While the integrity of Caché and InterSystems IRIS databases is completely protected from the consequences of system failure, physical storage devices do fail in ways that corrupt the data they store. For that reason, many sites choose to run regular database integrity checks, particularly in coordination with backups to validate that a given backup could be relied upon in a disaster.

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· Jan 14, 2021
Page break - Zen Report

I have two tables in a row in my report, but if the first table gets too big to the point that tables 1 and 2 don't fit on the page, the page breaks.

The problem is that the page break is happening in the middle of table 2 and I wanted the page to break and leave table 2 on the second page.

No table grows to the point of occupying more than one page alone.

Any tips on how to guarantee this?

Remembering that the reports were made using Zen Report.

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· Jan 13, 2021
Handling Errors

I have a case where our EMR is sending data, but not all the values needed for the Ancillary are valued properly and causes that message to error/halt processing on the Ancillary system, not ideal but its what they do. I would expect them to still process the message except that 1 field, but they don't.

I want to add validation to make sure certain fields are valued correctly for the Vendor.

So I add some statements to take those items that don't pass this validation out to a batch file with headers.

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· Jan 14, 2021
Saving image data from csp

I created a csp that will capture image data from a html canvas element. I created a button element to save the contents as a dataURL string from jpeg and make a server call.

the string is too long

I would appreciate any suggestions in saving the data into the server, currently just a global.

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· Jan 15, 2021
Multiple servers or CSPGateways

Hello to you all,

Strange titel, so I'll explain better:

I now have IIS-server with a CSPGateway installed. This works fine. But I want to use a rest-service (or another zen-page, whatever.) on another cache-server

So on IIS i have an application called CSP. (/csp) This contains the handler to map it to the CSPGateway.
It has been configured to acces a cache-server (X) which will handle the request. But now I want, in this case, the request to be executed on another cache-server(Y).

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0 266

I would like to examine the contents of my OBX-5 field and not route the message if it contains alphabetic characters. I've tried various combinations of the Match and Contains functions, with no luck. Should I be using the COS ? operator or plaini regular expressions?


OBX-5 Contains "\D"

OBX-5 Contains "?.A"

OBX-5 Contains "[A-Z]"

0 17
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Does anybody know if there is an easy way to know if the execution of the command $System.SQL.PurgeForTable went well/wrong?

The documentation describes that a string is returned, but in fact there is a nice Quit "" in the code.

Maybe inside PurgeForTable^%apiSQL there is any process variable set when it goes well/wrong?

Thank you very much!

0 5
0 199

Hi all,
By using VS code, I want to copy multiple files to local directory, then sync them to server, but I can't find where local directory is stored?
In Atelier IDE, I could open a view of server and can copy the code to the project, then code is saved in the local directory. When I copy multiple files to the local directory -> choose sync in Atelier -> the code will be synchronized to the server
How to do this from VS Code?

0 14
0 778

Index to Articles

Hi All

It's been 6 weeks since my original article sad
- - - - -but I have been busy on this project

I have been looking at/thinking about a replacement for ZEN for around 12 months but only really started in depth 4 months ago.
Also been in IT for long enough that I can "get a feel" for a product/technology and make decisions accordingly without going into great detail.
Any new technology has a learning curve and I don't want to waste time and effort on something that won't fly.
And, as always, I am looking to minimise the learning curve as I want to concentrate on delivering business benefit.

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1 943

We've our Cache running on Windows 2012 Server, but I've a Macbook Pro. Earlier I was using Miscrosoft Remote Desktop 8, to remote into our Windows server & everything worked.

Since version 8 is discontinued, I installed Microsoft Remote Desktop 10.5, which works for everything except starting Terminal.

I get error 'NTI Connection Error'

(287) Error writing to Pipe
Reason: (998) Invalid Access to Memory Location.

If I do remote desktop from Windows machine (using same credentials), it works.

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· Sep 10, 2020 3m read
How To Create "Write-Only" Code

One of the leading benefits of ObjectScript is the speed and efficiency it allows for an experienced developer. Let's look at an example of how you can benefit from ObjectScript today.

Suppose you have a class that stores the names of your users. We'll call the class Data.User, and give it a string property Name. Next, we will need a method to create a new user or update an existing one. A naive, simplistic approach might look like this example:

6 10
0 631

Given a complex method flagged with [ SqlProc ] so it is available as an SQL stored procedure, what's the best way to report a non-system error detected in that method - say, for example, an error %Status - so that the SQL query calling it fails descriptively? Is it best to create and throw an exception, or are there special % variables involved (like in a trigger)? I haven't been able to find an answer in the documentation.

Thanks in advance!

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· Jan 10, 2021
Cashe-SQL cursor

the report generates statics for each ward and i want to divide specific ward 5c into two wards, the first 12 beds are for 5c - pediatric and the last 12 beds are for 5c-adults.

the report takes input from the user by selecting the wards so if the user chooses 5c, the report should show 2 wards.

the report declare cursor at the begining so how can i divide the ward.

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0 254


The question is about queries on the System->SQL page. I have a class with a few columns on a global and the test output looks as expected, below. This works as expected as well returning a single row: select * from Utils.RoutineAuditReport where counter=4. However, other columns give an odd error like " Field 'AG' not found in the applicable tables^ SELECT * FROM Utils . RoutineAuditReport WHERE UserR = "AG". As you can see below, both the UserR column and the AG entry in it do exist. What could be the problem?

Thanks in advance,

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0 190

Hello to all,

I'm trying to post some form data from a form I made in React to the backend of cache fetching a REST-service.
Receiving and processing a JSON-object is no problem but how can I handle Form Data?

The frontend is sending the form as form data and also includes one or more files.

What is the easiest way to process this data in my REST.Broker- class?

Best regards,


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We are using Native .NET API from IRISProviderCore21 package, inside .NET Core app, and having issue when trying to call function that takes instance of the class as parameter. The server is IRIS 2020.

In a nutshell, the code looks like this:

// Create instance of the parameter class, proxy object

var paramObject = iris.ClassMethodObject("MyParameterClass", "%New") as IRISObject;

paramObject.Set("property", "value");

0 2
0 237

We have a custom FTP Service , and custom FTP adapter . Customization is just to find a duplicate file and for giving specific dynamic file spec pattern.
While running and polling for files, we are getting this error. Could you please help ? What's the issue and how to resolve it ?

ERROR <Ens>ErrFTPListFailed: FTP: Failed List for <FileName> (msg='Cache error in 'readResponse': <READ>zreadResponse+4^%Net.FtpSession.1',code=426)

0 1
0 373

I searched to see if there was a previous question on this, but I didn't quite find anything. Please link if you think this has been answered before (I have a feeling it has): what are the barriers to source control using Cache 2018 and Studio?

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Hi All,

In earlier cache version, I can see full data values in SQL management portal.

But IRIS restricted the view only to 100 chars.

"If the data in a field is longer than 100 characters, the first 100 characters of the data are displayed followed by an ellipsis (...) indicating additional data." - From Documentation.

Is there a way to change this behavior ? I would like to see all the values in the particular SQL field.

Thanks in advance,

Archunan K

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