All user can use SQL to view the %SYS_Task.HIstory table. The user with %Admin_Task does not have the privileges to see the same table.

What priv (or privs) is (or are) needed to view the %SYS_Task.History table? I just want to start with 'Select * from %SYS_Task.History'.

I've tried %Admin_Manage and %Admin_Operate. I must be close.



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I have a stored procedure which would generate a standard Cache String and it would be called through JDBC and I would

dump the result in java console/standard output.

What kind of characters should I use in COS so when output get send back to Java side, it knows it contains new line character ?

Thank for your help.

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0 512

I am trying to return the maximum of the value of 2 fields: LastViewed and LastDownloaded AS a local variable -LastAccessed for each row, using a SQL query . These values are stored as $ H format. Is there an existing SQL command that compares two column values ? I could not find one, so I tried using a $Select statement . I got an error that said A term expected beginning with either of: identifier, constant, aggregate, $$,(,:,+....)

Here is the SQL Query I am trying to run:-

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I am exploring a simple restore procedure for a Cache instance and would really appreciate any help.

Basically, I have a CentOS machine with a Cache instance and let us say I backed up all the mount points where Cache data is located (install dir, DAT files, journals, WIJ etc). On another identical machine (without Cache installed), I mounted all these file systems exactly using the same mount points so all the data is back with the same paths.

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Hi All -

I was wondering if the below query could be enhanced to automatically look back 24 hours from the current datetime the query is run. As is now I, of course, have to update the date range in the WHERE clause manually.

The query is just getting all MessageBodyClassNames, counting them and then doing an AVG on TimeCreated and TimeProcessed. Nothing too complex.

SELECT MessageBodyClassName, count(ID) as Count_Of_Messages, avg(datediff(ss, TimeCreated, TimeProcessed)) as avg_processing_time_in_seconds

FROM %PARALLEL Ens.MessageHeader

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I am wondering if there is a way I can change the GUID of an instance. The use case is that I am restoring from a backup on an alternate host and start the instance there. However, the restored instance ends up with same GUID as that of source. Is there a way I can tell this newly restored instance to use a different GUID?



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What is a correct way to pass parameters to the %CONTAINS in embedded SQL statement when searching thru %Text property?

s sp="child,health"





is not the same as executing the following in the SQL Manager

SELECT ID FROM ICD WHERE Name %CONTAINS ('child','health')

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· May 13, 2017
IKNOW concepts

Hi Team,

I am interesting to learn IKNOW concepts in Cache.Will need your guidance.

I. What is iKnow.

ii. Where we are using Iknow(Real time example)

iii. How to we work on iKnow(Did any tools Need?)

iv. Please give notes and articals

Thanks ,

Ponnumani Gurusmay

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I am trying to support a use case where a test instance is created from a production backup. At a high level, the process works by mounting all relevant file systems and then bringing the instance up. This works well as long as the file systems are mounted using same mount points as the source instance. However, I would like to support a case where file systems are mounted using different paths.

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· Jun 14, 2017
SQL Query for Range


I have a question related to running an SQL query for range of data.

I am running a query like:

Select A,B from table_name where A>=12345 AND A<=12390

- Where A and B are my two of the properties under the mentioned table/class definition

- A is an integer property

Question: The result of the above query does not return me all the values between the mentioned range of integer though I do have all the values in that range. I see that some of the values are missing in result.

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I've got a Service that get ACK Messages originated by another system.

I want to get the details of a Message when the ACK is CE (Failed Message).

I don't know whether this is the best approach but, at the moment, I have a DTL and I would like to search the Cache Database for a Message with the Control ID on the ACK in the MSA segment.

Any help with this would be great.


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· Jul 26, 2017
Crystal_Report with Caché

Hi All,
I tried to connect Crystal report with Cache 5.0 Its Show Crystal Report error as "The report you requested requires further information."
How to resolve the issue in C#.

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I need to check if one class is a subclass of another (either direct or indirect).

For example:

Class Package.ClassA Extends %Library.Persistent

Class Package.ClassB Extends Package.ClassA 

Class Package.ClassC Extends Package.ClassB

In this example Package.ClassC is a subclass of 3 classes: %Library.Persistent, Package.ClassA, Package.ClassB.

So any of these checks should return 1:

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